Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS)
Recent Submissions
(Mis)Guiding consumers to sustainable consumption: the role of information, labels and claims
(2025-02-06)This dissertation uses plant-based meat and dairy alternatives (PBMDAs) as a food category example, and palm oil as a case study ingredient, to illustrate how consumer communication on food products can influence assumptions ... -
Entwicklung eines integrierten Behandlungskonzeptes für die Kabatiella-Augenfleckenkrankheit (Kabatiella zeae) und die Turcicum-Blattdürre (Setosphaeria turcica) im Mais (Zea mays subsp. mays L.)
(2025-01-20)The aim of this study was to develop an integrated treatment concept for Northern corn leaf blight (Setosphaeria turcica) and Kabatiella eyespot (Kabatiella zeae) in maize (Zea mays subsp. mays L.) under Central European ... -
Genetic variation and inheritance of seed fiber components in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
(2025-01-13)Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is a major oil crop and a valuable protein source for animal and human nutrition. The oil-extracted meal of oilseed rape has a high protein content and a well-balanced amino acid composition. ... -
Designing politically feasible policies to enhance healthy and sustainable diets – empirical insights.
(2025-01-07)The adoption of nutrition policy measures to promote healthy and sustainable diets has lagged behind the health, environmental, social, and economic arguments to invest. In recognition of the fact that a lack of political ... -
Evaluation and optimization of the effectiveness of Attracap® and its environmental influences: A biological soil insecticide to control wireworms (Agriotes spp.)
(2024-12-19)The use of entomopathogenic fungi as biocontrol agents in agricultural pest management offers a promising alternative to chemical pesticides, aligning with the increasing global emphasis on sustainable farming practices. ... -
CO2-Bindung in landwirtschaftlichen Böden durch Humusaufbau - Untersuchungen zur Teilnahmebereitschaft landwirtschaftlicher UnternehmerInnen an Humusprogrammen
(2024-12-19)In order to counteract climate change, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the existing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Agricultural soils have a great potential to store carbon ... -
Bewertung der Praxisnähe und des Lösungsbeitrags von Technologien in der Landwirtschaft 4.0 am Beispiel digitaler Höhenmodelle, drohnengestützter Pflanzenbonitur und mechanisch-chemischer Unkrautregulierung
(2024-12-19)Digital technologies are omnipresent and open up new opportunities for agriculture. At the same time, challenges arise when implementing the technologies in practice. OUTCOME SITUATION: Over the years, significant ... -
Preference of dairy cows with free access to pasture and barn
(2024-12-12)With the increasing interest of various consumer groups in high welfare husbandry and the pressure on farmers to meet this demand, the number of comparative studies on dairy cow grazing and housing has also increased. ... -
Analysing the Effects of Social Protection Policies on Climate Change Adaptation, Food and Nutrition Security
(2024-12-09)Social protection is gaining recognition as a strategy to address various underlying causes of poverty in developing countries, with increasing population coverage and social protection systems more frequently becoming ... -
Betriebswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen von Alternativen zur betäubungslosen Ferkelkastration
(2024-12-09)Piglet castration without anaesthesia has long been a common practice in pig farming to avoid boar taint in meat and to produce a homogeneous carcass. Due to the growing societal awareness of animal welfare, this practice ... -
Dynamics of Phosphorus Availability and Uptake in Hydroponics and Soils
(2024-12-09)The availability of phosphorus (P) in terrestrial ecosystems is primarily determined by plant genotypes and soil physiochemical characteristics that influence the chemical forms of P in soil and its biotransformation by ... -
Modeling and Optimization of Animal Breeding Programs
(2024-11-22)Simulation software can be used to model and optimize breeding programs. In the current work, the “Modular Breeding Program Simulator” (MoBPS) was applied to demonstrate this on three examples from layer, horse and pig ... -
Die Bio-Tierhaltung aus Sicht der Gesellschaft
(2024-11-15)The aim of this dissertation was to assess citizens’ expectations and trust in organic animal husbandry and to identify expectation–reality gaps in organic animal farming. Strengthening consumer trust is an important aspect ... -
Rethinking the Challenges of Agricultural Markets – Food Prices, Innovation, and Technical Efficiency
(2024-11-05)Global agricultural markets have reached a critical point; their immediate and long-term development has never been in higher jeopardy. As the rapid growth of the world’s population, coupled with urbanization and rising ... -
Molecular Investigations on Spastic Paresis and Other Inheritable Bovine Diseases
(2024-10-30)Genetic mutations often cause serious diseases associated with severe animal suffering. Today, molecular methods enable efficient research and prevent spreading of disease alleles in cattle populations. The main objective ... -
Dissecting intraspecific variation in body size related traits in Drosophila melanogaster
(2024-10-23)Understanding the evolution of complex morphological traits is one of the main challenges in biology. This requires the identification of the causative genomic regions and the molecular changes responsible for phenotypic ... -
Improving the wellbeing of smallholder coffee farmers at Masaba (Mount Elgon) in Uganda: An investigation of challenges and resources
(2024-10-08)The coffee sector in Uganda is of great socio-economic importance for the country. For many smallholder farmers in the Masaba region (Mount Elgon) in Uganda, the cultivation of Arabica coffee is the most important source ... -
Evaluating the Effects of Changing Dietary Patterns on Agricultural Sectors, Trade, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the EU
(2024-08-09)Reducing the consumption of animal-based foods and shifting to a more plant-based diet is seen by many scientists as a contribution to combating climate change and improving the environment and public health (WILLETT et ... -
Bewertung von Tierwohlindikatoren für Mastschweine
(2024-08-05)The welfare of farm animals is a subject of controversial debate in the economy, politics, society and science. Methods for the assessment of animal welfare are an important component in objectifying the discussion. With ... -
Diversity and pest control services of birds and bats in Peruvian agroforestry landscapes of native cacao
(2024-07-31)Commodity production in the tropics represents a threat for nature conservation, but also an opportunity for developing socio-ecologically sustainable agricultural practices. Cacao production in agroforestry systems has ...