Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Erasmi, Stefan Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Geoecological analysis of forest distribution and post-disturbance tree regrowth in the forest-steppe of central Mongolia
(2021-09-09)The Mongolian forest-steppe is an ecotone at the transition between the Siberian Taiga in the north and the Gobi Desert in the south. The highly continental, semiarid climate magnifies the importance of water availability ... -
Monitoring forest fragmentation and carbon storage in the Cerrado Biome of Mato Grosso using optical and SAR satellite images
(2021-01-15)Several studies suggested that forest fragmentation, which is an effect of deforestation, and edge effect have an impact on the biomas and carbon stock in tropical forest. For Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes, most studies ... -
Urbanisation, Land Use and Soil Resource: Spatio-Temporal Analyses of Trends and Environmental Effects in Two Metropolitan Regions of Ghana (West Africa)
(2020-12-23)With more than half of the world’s population already urbanised, global sustainability is partly hinged on how the urbanisation process is impacting the natural environment. Therefore, it is important to characterise, ... -
Space-time modelling of seasonal soil moisture for improved crop production – the case of the Guinea savannah region, Ghana
(2020-12-17)The upsurge in advocacy for food security in SSA implies the urgent need for improved sustainable adaptation measures that can boost food-crop production. This is of utmost concern, because, over the past decades, food ... -
Produktion öffentlicher Räume in indischen Megastädten
(2019-12-06)Since India’s economic liberalization in the 1990s the cities have undergone tremendous change. It goes along with conflicts about public spaces. This dissertation describes and analyzes the dynamics of mega-urban public ... -
Analyses of hydrological and hydrochemical fluxes in selected catchments of the Cerrado and Amazon biomes
(2019-03-12)On many levels, there is a lack of understanding regarding the impacts of deforestation on water resources and soil properties in the Amazon-Cerrado ecotone, where the Amazonian agricultural frontier is mostly present. ... -
Impact of climate and land use change on water resources, crop production and land degradation in a semi-arid area (using remote sensing, GIS and hydrological modeling)
(2015-05-05)Water resources have become scarcer in semi-arid regions of Iran due to increasing water use and recurrent drought. Any change to the hydrological cycle may have significant effects on the fragile ecosystems of Iran’s arid ... -
A remote sensing and geospatial statistical approach to understanding distribution and evolution of ignimbrites in the Central Andes with a focus on Southern Peru
(2014-03-25)This PhD thesis investigates timing, cause and location of “ignimbrite flare ups” during the evolution of the Central Andean uplift and relates volcano-tectonic structures and calderas with shallow intrusive stocks to ...