Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Dittrich, Christoph Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Middle-class consumers and alternative food networks in Bengaluru, India: Exploring pathways for transition to sustainable diets
(2025-01-17)The urgency for transitions toward sustainable food systems that promote and support sustainable diets is of critical importance for both planetary and human health and wellbeing. Currently, food systems are responsible ... -
Kommunalismus und Raumproduktion am Beispiel der indischen Metropole Hyderabad
(2023-01-11)Hyderabad is a fast growing emerging Indian Megacity. Along with globalisation rapid and drastic changes have taken place resulting in spatial fragmentations and new conflicts. The Muslim-dominated old city of Hyderabad ... -
Political Change and Urban Growth in a Medium-sized Outer Island Capital in Indonesia: The Case of Palu, Central Sulawesi
(2022-11-28)Purpose: This study examines how Palu’s urban development was affected by centralization and subsequent decentralization policies as well as how these shaped the local government and society. This study also explores local ... -
Agrarian change and hydro-social transformations. The socio-natural production of water, risk and inequality in Jambi province, Indonesia
(2021-02-23)The production of palm oil, pulpwood and rubber has caused a large-scale expansion of agro-industrial plantation systems in Southeast Asia in recent years. This development is highly contested and has sparked conflict over ... -
Space-time modelling of seasonal soil moisture for improved crop production – the case of the Guinea savannah region, Ghana
(2020-12-17)The upsurge in advocacy for food security in SSA implies the urgent need for improved sustainable adaptation measures that can boost food-crop production. This is of utmost concern, because, over the past decades, food ... -
Food and the middle class
(2020-05-25)The global food consumption today is environmentally and socially not sustainable. While greenhousegas emissions increase due to changing diets, the dubble burden of malnutrition persists especially in emerging economies ... -
Produktion öffentlicher Räume in indischen Megastädten
(2019-12-06)Since India’s economic liberalization in the 1990s the cities have undergone tremendous change. It goes along with conflicts about public spaces. This dissertation describes and analyzes the dynamics of mega-urban public ... -
Air Surface Temperature Estimation Using MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data in Northwest Vietnam
(2019-07-26)There is increasing demand for air surface temperature (Ta) data that can capture information for a large area or for a region, since this kind of data is an important parameter for a wide range of applications. However, ... -
Soil Properties Mapping and Land Evaluation for Potential Agricultural Land Use Types in A Luoi district, Thua Thien Hue province, Central Vietnam
(2019-07-03)Agriculture plays an essential role in Vietnam, especially central Vietnam, which is the least developed economically and socially compared to the other regions. Many administrative levels in Vietnam have implemented ... -
Perspectives of Sustainable Collaborative Management: A Case Study in Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatra-Indonesia
(2017-05-02)A conservation area is a natural resource in which management uses the resources based on the principles of protecting and preserving by utilizing wisely and minimizing inflicted damage. Although the damage resulting from ... -
Contesting Knowledge of Land Access Claims in Jambi, Indonesia
(2017-04-28)Land constitutes productive space, as well as a commodity. For this reason, land has become a contestation arena for various interested actors of all scales. The strategists of knowledge construct a wide variety of ... -
A post-frontier in transformation: land relations between access, exclusion and resistance in Jambi province, Indonesia
(2017-03-02)Since the early twentieth century, forests on the Indonesian island of Sumatra are converted into large plantation areas for the cultivation of boom crops, such as rubber and oil palms. This land use transformation goes ... -
Bioenergy resources from waste, energy crops and forest in Los Ríos Region (southern Chile) - A systemic approach based on sustainability on designing a bioenergy area
(2016-07-01)As many countries today, Chile is facing the taking off of renewable energies. Los Ríos Region in south-central Chile shows one of the highest biomass productivity. Therefore, in the quest for a scientific analysis of ... -
Rescaling conflictive access and property relations in the context of REDD+ in Jambi, Indonesia
(2016-06-10)The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) mechanism has been framed as a „win-win“-solution by donors, conservation organizations and corporate actors facilitating simultaneously forest ... -
Landscape transformation in Jambi province, Sumatra - An analysis of land tenure regulations under translational dynamics
(2016-05-23)“Translational dynamics of land tenure regulations – An analysis of landscape transformation from Jambi province, Sumatra” illuminates political and institutional impacts on cultural landscape transformation in Jambi ... -
Integrated approaches of social-ecological resilience assessment and urban resilience management
(2016-02-10)The urban system is a multi-interaction system, due to the rapid urbanization and intertwined vulnerability of the ecological system. It will be a challenge to maintain a sustainable development of the urban and urbanizing ... -
The role of Islamic microfinance in poverty alleviation and environmental awareness in Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia: A comparative study
(2013-08-07)Poverty is one of the greatest problems affecting developing countries. Socio-economic imbalances, created by both natural and artificial resource scarcity, restrict impoverished people’s access to economic opportunities, ...