Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 80-99 of 351
Early Earth mantle heterogeneities
(2023-07-04)Determining isotopic signatures established in the Hadean mantle offers far-reaching insights into the origin of Earth’s accreted building blocks, core formation, mantle differentiation as well as the formation of Earth’s ... -
(2010-10-27)The introduction of alien species into new environments for many centuries has led to global biodiversity impacts which have been altering ecological processes gradually. These alterations ... -
Effects of solid additives and inorganic ligands on the efficiency of metallic iron- based water treatment system
(2024-02-23)Metallic iron (Fe0) or zero-valent iron (ZVI) has been extensively used for water remediation during the past three decades. It has been proven to be effective in treating waters polluted with chlorinated aliphatics, dyes, ... -
Einfluss der Landnutzung auf den Nährstoffhaushalt im Teileinzugsgebiet des Hana an der Grenze des Tai-Nationalparks (Côte d'Ivoire)
(2004-10-15)The present thesis is part of the project "Characterization of the nutrient budget in a catchment in Western Côte d'Ivoire. Development of a methodology for the objective evaluation of water ... -
Einfluss der Waldkonversion auf den Wasserhaushalt eines tropischen Regenwaldeinzugsgebietes in Zentral Sulawesi (Indonesien)
(2004-03-29)In the first phase of the collaborative research project Stability of rainforest margins financed by the DFG (German Research Council) a experimental catchment and its sub-catchments have ... -
Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Häufigkeit von Hautkrebserkrankungen
(2010-01-18)UV radiation is one of the major factors causing skin cancer. Mostly ozone hole are regarded as important factors with an impact on skin cancer. Climate change is in many studies not included. ... -
Einfluss des Mikrogefüges auf ausgewählte petrophysikalische Eigenschaften von Tongesteinen und Bentoniten
(2008-05-30)Clays are used for numerous different applications. Their properties are known to vary substantially. Therefore, one important goal of clay science is to understand the relation of properties ... -
Einsatzmöglichkeiten neuer Informationstechnologien für die Aufbereitung und Vermittlung geographischer Informationen - das Beispiel kartengestützte Online-Systeme
(2004-09-27)The internet is a prime means for distributing and visualising spatial data from cartographic and geographic databases. Reaching a broad audience, the number of maps designed and distributed ... -
Die Eisrandtäler im Karakorum: Verbreitung, Genese und Morphodynamik des lateroglazialen Sedimentformenschatzes
(2014-08-11)The research study provides a contribution to the geomorphological survey of the lateroglacial landform assemblage along subtropical high mountain glaciers in the Karakoram (72°-79°E; 35°-36°N). The ice-marginal valleys ... -
Ejecta erosion, hydrological, and chemical lake evolution in the Ries impact basin (Miocene, Germany)
(2022-04-08)To inspect past environmental changes and potential habitability, the growing interests for the ancient Martian crater lakes call for better understandings of palaeolimnological evolution of impact crater lakes. Particularly, ... -
Electrical conductivity and hydrogen diffusion in synthetic orthopyroxene single-crystals
(2011-03-22)Charge transport mechanisms and the proton contribution to electrical conductivity of syn-thetic orthopyroxene single crystals could be inferred by combining results from hydrogen diffusivity ... -
Electromagnetic radiation as a tool to determine actual crustal stresses - applications and limitations
(2010-05-25)In the last decades natural Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) has gained more and more attention in the fields of material sciences and geosciences. Since EMR precedes material failure, it ... -
Elektroresistiver Effekt im sauerstoffdefizitären Manganit Nd2/3Sr1/3MnO3-/δ
(2006-08-01)In this work we investigated oxygen deficient Nd2/3Sr1/3MnO3-δ-ceramics with 0 < δ < 0.20. The T-δ phase diagram exhibits sequence of the paramagnetic, antiferromagnetic and two spin-canted (metallic and insulating) phases. ... -
Entgasung und Kristallisation beim Aufstieg dazitischer Magmen zur Erdoberfläche
(2014-10-29)In this study, kinetic processes during experimentally simulated ascent of dacitic magmas, based on eruption products of Taapaca volcano, were investigated. The focus was on degassing of water saturated samples and the ... -
Entwicklung eines statistischen Habitateignungsmodells zur räumlichen Vorhersage der Vorkommenswahrscheinlichkeit des Wachtelkönigs (<i>Crex crex L.</i>) im Nationalpark Unteres Odertal
(2006-03-29)Until the middle of the last decade, there had been little knowledge about the habitat requirements and conservation biology of corncrakes (Flade 1991). Many questions on these topics were ... -
Erdfallablagerungen des südlichen Harzvorlandes
(2005-03-23)Sediments from karst sínkholes of the Upper Permian (Zechstein) belt of southern Harz mountains are geochemically examinated. The aim of this research is the reconstruction of the ... -
Erhaltung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit unter Anwendung angepasster Anbausysteme in Bergregionen Vietnams
(2004-03-12)In sloping lands in Vietnam, the influence of topography, geology, morphology, climate, etc., and of human activities has resulted in serious environmental degradation, particularly of soil ... -
Evaluating the potential of I-type cosmic spherules as a proxy for the Δ’17O of atmospheric O2 for reconstructing paleo-CO2 levels and GPP throughout the Phanerozoic
(2024-12-09)Entirely molten micrometeorites, termed I-type cosmic spherules, are micrometer to millimeter-sized remnants of extraterrestrial Fe, Ni-rich metal that can be recovered on Earth. I-type cosmic spherules acquire all oxygen ... -
Evaluation of 87Sr/86Sr, δ18O, δ2H, and Cation Contents as Geochemical Tracers for Provenance and Flow Paths of Saline Solutions in German Zechstein Deposits
(2009-05-15)The assessment of flow paths of saline solutions that percolate through evaporitic deposits is an important task for a mining company to avoid loss of a mine by flooding. In this study, the ... -
Evolution and decay of peneplains in the northern Lhasa terrane, Tibetan Plateau
(2014-10-21)The key issue of this thesis is the evolution and decay of peneplains, which are distinctive geomorphological structures in the southern area of the Tibetan Plateau. Additionally, evidence concerning the uplift history and ...