Philosophische Fakultät
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Philologie [126]
Recent Submissions
Positionings in Diaspora Space
(2025-01-31)This study examines the works of four British women poets of South Asian descent—Imtiaz Dharker, Moniza Alvi, Raman Mundair, and Shamshad Khan—within the socio-historical context of early 21st-century Britain. It investigates ... -
On the Earliest Persian Manuscript of the First Gospel
(2025-01-23)The dissertation investigates the textual genealogy of codex Vat. pers. 4, the earliest Persian manuscript of the Gospel of Matthew, copied in 1312. The dissertation includes a detailed introduction to the codex and its ... -
Gelebte Hybridität: Das Benediktinerkloster St. Michaelis zu Lüneburg und die Herausforderungen des 16. Jahrhunderts
(2024-12-13)The St. Michaelis Monastery in Lüneburg continued to exist as a Lutheran men's monastery in the 16th century. The monastery was exposed to immense political, economic and religious pressure. This work examines the extent ... -
Die chinesischen Klassiker in Zeiten der Historisierung. Drei Gelehrte aus Sichuan und ihre Begegnung mit der Moderne.
(2024-12-05)Modernity is underlined by a new notion of time, which can be described as linear and progressive. This notion of time marks and provokes the continuous breakup between the past, present and future, which may be defined ... -
Was hat die Wissenschaft mit dem Leben zu tun? – Konkurrierende Wissenschaftsauffassungen am Beispiel der Rezeption der Lebensphilosophie im China der 1920er-Jahre
(2024-11-14)This dissertation examines how Chinese intellectuals in the 1920s reflected on the relationship between science and life through the reception of Lebensphilosophie (particularly the philosophies of Rudolf Eucken and Hans ... -
Zwischen Tradition und Wandel
(2024-10-14)The subject of the previous work was to shed light on the transition from the Late Neolithic to the Bronze Age in the North German Lowlands of Lower Saxony. Particular attention was paid to the settlements and especially ... -
Luise Mejer. Briefe 1778 bis 1786
(2024-10-08)Letters from Luise Justine Mejer (1746-1786) to her friend Charlotte Sophie Henriette Kestner, née Buff (1753-1828) and others. With an introduction and annotations. Supplement to Mejer's extensive correspondence with her ... -
Zeichnerische und druckgrafische Zeugnisse einer wissenschaftlichen (Lehr-)Praxis.
(2024-09-26)The so-called 'Osiandermappe' is a collection of drawings, prints and documents from the estate of Friedrich Benjamin Osiander (1759-1822), who was professor of gynaecology and obstetrics and director of the ‘Königliche ... -
Gewalt gegen syrische Frauen: Eine Feldstudie über die Lebensverhältnisse der syrischen Frauen im Flüchtlingslager Zaatari in Al-Mafrag, Jordanien
(2024-08-09)This Chapter analyzes the living conditions of female Syrian refugees at the largest camp in this world “Zaatari” from a gender perspective, specifically addressing the violence towards women. This research discusses the ... -
Zum Wandel des Priesterbildes im römerzeitlichen Ägypten
(2024-08-07)This dissertation is an interdisciplinary analysis of the traditional priests in Roman Egypt, with a focus on the first centuries, the imperial period. The underlying question is whether the priests as ritual experts ... -
Pluralizing Entities and Events in Yucatec Maya
(2024-06-24)The central topic of this dissertation is the grammatical marking of semantically plural entities and events by means of suffixation in Yucatec Maya, a Mayan language spoken primarily in Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. The ... -
Hip Hop’s Organic Pedagogues
(2024-06-20)The book explores Hip Hop activism in social work, education, and political movements in New York and Dakar. Based on 40 interviews, and ethnographic fieldwork, the author identifies three types of Hip Hop activists: Organic ... -
de molle et douce conversation. Zur Metaphorik der verweichlichten Männlichkeit in der Sprachreflexion der französischen Renaissance.
(2024-04-19)French humanists, as soon as they think about languages in a comparative way, are haunted by the inadequacy of their language. This haunting is expressed through a precise and recurrent metaphor, that compares the proper ... -
Architektonischer und liturgischer Dekor im spätantiken Segobriga
(2024-04-19)This thesis is the first to examine and monographically present the architectural and liturgical elements dating from the 4th to 7th centuries AD from Segobriga (Saelices, Spain). Comprising more than 270 late antique ... -
Presuppositions at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface
(2024-03-11)While in traditional semantic accounts, presuppositions are widely accepted to be conceptualized as truth value preconditions, in most pragmatic accounts, they are considered to be a set of information that is normally or ... -
A Comparative Study of the Origins of Chinese and Mesoamerican Writing
(2024-02-27)This comparative study is aiming at exploring the nature, origins, circumstances, and factors affecting the origin, of early writing systems in China and Mesoamerica. It focuses on the following aspects relating to the ... -
Rassismuskritische Politisierungen als agentielles Werden
(2024-02-16)At the interface between academia and the anti-racist movement, this study deals from a critical ›white‹ perspective with the question of how people come to engage in racism criticism and how these politicization processes ... -
Acquisition of Sentential Negation and Negative Concord
(2024-02-05)It has been shown in this thesis that the expression of negation in children’s naturalistic spoken speech is adult-like to an maximum extent (with 97% ratio of correct and grammatical expression). If a language exhibits ... -
Optimal Clitic Positioning in Czech and Beyond
(2024-01-29)This thesis treats the placement of clitics in Czech from a constraint-based perspective. After having established the set of unambiguous second-position clitics in the language, the placement patterns and their interaction ... -
Differential Subject Marking in Georgian
(2024-01-18)This thesis presents a novel account on Differential Subject Marking (DSM) in Georgian based on the current progress in minimalist syntax. It is an original contribution to a highly complex problem in Georgian Syntax and ...