Die Sammlung enthält Arbeiten aus den Bereichen

  • Deutsche Philologie
  • Englische Philologie
  • Klassische Philologie
  • Lateinische Philologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit
  • Romanische Philologie
  • Slavische Philologie
  • Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar
  • Asien und Afrika - Die Orientwissenschaftlichen Fächer
  • Ägyptologie und Koptologie
  • Altorientalistik
  • Arabistik/Islamwissenschaft
  • Finnisch-Ugrisches Seminar
  • Indologie und Tibetologie
  • Iranistik
  • Ostasiatisches Seminar
  • Skandinavisches Seminar
  • Turkologie und Zentralasienkunde

Recent Submissions

  • Positionings in Diaspora Space 

    Lehmann, Sonja (2025-01-31)
    This study examines the works of four British women poets of South Asian descent—Imtiaz Dharker, Moniza Alvi, Raman Mundair, and Shamshad Khan—within the socio-historical context of early 21st-century Britain. It investigates ...
  • On the Earliest Persian Manuscript of the First Gospel 

    Balaeilangroudi, Ali (2025-01-23)
    The dissertation investigates the textual genealogy of codex Vat. pers. 4, the earliest Persian manuscript of the Gospel of Matthew, copied in 1312. The dissertation includes a detailed introduction to the codex and its ...
  • Luise Mejer. Briefe 1778 bis 1786 

    Egger, Johanna (2024-10-08)
    Letters from Luise Justine Mejer (1746-1786) to her friend Charlotte Sophie Henriette Kestner, née Buff (1753-1828) and others. With an introduction and annotations. Supplement to Mejer's extensive correspondence with her ...
  • Pluralizing Entities and Events in Yucatec Maya 

    Yu, Yidong (2024-06-24)
    The central topic of this dissertation is the grammatical marking of semantically plural entities and events by means of suffixation in Yucatec Maya, a Mayan language spoken primarily in Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. The ...
  • de molle et douce conversation. Zur Metaphorik der verweichlichten Männlichkeit in der Sprachreflexion der französischen Renaissance. 

    Baur, Freya (2024-04-19)
    French humanists, as soon as they think about languages in a comparative way, are haunted by the inadequacy of their language. This haunting is expressed through a precise and recurrent metaphor, that compares the proper ...
  • Presuppositions at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface 

    Chen, Yuqiu (2024-03-11)
    While in traditional semantic accounts, presuppositions are widely accepted to be conceptualized as truth value preconditions, in most pragmatic accounts, they are considered to be a set of information that is normally or ...
  • A Comparative Study of the Origins of Chinese and Mesoamerican Writing 

    Jin, Yang (2024-02-27)
    This comparative study is aiming at exploring the nature, origins, circumstances, and factors affecting the origin, of early writing systems in China and Mesoamerica. It focuses on the following aspects relating to the ...
  • Optimal Clitic Positioning in Czech and Beyond 

    Adam, Nina (2024-01-29)
    This thesis treats the placement of clitics in Czech from a constraint-based perspective. After having established the set of unambiguous second-position clitics in the language, the placement patterns and their interaction ...
  • Differential Subject Marking in Georgian 

    Berikashvili, Svetlana (2024-01-18)
    This thesis presents a novel account on Differential Subject Marking (DSM) in Georgian based on the current progress in minimalist syntax. It is an original contribution to a highly complex problem in Georgian Syntax and ...
  • Providence Island Sign Language in Interaction 

    Omardeen, Rehana (2023-12-15)
    This dissertation examines sign language in interaction in a small Caribbean community. Providence Island Sign Language, used among deaf and hearing residents of in Providence, Colombia (Spanish: Providencia), has been ...
  • Expertise vermitteln. Das Bezugssystem der Lerndimensionen. 

    Schäfers, Frerk (2023-12-04)
    This dissertation investigates in which way teaching expertise and professional practise can be transmitted through out conversation management in learning interactions. Follow-up discussions in traineeship for teacher ...
  • A World through Words: Dengbêjî, Kilam, and Collective Memory 

    Darati, Sayid R (2023-11-17)
    This dissertation analyzes aspects of the dengbêjî tradition among Kurdish-Kurmanj communities in the context of collective memory. It argues that dengbêjî is a means of preserving a considerable number of narratives in ...
  • Novela chilena, mercado editorial transnacional y configuración del capital cultural en el campo literario del siglo XXI 

    Vega Neira, Ricardo (2023-07-28)
    The following doctoral thesis addresses the relationship between the transnational publishing market in Spanish and the development of a national literature, in this case focusing on the Chilean novel narrative of the late ...
  • Freedom and Desire: From Mute to #Me Too. An Aftermath of Nabokov’s Lolita in the 21 st Century. 

    Berg, Genia (2023-07-13)
    Nabokov’s novel Lolita was published in the middle of the 20th century, almost 70 years ago. In this work, I would like to trace how its critical perception has changed due to the #MeToo phenomenon of the 21st ...
  • Grenzfälle der Fiktionalität 

    Pahlke, Alexander Florian (2023-02-23)
    We repeatedly encounter fictional texts both within and outside literary studies. However, such texts often do not seem to be purely fictional, but contain borrowings from reality or even (supposedly) non-fictional elements. ...
  • Schöpfungsgeschichte und Sintflut in vorbiblischen Quellen, Bibel und Koran: Eine vergleichende Lektüre 

    Hajbakri, Abdulghani (2022-09-14)
    Creation story and Flood narrative in different cultures
  • The impact of verb type on word order in German Sign Language 

    Proske, Sina (2022-08-11)
    Word order is one of the best studied and most discussed issues in spoken and sign language linguistics. Therefore, it is stunning that there is yet no broader empirical investigation of word order phenomena in German Sign ...
  • Die Poetologie des Zweifels 

    Schlichting, Julia Kanchana (2022-08-01)
    Research on Günter Grass has so far focused mainly on his early works and the Danzig Trilogy. Much less attention has been directed at his late works and their unifying aspects. Yet Grass himself designated three of his ...
  • The features of binding and person licensing 

    Raynaud, Louise (2022-07-20)
    This thesis is concerned with the features that underlie the syntax of reflexive binding and person licensing, addressing two competing analyses within Agree-based frameworks, namely φ-feature-based and referential-feature-based ...
  • Subjektkonstitution als spezifisches Merkmal des deutschen bürgerlichen Trauerspiels 

    Fehr, Milena (2022-07-19)
    The thesis deals with the genre of the German domestic tragedy. It is based on a scale of figur development from the literarily defined type via the individual to the self-reflective subject. These categories are closely ...

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