Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 146-165 of 346
Heat Transport Phenomena in Shallow Geothermal Boreholes
(2014-02-26)The branch of shallow geothermics is part of renewable energies with a potential that has not been fully exploited. Although various analytical and numerical approaches to determine the processes in vertical borehole ... -
Herkunft, Migrationsformen und Verbleib von Haupt- und Spurenelementen in Sicker- und Porenwässern des ehemaligen Braunkohletagebaus Zwenkau/Cospuden
(2001-06-27)Acidification due to pyrite oxidation in former lignite mining regions leads to severe and long-term consequences for the quality of regional waters. From the pyrite itself and from other ... -
Highly resolved thermal analysis as a tool for simultaneous quantification of total carbon, organic carbon, inorganic carbon and soil organic carbon fractions in landscapes
(2015-02-25)To quantify and evermore qualify carbon in soils have become highly timely task in landscape ecology. However, separating soil organic carbon (SOC) into different ecologically relevant fractions is difficult. Particularly ... -
High‐precision Strontium Isotope Measurements - From the Early Solar System to the Age of the Moon
(2024-07-12)Variations in the isotopic composition of extraterrestrial rocks provide crucial information about the nature and evolution of planetary building blocks, the Earth, and the Moon. In this thesis, strontium isotopic compositions ... -
Historische und rezente Gletscherstandsschwankungen in den Einzugsgebieten des Cha Lungpa (Mukut-, Hongde- und Tongu-Himalaja sowie Tach Garbo Lungpa), des Khangsar Khola (Annapurna N-Abdachung) und des Kone Khola (Muktinath-, Purkhung- und Chulu-Himalaja)
(2011-03-11)The aim of this work was to set up a historical (<~ 1700 BP) glacial chronology for the investigated section of the Himalayas. By mapping the glacial-geomorphological inventory in the ... -
History and geochemical evolution of igneous rocks forming the Panama land bridge since Late Cretaceous
(2011-10-24)Major and trace elements, Sr-, Nd-, Pb-, and O-isotopes and 40Ar/39Ar dating of igneous rocks from the Cordillera de Panama and the Soná and Azuero Peninsulas define the magmatic evolution ... -
Hydraulic Tomography: A New Approach Coupling Hydraulic Travel Time, Attenuation and Steady Shape Inversions for High-Spatial Resolution Aquifer Characterization
(2011-05-23)Hydraulic travel time, attenuation, and steady shape inversions are complementary methods for tomographic aquifer characterization. In this work, a coupled procedure is pre-sented that ... -
Hydrochemical and environmental isotope study of the geothermal water in Mae Chan (North) and Ranong (South) geothermal areas in Thailand
(2021-05-28)The exploration and development of geothermal resources in Thailand have been investigated for electricity generation since 1946. In total, 112 hot springs are manifested which mostly scattered at the granite body from the ... -
Hydrogeological characterisation of karst aquifers in semi-arid environments at the catchment scale – Example of the Western Lower Jordan Valley
(2014-09-26)The main objective of the study is the characterisation of karstified carbonate aquifers in the semi- arid climate zone, where groundwater resources are frequently threatened by overexploitation and pollution. Despite often ... -
Hydrological modelling in the meso scale semiarid region of Wadi Kafrein / Jordan -The use of innovative techniques under data scarcity
(2011-06-23)In order to effectively plan and manage the water resources of a country or geographical region, available water resources must be quantitatively assessed and hydrological processes must ... -
Hydromechanische Modellierung potenzieller geothermischer Rotliegend-Reservoire
(2013-10-11)Permian volcanic sequences of the Northern German Basin (NGB) have recently been investigated considering their geothermal potential. The research project Goß Schönebeck represents a substantial progress in this context, ... -
Hydrothermale Alterationsprozesse in Zirkonen
(2001-11-01)The U/Pb isotopic system of zircons is a powerful tool to date rocks. Nevertheless interpretation of discordant U/Pb ages is again and again subject of discussions. We focussed our study ... -
Hypsometrischer Klima- und Bodenwandel in Bergregenwaldökosystemen Boliviens
(2006-05-02)The altitudinal change of soils, climate and litter in Bolivian tropical montane rainforest ecosystems was investigated to examine the relation between the distribution of vegetation and ... -
Identification and quantification of the effects of flow regime and matrix-conduit interaction in the characterization of karst aquifers
(2018-03-13)In addition to alluvial aquifers, karst aquifers are counted among the most important groundwater resources. Besides the high benefit of karstic springs, they also pose risks to the user or people living close to those ... -
Identification of indicator parameters for the quantitative assessment of vulnerability in karst aquifers
(2012-07-26)Prediction of contaminant transport in karst aquifers is therefore challenging and requires the knowledge of flow characteristics and transport processes in these systems. Based in this information, quantitative vulnerability ... -
Impact of climate and land use change on water resources, crop production and land degradation in a semi-arid area (using remote sensing, GIS and hydrological modeling)
(2015-05-05)Water resources have become scarcer in semi-arid regions of Iran due to increasing water use and recurrent drought. Any change to the hydrological cycle may have significant effects on the fragile ecosystems of Iran’s arid ... -
Impact of climate change on recharge and vadose-phreatic storage dynamics of a Mediterranean karst aquifer: Quantitative approach for the management of a complex groundwater resource
(2023-04-11)The Mediterranean basin will be severely affected by global warming and decreased average rainfall and is often portrayed as the most prominent climate change hotspot. At the same time, the Mediterranean basin is endowed ... -
Impacts of agricultural land acquisition for urbanization on smallholder agriculture and gender issues in affected communes: A case study in Huong Thuy town, Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam
(2022-01-04)Abstract Agricultural Land Acquisition for Urbanization (ALAFU) is an inevitable process that has been happening around the world, especially in developing countries. It is the process by which the government acquires ... -
Impacts of rainforest transformation into oil-palm plantations on silicon pools in soils
(2023-03-30)Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. In rocks, Si primarily occurs as primary silicates. In soils, Si is present mostly as secondary silicates or amorphous silica of biogenic or pedogenic ...