Browsing Archäologie, Kunstgeschichte & Historische Seminare by Title
Now showing items 58-75 of 75
Die Türkenhilfe der Reichsstädte Nordhausen und Mühlhausen in der Zeit von Maximilian I. bis Rudolf II. (1493-1612) Ein Beitrag zur Steuer- und Finanzgeschichte im Spätmittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit
(2013-11-11)Since the fall of Byzanz were the people of the Holy Roman Empire confrontated with the ottoman aggression. The conquest of an increasing number of european countries by the Ottoman Empire forced the german Emperors to ... -
Die ungefaßten Altarwerke des ausgehenden Mittelalters und der Dürerzeit
(2002-10-28)This survey is focussed on several altarpieces of the end of the 15.and beginning of the 16. century, which are no longer poychromed and rich gilded. To give an answer to the question of ... -
Ein unkonventioneller Blick auf deutsche Provinz: Die Fußreise des Thomas Hodgskin durch das nördliche und mittlere Deutschland
(2017-10-30)The present study uses methods of everyday history and the history of mentalities to examine the two-volume travel account written by Englishman Thomas Hodgskin who right after the Vienna Congress travelled on foot across ... -
Untersuchung zu mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Messern
(2002-07-18)Analysis of 1300 medieval and post medieval knives from German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Baltic, Russian and Polish excavations. The analysis is carried out by an especially developed classification model of blades and handle ... -
Untersuchungen zum Schatzhaus im Neuen Reich
(2002-05-03)The book studies architectural, administrative and economic aspects of the so-called treasury, an institution of Ancient Egyptian state economy during the New Kingdom (1500-1000 BCE). The study shows that the institution ... -
Untersuchungen zur Besiedlung des Hannoverschen Wendlands von der jüngeren vorrömischen Eisen- bis zur Völkerwanderungszeit
(2003-08-25)The aim of this research was the examination of the course of settlement between the late Preroman Iron Age and the migration period (about 3rd century B.C. til 5th/6th century A.D.) in ... -
Untersuchungen zur politischen Geschichte der qâsimidischen Dynastie(11./17. Jh.)
(2008-10-02)This PhD-thesis describes the political history of the Qâsimids, a dynasty of zaydî imams, which ruled Yemen in the 17th century. In the context of this study, political history is understood ... -
Verhüllung als Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert
(2015-05-06)The present dissertation discusses the phenomenon of “veiling as art form" looking at pieces of art by Man Ray, Maurice Henry, Allan Kaprow, Joseph Beuys, Bruce Nauman, Franz Erhard Walther, Antoni Tapies, Joseph Kosuth, ... -
Visuelle Bekenntnisse. Die bildliche Ausstattung Schaumburger Dorfkirchen und ihre vor- und nachreformatorische Botschaft
(2017-10-25)The efforts to renew the church structures, which began in the early sixteenth century, had serious consequences, for, at the end of the twentieth century, two different confessions emerged. Without question, this religious ... -
War as Family Affair: The Role of African Women in World War One in German East Africa, 1914-1918
(2023-07-07)This study explores the role of African women during WWI in German East Africa in the period from 1914 to 1918. Historically, like women in other parts of the world, African women have contributed to the war efforts in ... -
Wissen und Schädel - Wissenstransfer und Sammlungsgenerierung durch Johann Friedrich Blumenbachs Gelehrtenbriefwechsel
(2017-09-26)Johann Friedrich Blumenbach conducted an extensive academic correspondence, which included contacts on a number of different continents. This enabled Blumenbach to obtain knowledge and objects, which influenced and shaped ... -
Works of Mercy.
(2006-05-04)Late medieval English almshouses were sometimes part of larger foundations with several elements, particularly when their founders were noble. Apart from the almshouse, these foundations could consist of, for example, ... -
Das Zitat in der Architektur am Beispiel der Pantheonrezeption
(2017-03-15)In context with the reception of architecture the German-speaking word ‘Zitat’ (quotation) is often used. As frequently this term is used, as numerous are the meanings, which are given to the word ‘Zitat’ in the texts. ... -
Zum Wandel des Priesterbildes im römerzeitlichen Ägypten
(2024-08-07)This dissertation is an interdisciplinary analysis of the traditional priests in Roman Egypt, with a focus on the first centuries, the imperial period. The underlying question is whether the priests as ritual experts ... -
Zwischen Kriegswirren und Wiederaufbau - südniedersächsische Dörfer im Kontext des Dreißigjährigen Krieges und seiner Folgen
(2013-03-27)Based on the poll tax description of the principalities Calenberg-Göttingen and Grubenhagen from 1689 the dissertation examines for the region of today's southern Lower Saxony the development of the economic and social ... -
Zwischen Selbstbefragung und Kommerzialisierung
(2009-11-30)The study examines the self-conception of fashion photographers between commercial popular culture and high art in the 20th and beginning 21st centuries. The subject-matter of self-portraits ... -
Zwischen Tradition und Wandel
(2024-10-14)The subject of the previous work was to shed light on the transition from the Late Neolithic to the Bronze Age in the North German Lowlands of Lower Saxony. Particular attention was paid to the settlements and especially ...