Recent Submissions
Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede im politischen Selbstkonzept von Jugendlichen
(2023-11-17)Gender equality is a central element of our representative democracy (Bukow & Voß, 2018). However, with a female representation of about 35 % in the German Bundestag (Deutscher Bundestag, 2023), the current gender distribution ... -
God Help the Girl
(2022-08-31)This dissertation seeks to determine the policy stances of the Catholic Churches in Poland and the Philippines regarding the issue of prostitution. It endeavors to explain why these stances diverge, despite the two Churches ... -
What Explains European Union Member State Behaviors toward the Responsibility Sharing for People in Clear Need of International Protection? Bargaining Power in the EU Refugee Regime
(2022-03-14)The EU faced unprecedented refugee flows in the crucial year 2015 as the result of the civil war in Syria started in 2011 and the following political destabilization in the Middle East countries. In particular, first entry ... -
Urheberrechtspolitik in Deutschland.
(2021-09-23)Since the digitization and politicization of copyright law, an increased number of reforms could not be classified without contradictions. A broad, social-scientific debate about problems, consequences, and explanatory ... -
Power Mediators and Pure Mediators: Exploring their Impact on Implementing Internal Peace Agreements
(2021-06-15)Recent studies on international mediation have mainly focused on the impact of mediation on armed intra-state conflicts, emphasizing successfully completed ceasefires and peace agreements. Scholars have largely neglected ... -
Probleme aus Sicht von Lehrkräften im Fach Gesellschaftslehre – eine quantitative Untersuchung
(2020-05-29)It was the purpose of this master’s thesis to gain insight into the problems of the interdisciplinary subject Social Studies at Integrated Comprehensive Schools from the teachers’ point of view. For this purpose, an ... -
Von Laeken bis Lissabon: Der Reformprozess der Europäischen Union in deutschen Politikschulbüchern
(2020-02-12)In this dissertation, the chapters on the European Union (EU) from German textbooks for political education are analyzed in their context. It is assumed that textbooks are pedagogical, cultural and political media whose ... -
A Commitment is a Commitment is a Commitment?
(2019-05-29)The study deals with states’ power political behavior towards the International Crim- inal Court (ICC). It argues that states constrain and customize their commitment dependent on their possibilities to solve cooperation ... -
When Knowledge Travels. Expert Networks in African Security Policy. Case Studies of AU and ECOWAS.
(2019-02-04)Why do the security mechanisms of the African Union (AU) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) resemble the United Nations Security Council, and each other? This thesis argues that the existing literature ... -
The Nexus of Neoclassical Realism and Soft Power the Case of the West – Russia Geopolitical Rivalries in the “Common Neighbourhood”
(2018-12-05)This thesis analyses soft power in the light of neoclassical realist premises as part of the foreign policy toolkit of great powers to expand their sphere of influence. It argues that if nuclear armed great powers compete ... -
Double Deterrence and International Mediation
(2018-03-15)The existing research on nuclear deterrence generally focuses on direct deterrence between the parties of a conflict, such as nuclear deterrence between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Even after the Cold ... -
Deliberative Ideale im Kontext informeller Bürgerbeteiligung
(2017-04-07)Deliberative participation arrangements are understood to fulfill three criteria: (1) they enable an effective involvement of citizens; (2) they take place in pre-conceived settings and thus do not occur spontaneously; (3) ... -
Digital Health Affairs – Voraussetzungen für politischen Wandel im Gesundheitswesen
(2017-02-06)Political science studies of the last few years show that the German and Austrian health care systems are rather reform-resistant. On the basis of the launch of electronic card systems in the German and Austrian health ... -
Determinanten der Einstellung zu Studienbeiträgen – Ergebnisse von Online-Umfragen unter Studierenden
(2016-08-29)In this thesis the question arose which determinants affect the attitude towards tuition fees. Two approaches within the Social Sciences can explain attitudes in general: the economic approach and the ideological approach. ... -
Migration und Migrationspolitik im Zuge des Transformationsprozesses seit 1989 – am Beispiel Polen.
(2015-09-03)In political science Poland is a popular choice for transformation research, either in comparative investigations or individual case studies. It is far less usual for the country to be employed as a subject of migration ... -
Umsetzung von EU-Umweltschutz in der deutschen Land- und Forstwirtschaft
(2015-08-14)Conflicts over economic, ecologic and regional development policy goals shape the agricultural and forest policies. The scientific and practical discourses concerning those policies in the EU and Germany were heavily ... -
A Strong Conservative Mandate? - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen konservativer Politik am Beispiel der Reformdebatte um Social Security während des 109th United States Congress
(2014-09-02)The successes and setbacks of the Tea Party movement in American national politics over the last few years raise the question under which conditions it is possible to enact conservative policies on the national level in ... -
Outside the Wire: Foucault's Ethics and the Canadian Military
(2012-09-24)Foucault believed an ethical person developed through “self forming activity” and the exercise of free will. Foucault’s theories on ethics and power-knowledge, however, can be viewed as a contradiction. The problem, say ... -
“Es sind Deutsche, in unseren Augen sowjetische Satelliten...”: Christdemokratische Grundwerte der Adenauer-CDU im Spiegel der deutsch-deutschen Teilung und in Ableitung auf den realsozialistischen Osten (1945 bis 1966)
(2012-08-29)The dissertation of Karolina Lang-Vöge is entitled “‘They are Germans, from our point of view, Soviet satellites... ’ : Christian democratic values in the Adenauer-CDU reflected by the division of Germany and in regard ... -
Europäisierung deutscher Migrationspolitik
(2012-07-31)Facing global migration movements, there seems to be no doubt anymore that Germany today has become an immigration country. During the last years increasingly the development of a common migration area can be observed. In ...