Browsing Philosophische Fakultät by Referee "Kuhlmann, Peter Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Latein als Medium sprachlichen Handelns in Ciceros Briefen an Terentia
(2020-12-02)On the basis of a pragmalinguistic or speech-act-theoretical approach, it is demonstrated, using CIC. fam. 14, how Latin worked practically as a medium of (written) linguistic action.
For this purpose three ...
Hält sie, was sie verspricht? Induktive Grammatikeinführung in der Spracherwerbsphase des Lateinunterrichts aus empirischer Sicht
(2015-08-11)Induction and deduction are the two main principles of introducing new Latin-grammar to high school students. Traditionally, there is a consensus in didactics which states that the inductive method is superior to the ... -
Von Tyche verfolgt, von Eros gehasst: Schicksalsmächte und die Macht der Liebe in Charitons
(2012-09-26)As it is characteristic of the genre as a whole, the lovestory „Chaireas and Callirhoe“ – the oldest extant ancient Greek novel, written by Chariton of Aprodisias about 100 AD – features a highly indidvidual „Götterapparat“: ... -
Rezeption Witold Gombrowiczs im Spiegel der deutschsprachigen Literatur- und Theaterkritik
(2007-05-02)No one is as concerned about Witold Gombrowicz (1904-1969) in the German-speaking area as the German press. In the period ranging from 1960-2005 altogether 283 works of fiction were published ...