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Körperunzufriedenheit bei männlichen Fitnessstudiobesuchern
(2023-05-08)This dissertation aimed to reconstruct the meaning of sportive actions and social interactions in the small lifeworld of the gym in the context of body dissatisfaction among men. A qualitative research design was chosen ... -
Identitätskonstruktionen marginalisierter Jugendlicher im informellen Sport
(2017-01-31)In public and political debates young ethnic minority men are commonly labelled as a ‘problem group’ and in scientific discourses researchers attest them difficulties with identity development. Taking into account that ... -
Gesundheitlicher Benefit sportlicher Aktivitäten von Menschen mit Behinderungen im Freizeit- und Breitensport
(2016-12-15)The `Convention of the United Nations on the rights of persons with disabilities‘ was created to move more awareness towards the human rights of people with disabilities. The convention was implemented in the member states ... -
Energiebilanz bei Forstwirten
(2015-12-14)The lack of physical activity and its consequences currently constitute an exploratory focus in sport science. In most cases studies focus on occupational groups working sedentary whilst being overweight. Professions with ... -
Motivation von Seniorinnen und Senioren zur sportlichen Betätigung: Eine empirische Untersuchung mittels qualitativer Interviews in und um Göttingen.
(2015-07-22)This dissertation aims at solving the question why some seniors start participating in sporting activities while others remain inactive. A focus on the target group of senior citizens is of growing importance due to ... -
Wahrnehmung und Vorstellung von Bewegungen - Studien im Kontext des Erwerbs sportlicher Fertigkeiten in der Kindheit
(2015-01-23)This thesis explored children´s motor and cognitive achievements while they were learning an athletic skill. For that purpose a method for measuring mental imagery of movements in young children was developed. The ... -
Ausdauertraining bei Schizophreniepatienten: Eine kontrollierte Studie zu den Wirkungen von Ausdauertraining in der Kombination mit kognitivem Training auf Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit, Funktionsniveau und Hippocampusvolumen
(2014-11-18)The aim of the study is the investigation of endurance training for future implementation into the therapy plan of schizophrenia patients. In healthy controls and animals, several beneficial effects of endurance training ... -
AKTIKA - Die Aktivitätskapazität von Patienten mit Rückenschmerzen
(2014-02-06)Patients with back pain suffer basically from pain and physical activity limitations. Their performance capacity in physical activities and participation in life is reduced. Also, national and international guidelines for ... -
Sadder but wiser
(1997-04-08) -
Vergleichende Untersuchung zur Trainingswirksamkeit eines an der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit orientierten Trainings der Beinmuskulatur
(2013-12-04)Among other things, the question about the extent to which the parameters “isometric and dynamic maximal strength” of the leg muscles show manifold changes after twentytraining units on the Desmotronic leg press and on the ... -
Studies on the performance structure and relevant parameters determining individual performance in the Paralympic port Alpine Skiing - Case Study
(2013-08-09)This study directed at athletes from the German Paralympic Alpine Ski Team (DPS), encompasses an overall evaluation focused on two main assessments, together with some complementary tests. Most of the athletes involved are ... -
Lehr- und Verhaltensstile von Sportlehrkräften: Evasives Bewältigungsverhalten im Sportunterricht
(2013-05-13)The everyday work of physical education (PE) teachers is characterized by great potential for stress. Among the factors named in surveys as being particularly stress-inducing are high noise levels, the multiple different ... -
Methoden und Mittel zur Verbesserung des statischen und dynamischen Muskelverhaltens bei haltungsbedingten Beschwerden:ein Trainings- und bewegungswissenschaftlicher Vergleich zwischen haltungsverbessernden, sensomotorischen Einlegesohlen und einem gesundheitsorientiertem, rehabilitativen Muskelaufbautraining
(2008-04-30)The aim of this study was to detect whether the sensomotoric system or rather the muscle state can be influenced by the external effects of posture-improving Sensomotoric Insoles and/or a rehabilitatives muscle ... -
Aufbau von Handlungswissen und Kompetenzlernen bei Sportspielen, ein didaktisches Modell der Spielhandlungskompetenzen
(2012-12-06)The present dissertation aims to design a didactic model for the teaching and training of sports games taking into account the basic principles of learning theories such as Interactionist Constructivism, Situated Learning ... -
Rehabilittives Krafttraining zur Behandlung tumorassoziierter Fatigue unter Einbeziehung zirkadianrhythmischer Aspekte während und nach stationärer Rehabilitation
(2011-09-26)The part of concerned patients in cancer-related fatigue is still constantly high. Because of the limiting character, cancer-related fatigue is one of the unpleasent adverse reactions of ... -
Die Rezeption des Wunders von Bern durch Printmedien in England, Frankreich, Österreich und der Schweiz - ein Beitrag zu einem der Gründungsmythen der Bundesrepublik auf Quellenbasis ausgewählter Tages- und Wochenzeitungen
(2011-06-03)The miracle of Berne ( Wunder von Bern ), which means the highly surprising victory of the Western German football team at the world cup 1954 in Switzerland, has become a fixed term in ... -
Evaluation über die Effektivität eines strukturierten Trainingsprogramms zur Behandlung des chronischen Fatigue-Syndroms bei Brustkrebspatientinnen
(2011-03-08)In the current study the effectivness of a structured training program on chronic fatigue in breast cancer patients was investigated. It was shown that the training program had positiv ... -
Emotionen und Erlebnisse beim Public Viewing
(2010-06-02)The dissertation presents a fundamental contribution of sports sciences to a current and socially significant discourse. Television broadcastings of socially relevant events have long been ... -
Sportlich-handlungsorientiertes Lernen von berufstätigen Erwachsenen im Kontext eines systemisch-konstruktivistischen Ansatzes.
(2010-03-24)The objective of this research is to show a correlation between the application of the methodical-didactical concept of outdoor action learning and the results in learning (Transfer ... -
Zwischen Funktion und Leistung
(2007-04-24)It seems almost impossible for a spectator to draw a distinction between sport and its social environment in postmodern times. And even if the effort is undertaken to draw such a distinction ...