Browsing Philosophische Fakultät by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 276
A Comparative Study of the Origins of Chinese and Mesoamerican Writing
(2024-02-27)This comparative study is aiming at exploring the nature, origins, circumstances, and factors affecting the origin, of early writing systems in China and Mesoamerica. It focuses on the following aspects relating to the ... -
A grammar of Gawraǰū Gūrānī
(2018-10-01)This study is a detailed grammatical description of the Gūrānī language as used in the village of Gawraǰū, located near the town of Gahvāre in the province of Kermānšāh, Iran. Gūrānī is genetically classified as a North-West ... -
A Study in Industrial Health: Coal Miners in Eastern India, 1890s-1952
(2017-10-11)Research Approach: My work fuses the major themes of the labour historiography of India as well as the history of health and technology. I propose to discuss the major themes of labour history like the nature of labour ... -
A World through Words: Dengbêjî, Kilam, and Collective Memory
(2023-11-17)This dissertation analyzes aspects of the dengbêjî tradition among Kurdish-Kurmanj communities in the context of collective memory. It argues that dengbêjî is a means of preserving a considerable number of narratives in ... -
Abhängige Sätze in einem fragebasierten Diskursmodell
(2015-01-20)In this thesis, different types of dependent clauses will be investigated with respect to their behavior in a question-driven discourse model. It will be argued that one group of dependent clauses is conventionally marked ... -
Acquisition of Sentential Negation and Negative Concord
(2024-02-05)It has been shown in this thesis that the expression of negation in children’s naturalistic spoken speech is adult-like to an maximum extent (with 97% ratio of correct and grammatical expression). If a language exhibits ... -
Alexandri de figuris sententiarum et verborum
(2004-05-21)The new Edition of De figuris sententiarum et verborum of Alexander is divided grosso modo in two parts. The first part is the preface, which explains the autor Alexander Numeniu, the work De figuris, the history of ... -
Die alttürkische Xuanzang-Biographie IX.
(2012-07-18)The Old Turkic Xuanzang Biograpy IX The present study is an annotated translation of the IXth chapter of the Xuanzang Biography (= XB) in Old Turkic. The XB was translated from Chinese into Old Turkic at the end of 10th ... -
Der Amateurfilm
(2002-04-02) -
An Analysis of Pseudoclefts and Specificational Clauses in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar
(2009-08-10)This dissertation is concerned with a class of copular clauses known as pseudocleft clauses, with related constructions, and with specificational copular structures in general. The aim is a ... -
Anaphoric Dependencies in Spanish and European Portuguese: A Minimalist Analysis
(2020-09-08)This thesis elaborates on a Minimalist, Agree-based analysis of the lexical and morphosyntactic factors that constrain sentence-internal anaphoric relations in the standard varieties of Peninsular/Castilian Spanish and ... -
"Aquí me río de las modas"
(2007-09-19)The purpose of this work is to study the narrative works of the Argentine author Copi (1939-1987), mostly written in French, from a narratological point of view. On it it i possible t etect procedures of the so ... -
Arbeitsorganisation, Produktionsverfahren und Werktechnik -
(2005-05-25)Joseph-Étienne Gautier and Gustave Jéquier discovered a cachette of ten seated statues of esostri I (CG 411- CG 420 at Lisht o ecember 21st 1894 find was not subjec historical examination ... -
Architektonischer und liturgischer Dekor im spätantiken Segobriga
(2024-04-19)This thesis is the first to examine and monographically present the architectural and liturgical elements dating from the 4th to 7th centuries AD from Segobriga (Saelices, Spain). Comprising more than 270 late antique ... -
Arguments and Adjuncts at the Syntax-Semantics Interface
(2010-07-28)In this dissertation, a syntax-semantics interface for Neo-Davidsonian Event Semantics is developed, which provides a compositional mechanism free of variables and lambda abstraction and ... -
Auf dem Weg zur Landesuniversität
(1999) -
Auf den Spuren von Yrjö Wichmann. Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Moldauer Tschangos
(2008-10-24)The Moldavian Csángós are an archaic, Hungarian ethnic group living in Moldavia, an eastern province of Romania. The present thesis consists (now) of two main parts: The first main part ... -
Auseinandersetzungen um Gewerbereformen und um die Einführung der Gewerbefreiheit im Königreich Hannover
(2002-09-26)This dissertation is about the developement of the trade law in the Kingdom of Hannover and how it was received in the public. The named state was founded 1813 including the former electorate ... -
Die Aushandlung von Zugehörigkeit und Differenz im Geschichtsunterricht
(2020-03-04)The study explores the significance of history for the enculturation and subjectification of the individual into society, and the production of social reality in the context of history lessons in school. Based on a ... -
Die Bedeutung der Schule für die 'Heimatfront' im Ersten Weltkrieg
(2010-09-30)This dissertation examines how German schools contributed to important activities of the "home front" during World War I. In addition to collections, support services, purchase and sale ...