Pädagogik: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
How Students´ Disciplinary Attitudes and Beliefs Affect Learning In Introductory Statistics Courses
(2024-12-18)Attitudes and beliefs are frequently studied concepts in statistics education research. A main reason for this is that both are associated with learning success. However, very little is known about the mechanisms that ... -
Leistungsfähigkeit beruflicher Ausbildung: Empirische Beiträge zur Beurteilung der systemisch-ökonomischen und individuellen Perspektive
(2024-06-27)The objective of this thesis is to adopt a more nuanced approach to examining the current performance-related challenges within the vocational education and training (VET) system. The focus is on two key issues that have ... -
Differenzierungen, Normalität und Positionierungen. Analysen studentischer Äußerungen über Inklusion und Schüler*innen.
(2023-08-04)In recent years, 'inclusion' has become an important topic in school and classroom research as well as in teacher education and student research. While quantitative-empirical research asks about attitudes and similar ... -
Lernen und das Andere
(2019-06-25)Following Meyer-Drawe (2008), who stresses the relevance of experience as well as moments of irritation in her approach to learning, this research project is situated. Its aim: To introduce the concept of alterity as ... -
Learning by Communicating: Handlungsorientierung im Chinesischunterricht - eine Schülerperspektive
(2018-06-27)The action-oriented approach to teaching is a method that links both knowledge and action. Following the concepts of learning by doing or rather a learning by communicating, students apply and practice their language skills ... -
Comparative Research on the Motivations, Influential Factors, and Current Status of Lifelong Learning in China and Germany
(2016-03-11)This study focuses on comparative research on the lifelong learning motivations and influential factors in China and Germany. As lifelong learning is a widely recognized system, which possesses international importance, ... -
Kenntnisstand und interkulturelle Erfahrungen zu ADHS bei arabischen Eltern und Lehrkräften in Deutschland und in Saudi-Arabien
(2016-02-29)Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most widespread mental disorders among children and adolescents. Studies have shown respective results for Germany as well as for Saudi-Arabia. Many of the young ... -
Evaluation von Bildungsprojekten auf der Grundlage von Inventaren
(2013-08-26)This dissertation resulted from a project sponsored by the European Commission (eL3- e Learning Project Cluster for Third System Organizations in Europe). The author of this study was one of the scientists working in this ... -
Das Kinderzimmer im deutschsprachigen Raum
(2003-04-14)The subject of the present dissertation is the relevance of the children's room as a place of children's development, experience and education. Besides presenting a historical survey of the children's room in German ... -
Lehrerüberzeugungen zum Lehren und Lernen
(2012-12-03)Teachers' beliefs have a significant role in classroom activities of teachers and students' achievement. For example, constructivist beliefs have a positive effect on students' achievement in mathematics (Dubberke et al., ... -
Entwicklung eines Beratungsprogramms zur Förderung der emotionalen Intelligenz im Kindergarten
(2012-08-29)This study was concerned with the emotional intelligence, its promotion in kindergarten, and the relationship between this promotion and the qualification of teachers in kindergarten. The study was divided into two sections, ... -
Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenz in Deutsch als Fremdsprachenunterricht
(2012-07-04)Debated across disciplines - "Intercultural Competence" - is perceived nowadays not only as a highly topical construct but also as a controversial one. The approach to the intercultural competence development, which could be ... -
Modernisierung und Erweiterung des staatlichen Bildungswesens in Taiwan im Zeitraum von 1885 bis 1987
(2012-01-09)This paper contributes to the historical research into modernization and expansion of public education in Taiwan between 1885 and 1987 from the establishment of the province of Taiwan ... -
Familiäre und schulische Beiträge zur Leseförderung: Eine vergleichende Interventionsstudie
(2011-11-16)This thesis dealt with reading promotion at Grade 4. The development and evaluation of three reading programs with respect to their effectiveness was a primary concern in order to generate ... -
Entwicklungsverläufe akademischer Selbstkonzepte und schulischer Leistungen nach dem Übergang in differentielle Lernumwelten der Sekundarstufe I
(2010-08-27)In Germany students change to a tracked system of Secondary school after Primary school. For students attending the Gymnasium the higher class-average achievement leads to lower academic ... -
Gestalttherapie zur Prävention von Depression
(2008-01-09)In this research, the attempt was made to develop a program for indicative prevention of depression among adolescents, based on Gestalt group therapy with creative media, and to examine ... -
Selbstorganisation Jugendlicher und Selbstorganisationsförderung durch kommunale Jugendarbeit
(2005-07-12)In the framework of a qualitative study 62 educational specialists were interviewed about their experiences with respect to attempts to help youth organise themselves and with regard to how ... -
Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Computerprogramms zur Förderung töpferischer Fähigkeiten bei Grundschülern
(2004-05-05)Working with clay is one of the oldest means with which children may discover, learn or experience their physical, mental and sensual abilities. These personal experi-ences of forming clay ... -
Auswirkungen eines Computerlernprogramms auf Lernstile von Kindern im Alter von 9 bis 12 Jahren
(2003-07-16)This empirical study was about the development and application of a computer learning program "CEWIDchen", with which children of third up to the sixth school year could learn topics about ... -
Berufsvorbereitung durch Career Services im Rahmen der universitären Ausbildung
(2002-12-11)The main subject of this dissertation is to outline the development of career service institutions at German universities from their conceptional beginning until their final foundation. ...