Browsing Fakultät für Chemie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Troe, Jürgen Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 45
Mechanistic Studies of Hydrogen Recombination and Water Formation on Palladium Surfaces
(2024-12-19)In heterogeneous catalysis, one of the major challenges is to determine which microscopic processes are of importance for the reaction to occur with desired activity and selectivity. Efforts towards a fundamental understanding ... -
Evaluation of a new VUV-FEL surface science end station using atomic beam surface scattering and velocity-resolved surface reaction dynamics
(2024-12-03)Abstract: 1. Atomic oxygen scattering from HOPG It has been unequivocally established that the electronic spin of a molecule significantly influences reactivity in gas phase reactions. However, the presence of clear ... -
Mechanistic Studies on flat and stepped Palladium Single Crystal Surfaces: Experimental Evidence of Reaction Intermediates for the Decomposition of Formic Acid and Oxidation of Ammonia
(2024-10-04)In this work, experimental and theoretical investigations of formic acid desorption, decomposition and ammonia oxidation on single crystal palladium surfaces are presented. The formic acid system is investigated using a ... -
Application of Laser Induced Desorption to study Velocity-Resolved Kinetics
(2023-05-04)In this work, I present a new method to measure velocity-resolved kinetics (VRK) of chemical reactions on surfaces. Ultra-fast laser-induced desorption (LID) is utilized as a tool to directly measure coverages of adsorbates. ... -
Surface scattering dynamics of graphene and graphite
(2022-04-26)Since its first successful preparation in 2004, graphene has been extensively studied because of its outstanding mechanical, thermal and electronic properties. Graphene is an especially interesting material because of its ... -
Scattering of vibrationally excited NO from vanadium dioxide
(2020-01-24)This work investigates the surface dynamics of vanadium dioxide with nitric oxide in dependence of its metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) at 68 °C. At lower temperatures VO2 has a monoclinic lattice structure which has ... -
The Dynamics of Highly Vibrationally Excited CO Scattered from Metal Surfaces
(2019-04-26)Supersonic molecular beams of highly vibrationally excited CO are scattered from atomically clean Au(111) and Ag(111) surfaces. Specifically, incident CO is prepared in the (v = 17, J = 0) state of the electronic ground ... -
Generation of H-Atom Pulses and Associative Desorption of Hydrogen Isotopologues from Metal Surfaces
(2018-03-28)Part I of this work introduces a technique for the generation of H-atom pulses with unprecedented time resolution. In part II an extensive study of the associative desorption reaction of hydrogen isotopologues from metal ... -
Orientation-dependent energy transfer in gas-surface collisions: Scattering of vibrationally excited nitric oxide from Au(111)
(2015-07-14)The work in my thesis is a contribution to the field of chemical dynamics at surfaces. In this field we seek to develop a detailed microscopic understanding of chemical events taking place on surfaces. Progress in ...
Electron Emission from Metastable Carbon Monoxide Molecules at Adsorbate Covered Au(111) Surfaces
(2015-07-09)Understanding the fundamentals of energy transfer between molecules and surfaces is of profound importance in modern chemistry. Here, I investigate an important energy transfer process, electron ... -
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen der Dissoziationen von Tetrafluorethen, Hexafluorpropen und Hexafluorcyclopropan
(2014-07-17)The thermal dissociation reactions of C2F4, C3F6 and c-C3F6 were studied in shock waves monitoring CF2 radicals by their UV absorption.
C2F4: The absorption coefficients as functions of wavelength and temperature ... -
S2 State Photodissociation of Diphenylcyclopropenone, Vibrational Energy Transfer along Aliphatic Chains, and Energy Calculations of Noble Gas-Halide Clusters
(2014-06-10)In this work, three major topics are investigated. The decarbonylation of diphenylcyclopropenone from its second excited electronic state forms the first part. This reaction was investigated using pump laser pulses of ... -
Photoakustische Online-Spektroskopie von Schichten im Nanometer-Bereich
(2014-03-28)Metallic coatings in the nanometer range are widely used in industrial applications like optical, semiconductor or metal industry. The amount and thickness of the coating need to be determined for a stable process and ... -
Stoßwellenuntersuchungen und Modellierung der Pyrolyse von Pentafluorethan und 2-H-Heptafluorpropan
(2014-02-20)The pyrolysis of C2HF5 and C3HF7 have been studied in shock waves by monitoring die UV-absorption of CF2 at 248nm and temperatures in the range of 1400 - 2000 K. Ar was used as bath gas with concentrations in the range ... -
Femtosekunden Pump-Probe-Absorptionsspektroskopie zur Untersuchung der intramolekularen Dynamik von ß -Apo-Carotinsäuren und von Patman in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln
(2012-01-31)Transient absorption spectroscopy was applied in order to record time resolved spectral profiles and time constants of the photokinetics of n'-β-apo-n'-carotenoic acids (n = 10, 12, 14) and ... -
Entwicklung, Charakterisierung und Anwendungen nichtthermischer Luft-Plasmajets
(2011-11-29)The main applications for non thermal plasma jets are surface treatments with the purpose of cleaning, activation, modification or coating. For an effective plasma treatment, a high ... -
Bildgebung und chemische Analytik mit Laserdesorptions-Massenspektrometrie im Bereich Forensik und Astrophysik
(2011-09-16)Laserdesorption is a versatile method and an essential tool in bioanalytical mass spectrometry. In this work it was used for the following distinct topics. The first ... -
Laserspektroskopische Untersuchungen zur Dynamik von ionischen Flüssigkeiten mit Hilfe molekularer Sonden
(2011-08-24)Ionic liquids have been studied by transient absorption spectroscopy. Relaxation processes after photo excitation of molecular probes were used as an indicator to study the microscopic ... -
Pump-Superkontinuum-Probe-Spektroskopie von Carotinoiden in organischen Lösungsmitteln
(2011-03-11)In the course of this PhD project, a new experiment for pump-supercontinuum-probe spectroscopy has been set up, tested, optimized and used for a number of studies on carotenoids in organic ... -
Femtosekunden Photodetachment- Photoelektronenspektroskopie an isolierten und massenselektierten Halogen-Edelgas-Clustern
(2010-11-22)This thesis is dedicated to the study of the energetics and dynamics of the solvation process in van-der-Waals bonded halogen rare gas clusters. To this end a high repetitive electron-/mass ...