Browsing Archäologie, Kunstgeschichte & Historische Seminare by Title
Now showing items 45-64 of 75
Die Pest in Augsburg um 1500. Die soziale Konstruktion einer Krankheit
(2019-05-02)The primary claim of my doctoral dissertation is that the development of the urban policies against the recurrent epidemics of the plague had simultaneously engendered the social construction of the plague as a disease, ... -
Pfarrwitwenversorgung im Herzogtum Mecklenburg-Schwerin von der Reformation bis zum 20. Jahrhundert
(2005-02-28)This thesis shows how widows of pastor's were provided from the age of the Reformation until the 20th century in the Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.This provision can be followed in three stages. The ... -
Protest und Revolte. Drei Jahrhunderte studentisches Aufbegehren in der Universitätsstadt Göttingen (1737-2000).
(2012-11-02)This dissertation examines student protests and revolts in the university town of Göttingen over about 280 years (1737-2000). Nine protestations in three centuries represent their respective periods but are also relevant ... -
Raabes Antworten auf Darwin
(2003) -
Remeasuring China: the Global and Local Dimensions of Nanjing Metrological Reform
(2022-12-14)This dissertation examines the history of meter, liter, and gram in republican China. It seeks to understand the historical transition of Chinese metrology from indigenous measures to the global metric system and its global ... -
Risiko und Chance: Naturkatastrophen im Deutschen Kaiserreich (1871-1918). Eine umweltgeschichtliche Betrachtung
(2011-05-18)Three case studies are examined to identify the social mechanisms for dealing with natural disasters in the German Empire (1871-1918). They provide insights into the core of catastrophes ... -
Die Selbstmörderin als Tugendheldin
(2009-08-07)The aestheticising and erotically charged representation of female self-murderers became well known as beautiful death as a theme in 19th century art and literature. This theme has recently ... -
Der Siedlungs- und Bestattungsplatz Nortmoorer Hammrich
(2019-02-27)This study investigates the settlement history of Northwestern Lower Saxony. In the distant past, the Lower Ems Valley with its river marshes and adjacent coastal moorlands (Geest) was a densely populated area. The time ... -
Siegfried Marck. Politische Biographie eines jüdisch-intellektuellen Sozialdemokraten
(2016-08-29)This paper examines the life and work of Siegfried Marck in a political biography. How influenced Siegfried Marck his environment? What echo does he left behind at the Young Socialists and in adult education for example? -
Die Statthalter der römischen Provinzen von 60 bis 50 v. Chr. - Politisches Handeln in einem Jahrzehnt der Krise
(2012-10-12)Against the background of the question according to the extent of the crisis of the Roman republic between 60 and 50 B.C., the time between the so called first triumvirate and the outbreak of the civil war in 49 B.C., this ... -
Studien zur Komposition in ausgewählten Werken Rembrandts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Links-Rechts -Problematik
(2001-03-22)The present study investigates the impression of a composition on the viewer through the aspect of laterality. The asymmetry of the visual perception is discussed which originates from the ... -
Die Türkenhilfe der Reichsstädte Nordhausen und Mühlhausen in der Zeit von Maximilian I. bis Rudolf II. (1493-1612) Ein Beitrag zur Steuer- und Finanzgeschichte im Spätmittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit
(2013-11-11)Since the fall of Byzanz were the people of the Holy Roman Empire confrontated with the ottoman aggression. The conquest of an increasing number of european countries by the Ottoman Empire forced the german Emperors to ... -
Die ungefaßten Altarwerke des ausgehenden Mittelalters und der Dürerzeit
(2002-10-28)This survey is focussed on several altarpieces of the end of the 15.and beginning of the 16. century, which are no longer poychromed and rich gilded. To give an answer to the question of ... -
Ein unkonventioneller Blick auf deutsche Provinz: Die Fußreise des Thomas Hodgskin durch das nördliche und mittlere Deutschland
(2017-10-30)The present study uses methods of everyday history and the history of mentalities to examine the two-volume travel account written by Englishman Thomas Hodgskin who right after the Vienna Congress travelled on foot across ... -
Untersuchung zu mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Messern
(2002-07-18)Analysis of 1300 medieval and post medieval knives from German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Baltic, Russian and Polish excavations. The analysis is carried out by an especially developed classification model of blades and handle ... -
Untersuchungen zum Schatzhaus im Neuen Reich
(2002-05-03)The book studies architectural, administrative and economic aspects of the so-called treasury, an institution of Ancient Egyptian state economy during the New Kingdom (1500-1000 BCE). The study shows that the institution ... -
Untersuchungen zur Besiedlung des Hannoverschen Wendlands von der jüngeren vorrömischen Eisen- bis zur Völkerwanderungszeit
(2003-08-25)The aim of this research was the examination of the course of settlement between the late Preroman Iron Age and the migration period (about 3rd century B.C. til 5th/6th century A.D.) in ... -
Untersuchungen zur politischen Geschichte der qâsimidischen Dynastie(11./17. Jh.)
(2008-10-02)This PhD-thesis describes the political history of the Qâsimids, a dynasty of zaydî imams, which ruled Yemen in the 17th century. In the context of this study, political history is understood ...