Browsing Archäologie, Kunstgeschichte & Historische Seminare by Title
Now showing items 14-33 of 75
Göttinger Statuten im 15. Jahrhundert
(2010-05-11)This dissertation forms the methodological basis for the digital edition of one of Göttingen's late medieval town records, "kundige bok 2" (second book of announcements). "Kundige bok 2" ... -
Ein Heer ist ein großes gefräßiges Tier
(2002-01-16)The thesis describes every day´s life during the war in Italy from the joining of Spain to the league of Cambrai in 1509 until the end of the war against Florence in 1530. It does not focus ... -
"Die Heimat reicht der Front die Hand" Kulturelle Truppenbetreuung im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945. Ein deutsch-englischer Vergleich.
(2009-02-02)This study examines german and british troop entertainment in the Second World War. The Second World War as Total War demands the combatants in a complete new manner. On the one hand there ... -
Der hoch- und spätromanische Bauschmuck des Naumburger Domes im Zusammenhang der Baugeschichte
(2002-03-13)In the last decades of the 12th century the splendid Romanesque crypt was integrated in the choir of the early Romanesque Naumburg cathedral. In the first third of the 13th century the eastern parts of the building and the ... -
Ideologische Voraussetzungen, Inhalte und Ziele außenpolitischer Programmatik und Propaganda in der deutschvölkischen Bewegung der Anfangsjahre der Weimarer Republik - Das Beispiel Deutschvölkischer Schutz- und Trutzbund
(2003-01-08)This dissertation deals with the partially pre-war based ideological prerequisites, contents and goals regarding foreign affairs designed and propagated by the German "völkisch" movement ... -
"Ihr gehört auch zur Avantgarde". Afrikanische Gewerkschafter an der FDGB-Hochschule Fritz Heckert (1961-1963)
(2018-08-21)In September 1961, shortly after the begin of the construction of the Berlin Wall, delegations of African and Asian unions arrived at the Hochschule der Deutschen Gewerkschaften “Fritz Heckert” in Bernau, a suburb of Berlin. ... -
Im Zeichen des Osiris - Bestattungen der 26. Dynastie in Dra Abu el-Naga und die thebanische Nekropole in der Spätzeit
(2017-04-12)Six shaft tombs of the 26th dynasty are the basis for an analysis of the burial customs of the Late Period in the necropolis of Dra Abu el-Naga. The documentation of the grave goods contains especially in the texts and the ... -
Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach. Sammler – Stifter – Wissenschaftler
(2020-05-27)The present treatise deals with the patrician Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach from Frankfurt, who lived from 1686 to 1769. This man and his collection with various focal points such as graphics, painting, sculpture, but ... -
Der Kachelofen
(2001-10-31) -
Die kaiserzeitlich-frühvölkerwanderungszeitliche Keramik von Hildesheim-Bavenstedt
(2001-08-10)Pottery from the roman iron age and the migration period from Hildesheim-Bavenstedt The freely-formed pottery from Bavenstedt belongs to the group of Rhein-Weser-Ceramics. But there are also pieces from the coast, from ... -
Karl Arnold (1883-1953). Eine Studie zur Biographie und zum Frühwerk des Künstlers.
(2001-01-29)The thesis on the graphic artist Karl Arnold (1883-1953) is divided into three parts. The first part is a biography on his life and work, based on a thorough investigation of archive material ... -
Die Kausia
(2008-01-08)Worn outdoors by kings, soldiers and civilians (especially ephebs) the causia is the traditional cap of the ancient Macedonians and spreading itself in the hellenistic world since the end ... -
Kelche der ausgehenden Romanik bis zur Spätgotik
(2017-05-02)The design of medieval chalices is characterised by continuous change. The present study examines the formal design and figural decoration of middle-european chalices from 1200-1525. On the basis of 380 figural decorated ... -
Kollektive Identitäten in der antiken Kyrenaika
(2017-02-06)In this work, the collectivity theory (a group sociology) developed by K. P. Hansen was applied to groups living in the ancient Cyrenaica. The collectivity theory defines collectives as cultural carriers, not peoples. The ... -
Landfriedensbünde im 16. Jahrhundert. Ein typologischer Vergleich
(2002-06-12)A comparative view of the different leagues of 16th Century Germany. -
Learning to Dream: Education, Aspiration, and Working Lives in Colonial India (1880s-1940s)
(2019-04-01)This thesis studies the relationship of the labouring poor with education and schooling in colonial India (1880s-1940s). It places this relationship in a complicated web of desires, intentions, and aspirations held by ... -
Lee Miller - Künstlerporträts. Porträtfotografien von Pablo Picasso, Max Ernst und der künstlerischen Avantgarde von 1929 bis 1973.
(2009-11-13)‘Max Ernst, Éluard, Picasso, Breton, Cocteau or Man Ray: the list of her friends reads like a register of cultural history of the 20th century.’ With these words Michael Koetzle describes in the German edition of Vogue the ... -
Leprosen in der mittelalterlichen Gesellschaft
(2003-10-24)The present study challenges and critically reevaluates the century-old hypothesis cherished by historical sciences stating that leprosy sufferers formed the group of social outcasts in ... -
Lernort Museum
(2020-02-03)This dissertation was written within the framework of the research project "Mit der Schule ins Museum. Eine empirische Untersuchung zum historischen Lernen von Schülerinnen und Schülern im Historischen Museum Hannover" at ...