Browsing Philosophische Fakultät by Referee "Rexroth, Frank Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Die Pest in Augsburg um 1500. Die soziale Konstruktion einer Krankheit
(2019-05-02)The primary claim of my doctoral dissertation is that the development of the urban policies against the recurrent epidemics of the plague had simultaneously engendered the social construction of the plague as a disease, ... -
Et poetis ipsis necessarium argentum / Humanistische Selbstdarstellungsstratgein auf dem Konzil von Konstanz
(2017-04-04)In my dissertation, I analyse humanist self-fashioning strategies through 15th-century examples. The examples discussed can be tied to the Council of Constance as a historical event. My aim is the analysis of the representation ... -
Ein Heer ist ein großes gefräßiges Tier
(2002-01-16)The thesis describes every day´s life during the war in Italy from the joining of Spain to the league of Cambrai in 1509 until the end of the war against Florence in 1530. It does not focus ...