Browsing Fakultät für Chemie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Schroeder, Jörg Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Generation of H-Atom Pulses and Associative Desorption of Hydrogen Isotopologues from Metal Surfaces
(2018-03-28)Part I of this work introduces a technique for the generation of H-atom pulses with unprecedented time resolution. In part II an extensive study of the associative desorption reaction of hydrogen isotopologues from metal ... -
From diatomic to polyatomic quantum-state-resolved molecule-surface scattering
(2017-10-10)In this work, molecule-surface scattering is studied for the diatomic molecule nitric oxide (NO) and the polyatomic molecule formaldehyde. Following the approach of “molecular surface science”, elementary steps in the ... -
Anwendungsbezogene Weiterentwicklung der abbildenden Ellipsometrie
(2017-10-10)Since the work of Geim of graphene as the first 2D material, application and rese- arch of 2D materials is the main booming branch this decade. Overall the imaging techniques like RAMAN Imaging, AFM and optical microscopy ... -
Theoretical Description of Hydrogen Atom Scattering off Noble Metals
(2016-07-01)I have constructed a full-dimensional potential energy surface (PES) for a H atom interacting with a Au(111) surface by fitting the analytic form of the Effective Medium Theory to density functional theory (DFT) energies. ... -
Electron Emission from Metastable Carbon Monoxide Molecules at Adsorbate Covered Au(111) Surfaces
(2015-07-09)Understanding the fundamentals of energy transfer between molecules and surfaces is of profound importance in modern chemistry. Here, I investigate an important energy transfer process, electron ... -
Lichtinduzierte Primärprozesse in reversibel photoschaltbaren fluoreszierenden Proteinen: Zeitaufgelöste Spektroskopie von Padron0.9 und rsFastLime
(2015-05-18)Within this project, the photodynamics of the reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins Padron0.9 and rsFastLime after photoexcitation were investigated. Cis/trans-isomerization of the chromophore is an essential element ... -
Elektrophysiologische Charakterisierung des mitochondrialen Porins VDAC1 und des antimikrobiellen Peptids Dermcidin in lösungsmittelfreien Modellmembranen
(2013-07-04)Solvent free lipid bilayers were used for the electrophysiological characterization of the most abundant protein of the outer mitochondrial membrane, the isoform 1 of the voltage dependent anion channel (VDAC1), and the ... -
Photoinduced electron transfer in dyads and triads with d6 metal complexes and anthraquinone
(2012-07-11)Over the past years, designing molecular systems that mimic natural processes has become the center of much research in the field of chemistry. Many of these artificial systems are synthesized in order to study ... -
Femtosekunden Pump-Probe-Absorptionsspektroskopie zur Untersuchung der intramolekularen Dynamik von ß -Apo-Carotinsäuren und von Patman in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln
(2012-01-31)Transient absorption spectroscopy was applied in order to record time resolved spectral profiles and time constants of the photokinetics of n'-β-apo-n'-carotenoic acids (n = 10, 12, 14) and ... -
Molecular Beam Studies of Energy Transfer in Molecule Surface Interactions
(2011-12-08)Chemical reactivity at metal surfaces is extremely important in modern chemistry. Motivation for a deeper understanding of these processes has led to the development of new fields of study, ... -
Entwicklung eines Fusionsassays basierend auf porenüberspannenden Membranen
(2011-11-09)Fusion of biological membranes is a central requirement for many cellular processes. In recent years a great variety of fusion assays based on artificial membrane systems has been developed. ... -
HIV-1 Nef destabilisiert artifizielle Membransysteme: Untersuchung der Bedeutung des Myristoylankers und des positiven Ladungsclusters
(2009-06-22)The HIV-1 Nef protein belongs to the so-called accessory proteins and is critical for optimal viral replication and the pathogenesis of AIDS. It is supposed that the functions of Nef require ... -
Transition of intrinsically unfolded α-synuclein into the fibrillar state characterized by NMR spectroscopy
(2008-12-10)Proteins fold into appropriate configuration, called native structure, in order to achieve its cellular function. A protein with nonnative structure induces malfunction and causes the ... -
Photodissoziation von Polyhalogenmethanen in Fluiden: Kurzzeitdynamik und Mechanismen
(2008-09-19)This work investigates the molecular mechanisms of photoinduced dynamics and isomerization of polyhalomethanes in fluids by femtosecond pump-probe absorption spectroscopy. For this purpose ... -
Zeitaufgelöste Fluoreszenzspektroskopie unimolekularer Reaktionen im Überschalldüsenstrahl: <i>trans-cis</i>-Photoisomerisierung, Phenylringtorsion, intramolekularer Wasserstoffatomtransfer
(2005-11-02)In this work three types of unimolecular reactions were studied spectroscopically and theoretically with model systems: (1) the trans-cis-photoisomerization of trans-stilbene and its ... -
Femtosekunden Photolyse von Diiodmethan in überkritischen Fluiden: Konkurrenz zwischen Photodissoziation und Photoisomerisierung
(2004-01-14)This thesis deals with effects that a dense fluid environment may have on the dynamics of elementary reactions such as competition between reactant escape from a solvent cage and in-cage ... -
Ultraschnelle, lichtinduzierte Primärprozesse im elektronisch angeregten Zustand des Grün Fluoreszierenden Proteins (GFP)
(2003-02-11)The photophysical processes of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) were studied by femtosecond time- and frequency-resolved as well as time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) experiments. ...