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Now showing items 1-13 of 13

    • Die Poetologie des Zweifels 

      Schlichting, Julia Kanchana (2022-08-01)
      Research on Günter Grass has so far focused mainly on his early works and the Danzig Trilogy. Much less attention has been directed at his late works and their unifying aspects. Yet Grass himself designated three of his ...
    • Phantasma Indien 

      Otte, Merle (2022-01-04)
      Around 1800, the newly discovered ancient Indian culture attracted a great deal of attention, especially in German-speaking countries, and led to various reactions. But contemporary India also continued to be of interest. ...
    • Does the medium matter? Digital vs. paper reading for leisure and foreign language learning 

      Sorrentino, Pasqualina (2021-06-15)
      In the last two decades more and more researches were dedicated to the impact of new technology on our everyday life, our learning processes, our reading activities. Digitization become an umbrella term to cover this change. ...
    • Serialität der Romanhefte 

      Lorenz, Björn (2020-08-07)
      German dime novels (in German: Romanhefte) are a rare opportunity for scholars of German literature, to study their serial narrative forms and variants. In the past the German research only focused on the didactically and ...
    • Measuring metadata quality 

      Király, Péter (2019-07-26)
      In the last 15 years different aspects of metadata quality have been investigated. Researchers measured the established metrics on a variety of metadata collections. One common aspect of the majority of these research ...
    • It's all about suspense 

      Riese, Katrin (2017-05-30)
      Suspense is widely used by the arts in general and by literature in particular to attract readers and spectators. However, for contemporary rhetoric, aesthetics and literary theory suspense is only of minor interest, while ...
    • Von neuen Ufern - Mobile Selbst- und Weltbilder in ausgewählten Texten der neueren deutschsprachigen Migrationsliteratur 

      Meixner, Andrea (2016-06-27)
      In this dissertation, I aim to analyse the literary depiction of mobility and migration in recent German prose fiction, focusing on eight novels which all describe migrations between various south-eastern European countries ...
    • Discourse Comprehension in L1 and L2 

      Kohlstedt, Tatiana (2015-02-09)
      The present dissertation contributes to the research on bilingual language processing by investigating the influence of increasing discourse context on the semantic processing of words by advanced learners of German (L2) ...
    • Die institutionelle Herangehensweise an Kunst 

      Popov, Ivan (2014-01-30)
      The text deals with the origins of the so called "institutional" approach to contemporary art and reconstructs its ties with the philosophical tradition of American Pragmatism. A secial attention is dedicated to the ...
    • Das bedingte Selbst 

      Neuschäfer, Markus (2013-07-09)
      On the basis of recent German texts between 2002 and 2010, the dissertation analyzes typical motive structures and thematical patterns of contemporary generational novels. Family and self-realization are often depicted as ...
    • Das Buch im Buch. Untersuchungen zu einem Motiv in der gegenwärtigen literarischen Kommunikation 

      Bayer-Schur, Barbara (2011-12-06)
      The position of the book as key cultural communication medium has been surrendered to electronic and digital media. However, this break with traditional media has been the catalyst for a ...
    • Leseverstehen als Ausgangspunkt für die Entwicklung der Ausdrucks- und Schreibfertigkeiten 

      Zatsepina, Nataliya (2009-09-03)
      The theoretical part of this scientific work is based on two foundations: Firstly, the results of the research of Walter Kintsch and Teun van Dijk, two experts in cognitive psychology, regarding the reading process on the ...
    • Zur Darstellung künstlerischer Existenz in Thomas Manns frühen Erzählungen Der kleine Herr Friedemann, Schwere Stunde und Das Wunderkind. 

      Srichai, Sunthorn (2009-03-31)
      The term "genius", used in the German tradition of genius or the history of literature, is in Thomas Mann"s three small novells "Der kleine Herr Friedemann", "Schwere Stunde" and "Das ...