Browsing Philosophische Fakultät by Referee "Warncke, Carsten-Peter Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach. Sammler – Stifter – Wissenschaftler
(2020-05-27)The present treatise deals with the patrician Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach from Frankfurt, who lived from 1686 to 1769. This man and his collection with various focal points such as graphics, painting, sculpture, but ... -
Visuelle Bekenntnisse. Die bildliche Ausstattung Schaumburger Dorfkirchen und ihre vor- und nachreformatorische Botschaft
(2017-10-25)The efforts to renew the church structures, which began in the early sixteenth century, had serious consequences, for, at the end of the twentieth century, two different confessions emerged. Without question, this religious ... -
Kelche der ausgehenden Romanik bis zur Spätgotik
(2017-05-02)The design of medieval chalices is characterised by continuous change. The present study examines the formal design and figural decoration of middle-european chalices from 1200-1525. On the basis of 380 figural decorated ... -
Verhüllung als Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert
(2015-05-06)The present dissertation discusses the phenomenon of “veiling as art form" looking at pieces of art by Man Ray, Maurice Henry, Allan Kaprow, Joseph Beuys, Bruce Nauman, Franz Erhard Walther, Antoni Tapies, Joseph Kosuth, ... -
Zwischen Selbstbefragung und Kommerzialisierung
(2009-11-30)The study examines the self-conception of fashion photographers between commercial popular culture and high art in the 20th and beginning 21st centuries. The subject-matter of self-portraits ... -
Die Selbstmörderin als Tugendheldin
(2009-08-07)The aestheticising and erotically charged representation of female self-murderers became well known as beautiful death as a theme in 19th century art and literature. This theme has recently ... -
Der hoch- und spätromanische Bauschmuck des Naumburger Domes im Zusammenhang der Baugeschichte
(2002-03-13)In the last decades of the 12th century the splendid Romanesque crypt was integrated in the choir of the early Romanesque Naumburg cathedral. In the first third of the 13th century the eastern parts of the building and the ... -
Studien zur Komposition in ausgewählten Werken Rembrandts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Links-Rechts -Problematik
(2001-03-22)The present study investigates the impression of a composition on the viewer through the aspect of laterality. The asymmetry of the visual perception is discussed which originates from the ...