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Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Rezeption Witold Gombrowiczs im Spiegel der deutschsprachigen Literatur- und Theaterkritik 

      Marx, Agnieszka (2007-05-02)
      No one is as concerned about Witold Gombrowicz (1904-1969) in the German-speaking area as the German press. In the period ranging from 1960-2005 altogether 283 works of fiction were published ...
    • Unverdaute Trauer 

      Bourger, Désirée (2006-01-06)
      The study attends to the most important plays of the extensive works of the playwright and director George Tabori. The title Unverdaute Trauer (Undigested Mourning) quotes a programmatic ...
    • Von der Gastarbeit zur Identitätsarbeit 

      Dayioglu-Yücel, Yasemin (2005-09-28)
      Migration literature is often analyzed with a focus on identity, while the aspect of integrity finds no consideration. But certain parts of one`s identity start playing a dominat role when ...
    • Ein Heer ist ein großes gefräßiges Tier 

      Römling, Michael (2002-01-16)
      The thesis describes every day´s life during the war in Italy from the joining of Spain to the league of Cambrai in 1509 until the end of the war against Florence in 1530. It does not focus ...