Archäologie, Kunstgeschichte & Historische Seminare: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 75
Zwischen Tradition und Wandel
(2024-10-14)The subject of the previous work was to shed light on the transition from the Late Neolithic to the Bronze Age in the North German Lowlands of Lower Saxony. Particular attention was paid to the settlements and especially ... -
Zum Wandel des Priesterbildes im römerzeitlichen Ägypten
(2024-08-07)This dissertation is an interdisciplinary analysis of the traditional priests in Roman Egypt, with a focus on the first centuries, the imperial period. The underlying question is whether the priests as ritual experts ... -
Architektonischer und liturgischer Dekor im spätantiken Segobriga
(2024-04-19)This thesis is the first to examine and monographically present the architectural and liturgical elements dating from the 4th to 7th centuries AD from Segobriga (Saelices, Spain). Comprising more than 270 late antique ... -
War as Family Affair: The Role of African Women in World War One in German East Africa, 1914-1918
(2023-07-07)This study explores the role of African women during WWI in German East Africa in the period from 1914 to 1918. Historically, like women in other parts of the world, African women have contributed to the war efforts in ... -
Remeasuring China: the Global and Local Dimensions of Nanjing Metrological Reform
(2022-12-14)This dissertation examines the history of meter, liter, and gram in republican China. It seeks to understand the historical transition of Chinese metrology from indigenous measures to the global metric system and its global ... -
Die Möbel Philip Speakman Webbs oder Das Verhältnis von Kunst und Arbeit bei Morris & Co.
(2020-10-27)The presented work is dedicated to the creation of the first systematic catalogue of the furniture work of Philip Speakman Webb (1834–1915). Webb was a close companion of William Morris (1834– 1896). With their interior ... -
Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach. Sammler – Stifter – Wissenschaftler
(2020-05-27)The present treatise deals with the patrician Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach from Frankfurt, who lived from 1686 to 1769. This man and his collection with various focal points such as graphics, painting, sculpture, but ... -
Michiel Coxcie
(2020-05-13)In the 15th century, the southern Netherlands were a place of original art development. At the beginning of the 16th century, the focus shifted from the early Netherlandish tradition in favor of developments beyond the ... -
Lernort Museum
(2020-02-03)This dissertation was written within the framework of the research project "Mit der Schule ins Museum. Eine empirische Untersuchung zum historischen Lernen von Schülerinnen und Schülern im Historischen Museum Hannover" at ... -
Die Pest in Augsburg um 1500. Die soziale Konstruktion einer Krankheit
(2019-05-02)The primary claim of my doctoral dissertation is that the development of the urban policies against the recurrent epidemics of the plague had simultaneously engendered the social construction of the plague as a disease, ... -
Learning to Dream: Education, Aspiration, and Working Lives in Colonial India (1880s-1940s)
(2019-04-01)This thesis studies the relationship of the labouring poor with education and schooling in colonial India (1880s-1940s). It places this relationship in a complicated web of desires, intentions, and aspirations held by ... -
Der Siedlungs- und Bestattungsplatz Nortmoorer Hammrich
(2019-02-27)This study investigates the settlement history of Northwestern Lower Saxony. In the distant past, the Lower Ems Valley with its river marshes and adjacent coastal moorlands (Geest) was a densely populated area. The time ... -
Negotiating Women`s Labour: Women Farmers, State, and Society in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, 1885-2000
(2019-01-30)Abstract This research analyses “The negotiations for women farmers’ labour: Women Farmers, State, and Society in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, 1885-2000”. The study aims at researching the interaction of women ... -
"Ihr gehört auch zur Avantgarde". Afrikanische Gewerkschafter an der FDGB-Hochschule Fritz Heckert (1961-1963)
(2018-08-21)In September 1961, shortly after the begin of the construction of the Berlin Wall, delegations of African and Asian unions arrived at the Hochschule der Deutschen Gewerkschaften “Fritz Heckert” in Bernau, a suburb of Berlin. ... -
Loyal and Elegant Subjects of the Sublime State
(2018-02-19)In this study I am scrutinizing the politics of dress and especially the emergence of male bourgeois dress in the late Ottoman Empire and early Turkish Republic. Beginning with the official implementation of new dress ... -
Ein unkonventioneller Blick auf deutsche Provinz: Die Fußreise des Thomas Hodgskin durch das nördliche und mittlere Deutschland
(2017-10-30)The present study uses methods of everyday history and the history of mentalities to examine the two-volume travel account written by Englishman Thomas Hodgskin who right after the Vienna Congress travelled on foot across ... -
Visuelle Bekenntnisse. Die bildliche Ausstattung Schaumburger Dorfkirchen und ihre vor- und nachreformatorische Botschaft
(2017-10-25)The efforts to renew the church structures, which began in the early sixteenth century, had serious consequences, for, at the end of the twentieth century, two different confessions emerged. Without question, this religious ... -
Wissen und Schädel - Wissenstransfer und Sammlungsgenerierung durch Johann Friedrich Blumenbachs Gelehrtenbriefwechsel
(2017-09-26)Johann Friedrich Blumenbach conducted an extensive academic correspondence, which included contacts on a number of different continents. This enabled Blumenbach to obtain knowledge and objects, which influenced and shaped ... -
Kelche der ausgehenden Romanik bis zur Spätgotik
(2017-05-02)The design of medieval chalices is characterised by continuous change. The present study examines the formal design and figural decoration of middle-european chalices from 1200-1525. On the basis of 380 figural decorated ... -
Im Zeichen des Osiris - Bestattungen der 26. Dynastie in Dra Abu el-Naga und die thebanische Nekropole in der Spätzeit
(2017-04-12)Six shaft tombs of the 26th dynasty are the basis for an analysis of the burial customs of the Late Period in the necropolis of Dra Abu el-Naga. The documentation of the grave goods contains especially in the texts and the ...