Philosophisches Seminar
Diese Sammlung erfasst Arbeiten aus dem Philosophischen Seminar
Neueste Zugänge
Acquisition of Sentential Negation and Negative Concord
(2024-02-05)It has been shown in this thesis that the expression of negation in children’s naturalistic spoken speech is adult-like to an maximum extent (with 97% ratio of correct and grammatical expression). If a language exhibits ... -
Monadologie und Intersubjektivität: Drei Konzeptionen der Einfühlung in der Phänomenologie Husserls
(2023-12-22)This thesis presents, following Edmund Husserl’s philosophy, a phenomenological monadology in which three levels of the monad are differentiated: transcendental consciousness, the psycho-physical unit and the person; and ... -
Die medizinische Begleitung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Geschlechtsinkongruenz/ Geschlechtsdysphorie und das Problem der Diskriminierung im Gesundheitswesen
(2023-12-04)This cumulative dissertation examines discrimination as a concept and as a social phenomenon. It does so by focusing on the currently controversially discussed example of medical care of children and adolescents who identify ... -
Exploring Migrant Lives
(2023-08-10)The thesis investigates the mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion for non-elite South Asian migrants in European port cities in the interwar period through the lens of two historic biographies. The focus of the study is ... -
Monotheisierende Ansätze in der aztekischen Religion?
(2023-07-14)Tloque Nahuaque and Ipalnemohua are two religious Aztec terms that are frequently found as designations of god(s) in post-colonial literature, both on the part of the Aztecs and the colonialists. The question that arises ... -
„Direct to Consumer“-Gentestangebote (DTC GT) im Internet – Eine empirisch-ethische Untersuchung kommunikationsethischer Aspekte unter Berücksichtigung der Perspektive medizinischer Lai*innen mit Fokusgruppen
(2022-11-22)The cumulative dissertation examines direct to consumer genetic testing (DTC GT) with regard to the communication-ethical dimension of its marketing and with special consideration of the perspective of medical lay people. ... -
Treatment by Medicine and Magic in Coptic Texts "A Linguistic and Cultural study"
(2022-06-24)This thesis examines the evidence for healing practices in the Post-pharaonic and Early Islamic periods in Egypt. It uses all Coptic medical and magico-medical sources in the IV-XI centuries CE. This thesis investigates ... -
Religious Identity and Integration of Armenians as an Ethnic Group in Germany
(2022-03-03)Through overall developments and movements, migration has spread throughout the world, causing concurrence and amalgamation of heterogeneous and culturally different societies. Present day societies are culturally even ... -
Raumsemantik in deutschsprachigen Liebesromanen des 21. Jahrhunderts
(2022-01-31)Narrated spaces in literary texts are a central factor in the construction of reality and can fulfil other literary functions: For example, they can characterise characters, motivate actions or express discourse positions. ... -
The synodical letters between the non-Chalcedonian patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch included in the manuscript: ‘The confession of the fathers’ (i‘tirāf al-ābā’) and the impact of Arabization on their exposition of non-Chalcedonian Christology
(2021-09-30)The synodical letters are the correspondences exchanged between the patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch upon their installment on their apostolic see. The main objective of the synodical letters between the patriarchs of ... -
Der Konditionalsatz in Deutscher Gebärdensprache (DGS) und Brasilianischer Gebärdensprache (Libras) - Eine empirische soziolinguistische Studie
(2021-08-05)Coordinated clauses, such as interrogative and declarative clauses, are well researched in various western-urban sign languages. However, complex subordinated clauses, like relative and conditional clauses in sign languages, ... -
Das Grammatikalitätsphänomen in Husserls Phänomenologie
(2021-06-03)The present treatise attempts to develop and study the concept of grammatical phenomenon systematically in Husserl's phenomenology. This task is completed in three steps. In the first part of the treatise, based on Husserl's ... -
Ethische Konflikte bei Demenz im Spielfilm - Analyse filmischer Darstellung und die Entwicklung von ethisch-didaktischen Materialien
(2021-03-25)Dementia will affect many people directly or indirectly in the near future. Therefore, education in dealing with people with dementia, must be a main goal. Especially, future doctors and nurses have to find a way to deal ... -
Perspektivierung im Text -- Interpretation und Verarbeitung
(2020-06-19)Language possesses the capacity to express many different perspectives. As a general principle, the interpreter takes the speaker of an utterance to be the perspective-holder of the content that it conveys. This presumption ...
Die Aushandlung von Zugehörigkeit und Differenz im Geschichtsunterricht
(2020-03-04)The study explores the significance of history for the enculturation and subjectification of the individual into society, and the production of social reality in the context of history lessons in school. Based on a ... -
Measuring metadata quality
(2019-07-26)In the last 15 years different aspects of metadata quality have been investigated. Researchers measured the established metrics on a variety of metadata collections. One common aspect of the majority of these research ... -
Die Bewahrung und Förderung der Biodiversität als theoretisch-praktische Herausforderung für den modernen Natur- und Umweltschutz
(2019-05-24)The study explores the general principle of the conservation and advancement of biodiversity in combining fundamental research together with applied science. The specific core of the general principle is the integrative ... -
Zwischen Interaktion und Narration:
(2018-07-20)Since the beginning of the Digital Game Studies in the 1980’s, the relationship between interactive and narrative elements of hybrid digital games has been an important issue. Are digital games texts, stories, simulations ... -
» … es geht ja auch um mich.« Kinder mit Inter*DSD als moralische Akteur*innen in der medizinischen Behandlung
(2018-06-20)The thesis focuses on the empirical analysis of children with Inter*DSD whether they can be seen and treated as moral agents in medical treatment. Therefore children with Inter*DSD were interviewed in a qualitative approach ... -
Von der Wirkung zur Wertung
(2018-06-12)The study explores the role and importance of aesthetic literary values in the jury discussions of the Ingeborg-Bachmann-Prize. Aesthetic value is a topic of considerable controversy in contemporary literary theory. The ...