Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 177-196 of 351
K-Ar-Datierungen an detritischen Muskoviten und Sm-Nd-Modellalter prä- und synorogener schwach metamorpher Sedimente im Rhenoherzynikum - Grundlegende Daten zur Quantifizierung orogener Prozesse am Beispiel der Varisziden
(2001-07-06)The combination of K-Ar cooling ages of detrital muscovites, Sm-Nd model ages and geochemical investigations allows the discrimination of four crustal segments as provenance areas for the ... -
“Keratose” sponge fossils and microbialites: a geobiological contribution to the understanding of metazoan origin
(2015-02-18)Molecular clock and the fossil record at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary indicate that animals probably had a long evolutionary history in the Precambrian which is still poorly explored and understood. This PhD study was ... -
Kommunalismus und Raumproduktion am Beispiel der indischen Metropole Hyderabad
(2023-01-11)Hyderabad is a fast growing emerging Indian Megacity. Along with globalisation rapid and drastic changes have taken place resulting in spatial fragmentations and new conflicts. The Muslim-dominated old city of Hyderabad ... -
Kritische Analyse der Rekonstruktionen der letztglazialen Vergletscherung im Nepal-Himalaja (Himalaja Südabdachung)
(2020-05-20)Until today there are significant differences in the views on the course and extent of the glacial glaciation in High Asia. The reasons for this are the different methods respectively working techniques used, the location ... -
Kultureller Wandel in Französisch-Polynesien vor dem Hintergrund ausländischer Einflussnahme und endogener Entwicklung - Ausgangssituation für nachhaltige Tourismusprojekte der indigenen Bevölkerung der Maohi
(2002-01-11)The submitted dissertation elucidates and evaluates tourism concepts of the indigenous people of French Polynesia, the Maohi, under the perspective of sustainability with respect to the ... -
Kulturlandschaftswandel während des 20. Jh. in Zentralsulawesi - eine historisch-geographische Analyse der Lore-Lindu-Bergregenwaldregion
(2005-05-27)The focus of this dissertation is on an empirical qualitative analysis of the historical changes in the (wo)man-environment interaction in an ecologically sensitive rainforest margin area ... -
Laboratory studies of partially saturated infiltration dynamics in analog fractured porous rock systems - under consideration of fracture-matrix interaction and network geometry
(2024-08-09)Fractured porous rocks are abundant groundwater reservoir formations often covered by a thick, unsaturated zone. The interplay between fractures and rock matrix can significantly impede infiltration, particularly when the ... -
Landnutzung und Kulturlandschaft
(2014-03-17)On the basis of the natural landscape’s structure of a district located at the edge of the Südheide - situated in the eastern part of the rural district of Celle in Lower Saxony, Germany – the connection between land use ... -
Landowners and biodiversity: Analysis of the potential of conservation on private land in the East of Bolivia
(2005-03-21)This study discusses the advantages and constraints of the involvement of private landowners in biodiversity conservation as well as the measures and strategies to accomplish this task. The ... -
Die Landpflanzenevolution im Phanerozoikum aus petrographischer und geochemischer Sicht
(2006-03-17)The origin and early diversification of land plants marks an interval of unparalleled innovation in the history of plant life. From a simple plant body consisting only of a few cells, land ... -
Landscape transformation in Jambi province, Sumatra - An analysis of land tenure regulations under translational dynamics
(2016-05-23)“Translational dynamics of land tenure regulations – An analysis of landscape transformation from Jambi province, Sumatra” illuminates political and institutional impacts on cultural landscape transformation in Jambi ... -
Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) in Geosciences: Further Improvement for Elemental Analysis
(2017-09-08)A quantitative reduction strategy consisting of Ratioing, Standardization, and Normalization (RSN) was proposed to process the LA-ICP-MS transient signal of NIST, MPI-DING, USGS and CGSG glass reference materials. The RSN ... -
Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic erosion and sediment dispersal in the Dinaride orogen: a sedimentary provenance approach
(2009-04-03)This work presents the results of a sedimentary provenance study undertaken in Cretaceous to Tertiary basins of the Dinarides. The major objective has been to put new constraints on the ... -
Late Palaeozoic to Early Mesozoic evolution of the Palaeotethys in Turkey: Insights from the Karaburun Peninsula and the Konya Complex
(2019-11-08)The greater aim of this PhD thesis is to test the current palaeotectonic models for the Late Palaeozoic to Early Mesozoic evolution of the Palaeotethys in the Eastern Mediterranean. Therefore, siliciclastic rocks from two ... -
Late Paleogene - Early Neogene Abandoned Rift along the River Nile, Egypt
(2021-04-30)The River Nile is one of the major fluvial systems in the world. The Egyptian Nile has been the most studied part of the river. However, the origin, tectonic style and geodynamic evolution of the Nile are still widely ... -
Layerings in the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
(2019-11-19)The Rosetta mission to delivered images of comet 67P’s nucleus at unprecedented resolution which indicate the presence of a global layering system. By merging techniques of structural geology, statistical image processing, ... -
Locating Zones and Quantify the Submarine Groundwater Discharge into the Eastern Shores of the Dead Sea-Jordan
(2006-09-18)This study aims to locate the zones of groundwater discharge into the eastern shores of the Dead Sea and to estimate its quantity. The evaluation of inflow was accomplished by different ... -
Loess-palaeosol sections along the Rhône Rift Valley (SE France) as Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental archives
(2024-03-05)Loess-palaeosol sections (LPSs) represent ideal archives for gaining knowledge of past climatic conditions and changes, as their intermediate loess deposits and buried palaeosols reflect climate conditions of their ... -
Long-term activity of shear zones in the Dom Feliciano Belt and associated terranes (South America)
(2018-11-16)The Dom Feliciano Belt in southern Brazil and Uruguay records the superposed tectonic events that led to the assembly of southwestern Gondwana during the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano-Pan-African orogenic cycle. During the ...