Browsing Archäologie, Kunstgeschichte & Historische Seminare by Title
Now showing items 36-55 of 75
Matean ołbergut‛ean – das „Buch der Klagelieder“. Eine Konzeption aus der Klosterschule von Narek als eine Praktik der kulturellen Selbstverortung in dem sich transformierenden armenischen Kulturraum des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts
(2014-02-11)The focus of the investigation is on the "Book of Lamentations". It was written by the learned monk, mystic and poet Gregory in the context of the convent school of Narek at the turn of the 10th Century. The theme of the ... -
Mäuse, Maden, Maulwürfe.
(2010-06-09)In the 18th century different kinds of insects (such as maggots, bedbugs, louses and flies), reptiles (such as snakes and lizards), amphibians (such as frogs and toads) and mammals (such ... -
Michiel Coxcie
(2020-05-13)In the 15th century, the southern Netherlands were a place of original art development. At the beginning of the 16th century, the focus shifted from the early Netherlandish tradition in favor of developments beyond the ... -
Die Möbel Philip Speakman Webbs oder Das Verhältnis von Kunst und Arbeit bei Morris & Co.
(2020-10-27)The presented work is dedicated to the creation of the first systematic catalogue of the furniture work of Philip Speakman Webb (1834–1915). Webb was a close companion of William Morris (1834– 1896). With their interior ... -
Nationalsozialismus in Göttingen (1933-1945)
(2002-04-05) -
Die Nazifizierung und Entnazifizierung der Physik an der Universität Göttingen
(2009-05-25)The dissertation examines the political influence on physics at the University of Göttingen in the 1930s and 40s. The examination of all physics institutes is divided into the realms of ... -
Negotiating Women`s Labour: Women Farmers, State, and Society in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, 1885-2000
(2019-01-30)Abstract This research analyses “The negotiations for women farmers’ labour: Women Farmers, State, and Society in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, 1885-2000”. The study aims at researching the interaction of women ... -
Die offiziellen almohadischen Briefe – ein vernachlässigtes Fragment im Mosaik der politischen und literarischen Geschichte des Maghreb im Mittelalter
(2012-09-26)The present thesis focuses on thirty-seven official Almohad letters written in the 12th and 13th centuiries. The time of the Almohad Empire (1147-1268) has been a fascinating and rich period in the history of the Islamic ... -
Die Pest in Augsburg um 1500. Die soziale Konstruktion einer Krankheit
(2019-05-02)The primary claim of my doctoral dissertation is that the development of the urban policies against the recurrent epidemics of the plague had simultaneously engendered the social construction of the plague as a disease, ... -
Pfarrwitwenversorgung im Herzogtum Mecklenburg-Schwerin von der Reformation bis zum 20. Jahrhundert
(2005-02-28)This thesis shows how widows of pastor's were provided from the age of the Reformation until the 20th century in the Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.This provision can be followed in three stages. The ... -
Protest und Revolte. Drei Jahrhunderte studentisches Aufbegehren in der Universitätsstadt Göttingen (1737-2000).
(2012-11-02)This dissertation examines student protests and revolts in the university town of Göttingen over about 280 years (1737-2000). Nine protestations in three centuries represent their respective periods but are also relevant ... -
Raabes Antworten auf Darwin
(2003) -
Remeasuring China: the Global and Local Dimensions of Nanjing Metrological Reform
(2022-12-14)This dissertation examines the history of meter, liter, and gram in republican China. It seeks to understand the historical transition of Chinese metrology from indigenous measures to the global metric system and its global ... -
Risiko und Chance: Naturkatastrophen im Deutschen Kaiserreich (1871-1918). Eine umweltgeschichtliche Betrachtung
(2011-05-18)Three case studies are examined to identify the social mechanisms for dealing with natural disasters in the German Empire (1871-1918). They provide insights into the core of catastrophes ... -
Die Selbstmörderin als Tugendheldin
(2009-08-07)The aestheticising and erotically charged representation of female self-murderers became well known as beautiful death as a theme in 19th century art and literature. This theme has recently ... -
Der Siedlungs- und Bestattungsplatz Nortmoorer Hammrich
(2019-02-27)This study investigates the settlement history of Northwestern Lower Saxony. In the distant past, the Lower Ems Valley with its river marshes and adjacent coastal moorlands (Geest) was a densely populated area. The time ... -
Siegfried Marck. Politische Biographie eines jüdisch-intellektuellen Sozialdemokraten
(2016-08-29)This paper examines the life and work of Siegfried Marck in a political biography. How influenced Siegfried Marck his environment? What echo does he left behind at the Young Socialists and in adult education for example?