Browsing Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Dohrenbusch, Achim Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Einfluss von Klima und Topographie auf Struktur, Zusammensetzung und Dynamik eines tropischen Wolkenwaldes in Monteverde, Costa Rica
(2006-09-26)Climatic variability and soil properties were investigated for different tropical montane cloud forest types in the Monteverde Reserve in north western Costa Rica during 2003 and 2004. Eight ... -
Physiologische Untersuchungen am Stamm und im Kronenraum eines Fichtenaltbestandes nach experimenteller Manipulation des Wasser- und Ionenhaushaltes (Dachprojekt Solling)
(2002-05-22)Within the framework of the EU-funded EXMAN (Experimental Manipulation of Forest Ecosystems) and NITREX (Nitrogen Saturation Experiments) project a large scale field experiment with a ... -
Rekultivierung von Tagebaufolgeflächen mit verschiedenen Bodenhilfsstoffen und Baumarten
(2014-03-19)Due to surface mining activities such as removing the topsoil, mixing of soil layers in the backfill of abandoned open pits and usage of heavy machines, former surface mining areas usually offer extremely difficult site ... -
Risiken und Chancen des Paulownia-Anbaus unter mitteleuropäischen Bedingungen
(2021-11-23)Introduction Paulownia is one of the oldest tree genera in the world actively cultivated by humans. First written records date back to 1000 BC (Barton, 2007). An exact determination of the natural distribution is no longer ... -
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss des Klimas auf das Wachstum der Hauptbaumarten in Deutschland
(2021-07-02)Since the 20th century, the global climate is changing at an unprecedented rate. For Central Europe, this change means an increase in average annual temperatures, changing precipitation conditions and an increase of ... -
Vergleich unterschiedlicher Anbaumethoden von Energieholzplantagen
(2012-02-21)At three study sites in Northwestern Germany different methods of planting and managing short rotation coppices on former arable land were tested.One study site (Gütersloh) was divided into ...