Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 222-241 of 351
Natural Resource Use Conflicts in Indonesia: A Challenge for Sustainable Development and Education for Sustainable Development
(2012-06-05)Many of Indonesia's natural resources are degraded due to over-utilization. Examples are over-exploitation of fish stocks or non-timber forest resources. In many cases commons dilemmas' regularly occurring in open access ... -
Naturraum und Wirtschaftspotenzial in Westchina − Chancen für ausländische Unternehmen?
(2007-06-13)The Chinese economy is nowadays one of the fastest growing in the world, with an average increase of more than 8 % per year. Therefore China is worldwide one of the most attractive location ... -
Naturwerksteine Thailands: Lagerstättenerkundung und Bewertung
(2007-05-02)The last three decades were characterised by a continuous growth with respect to the demand of dimension stones. At the present time it is already obvious that the large quantities that are ... -
Neoproterozoische bis paläozoische Krustendynamik am Westrand des Río de la Plata Kratons
(2010-03-16)Whole rock geochemical analyses using major and trace elements in combination with the Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb isotope systems together with SHRIMP age dating on metasedimentary rocks from the ... -
Numerical modelling of single- and multi-phase flow and transport processes in porous media for assessing hydraulic fracturing impacts on groundwater resources
(2020-05-28)The environmental footprint of hydraulic fracturing has gained substantial attention in the water – energy nexus as the technology is relatively new and its long-term impacts are not thoroughly understood. Of primary ... -
Numerical simulation of permeability heterogeneity in single- and two-phase flow systems to assess the performance of enhanced geothermal system
(2022-11-09)The development of Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) technology leads to the possibility of an extensive application of geothermal energy, which is attractive because of its ability to reduce CO2 emissions and dependence ... -
Numerische Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung von Mantelplumes mit Mittelozeanischen Rücken
(2000-08-21)The interaction of mantle plumes with mid-ocean ridges is investigated in 3-D numerical convection models. A new numerical method for solving convection problems with variable viscosity in ... -
Observations, analysis and interpretation with non-LTE of chromospheric structures on the Sun
(2008-05-27)The Sun possesses a complex layer called chromosphere, which extends above the overwhelmingly bright photosphere. With decreasing density, the solar magnetic fields start here to dominate the dynamics, giving rise to new ... -
On the possibility of using organic molecules in the characterization of subsurface processes
(2013-05-15)Nowadays, tracer tests represent an important part in the repertoire of hydro(geo)logical characterization techniques. For determining hydromechanical parameters of and flow properties within a reservoir or an aquifer, ... -
On the significance and predictability of geological parameters in the exploration for geothermal energy
(2018-05-02)Sufficient reservoir permeability is essential to exploit heat resources for geothermal energy. Reliable prediction of permeability and in consequence flow rate in a deep geothermal reservoir is difficult to predict because ... -
Optimierung der Eigenschaften von neuartigem Elektrobandstahl
(2023-05-23)In the present work, the influence of silicon (Si) and particularly aluminium (Al) on the properties of electrical steel is studied. The aim is to decrease magnetization losses and therefore increase the efficiency of ... -
Optimierung der Exploration, Gewinnung und Materialcharakterisierung von Naturwerksteinen
(2009-04-01)Since antiquity dimension stones have represented the embodiment of values like preciousness and longevity. The last several decades were characterised by a continuous growth in the use of ... -
Organische Petrologie und Mikrofazies der mitteleozänen Seesedimente des Eckfelder Maares (Südwesteifel)
(2003-02-28)The present thesis documents and discusses the results of the project "Organic petrology and microfacies of the Middle Eocene lacustrine sediments from the Eckfeld Maar (Southwest Eifel)" ... -
Organische Spurenstoffe als Indikatoren zur Charakterisierung komplexer Grundwassersysteme
(2015-02-10)Conventional hydrogeological methods (e.g. water level contour maps, hydrographs, pumping tests) can only provide limited information for the basic characterization of complex aquifers, namley catchment delineation, deriving ... -
Origin and evolution of ureilite vein metal - Fe, Ni, Co and Ni-isotope systematics of ureilite vein metal and ureilite silicates
(2010-01-28)Ureilites are meteorites which show characteristics of primitive and differentiated meteorites. They are mainly composed of olivine and pyroxene. The pyroxene is in most cases pigeonite. ... -
Outcrop analogue studies of rocks from the Northwest German Basin for geothermal exploration and exploitation
(2014-10-09)Rock heterogeneities in terms of layering and fault zones are common phenomena in sedimentary basins such as the Northwest German Basin (NWGB). At geothermal projects, these heterogeneous rock properties affect many issues ... -
Oxygen isotope microanalysis of silicates with application to fluid-rock interfaces
(2001-10-31)In order to investigate crustal fluid-rock interactions an oxygen isotope microprobe was set up. Oygen is extracted from silicates by Ultra-Violet (UV)-laser fluorination and its isotropic ... -
Paläoökologische Interaktionen von Organismen aus Baltischem und Bitterfelder Bernstein
(2020-11-06)Because of the quick fixation and detailed conservation of millions-of-years-old arthropods, other small animals and plant parts, amber is very suitable for the conservation of ancient behaviours and interactions. In this ... -
Paläoökologische und geochemische Studien auf Schwamm-Mikroinkrustrierer- Gemeinschaften ausgewählter Cipit Kalke aus der St. Cassian Formation (Unterkarn, Obertrias) von der Dolomiten, Nordostitalien
(2010-12-23)The Lower Carnian St. Cassian Formation (Dolomites, NE Italy) is well known for its very diverse and exceptionally well-preserved fauna. It dates from Middle to Late Triassic and comprises ...