Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Hoefs, Jochen Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Triple oxygen isotope ratios of bioapatite
(2022-04-07)Bioapatite is the major crystalline component of bone and tooth materials. Recent studies demonstrated that bioapatite carries information of animals’ physiology and living environmental conditions and retains its original ... -
Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Cherts : Implications for the δ18O and Temperatures of Early Oceans
(2017-06-19)The temperature of Earth’s earliest oceans, in which life may have first originated, remains a controversial issue in Earth science. Over the last 50 years, many studies have attempted to apply the temperature dependent ... -
Triple oxygen isotope variations in natural and anthropogenic carbon dioxide
(2013-03-19)The oxygen and carbon isotope composition (18O/16O and 13C/12C) of atmospheric carbon dioxide is an excellent tool to investigate the atmospheric CO2 cycle. In recent ... -
Triple oxygen (16O, 17O, 18O) and carbon (12C, 13C) isotope variations in bioapatite of small mammals – new insights concerning the reconstruction of palaeo‐CO2 concentrations and palaeotemperatures
(2013-02-25)The ratios among the stable isotopes of oxygen (16O, 17O, 18O) and carbon (12C, 13C) in biogenic apatite of mammal teeth and bones have the potential to provide insight into the isotopic composition of the respective oxygen ... -
Formation and decomposition processes of CO2 hydrates at conditions relevant to Mars
(2008-12-10)From a thermodynamic point of view there is no argument against the existence of CO2 hydrates in the Martian regolith close to the surface. It was postulated, that CO2 hydrates may occur ... -
Lower Ocean Crust beneath Slow-Spreading Ridges: a Combined Oxygen Isotopic and Elemental in-situ Study on Hole 735B Gabbros
(2004-07-06)Chemical and oxygen isotopic composition of the constituent minerals in oceanic gabbros from ODP Hole 735B have been investigated by a combined in-situ analytical study with UV-laser-ablation ... -
An unusually complete suite of eclogite types: Eclogite xenoliths from the Zero kimberlite, South Africa
(2003-04-14)This first investigation of eclogite xenoliths sampled by the Zero kimberlite show that the suite is exceptional concerning kimberlite age and diversity of eclogite types. The Zero kimberlite ... -
Calcretes aus jungpaläozoischen Bodenbildungen - ein möglicher Proxy für die CO<sub>2</sub>-Konzentration der Paläoatmosphäre
(2003-04-03)The use of pedogenic carbonates (calcretes) in estimating CO2 concentrations in the Late Paleozoic atmosphere has been examined. For this purpose Cerling (1991,1999) submitted a theory based ... -
Hydrothermale Alterationsprozesse in Zirkonen
(2001-11-01)The U/Pb isotopic system of zircons is a powerful tool to date rocks. Nevertheless interpretation of discordant U/Pb ages is again and again subject of discussions. We focussed our study ... -
Oxygen isotope microanalysis of silicates with application to fluid-rock interfaces
(2001-10-31)In order to investigate crustal fluid-rock interactions an oxygen isotope microprobe was set up. Oygen is extracted from silicates by Ultra-Violet (UV)-laser fluorination and its isotropic ... -
Herkunft, Migrationsformen und Verbleib von Haupt- und Spurenelementen in Sicker- und Porenwässern des ehemaligen Braunkohletagebaus Zwenkau/Cospuden
(2001-06-27)Acidification due to pyrite oxidation in former lignite mining regions leads to severe and long-term consequences for the quality of regional waters. From the pyrite itself and from other ... -
Fluid Histories During HP and UHP Metamorphism in Dabie Shan, China: Constraints from Trace Elements, Fluid Inclusions, and Stable Isotopes
(2001-03-06)The Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt in East China is known to be the largest among recognized UHP terrains in the world. It represents deep parts of a collision zone ... -
Volcanic Rocks from Central Italy: An Oxygen Isotopic Microanalytical and Geochemical Study
(2001-02-22)The aim of this work is an investigation on the origin of the Tertiary and Quarternary volcanic rocks in central Italy. The volcanism in this region is characterised by potassic to ultrapotassic ... -
Postglazialer Anstieg des Meeresspiegels, Paläoklima und Hydrographie, aufgezeichnet in Sedimenten der Bermuda inshore waters
(2000-10-26)The principal aim of this study was to clarify the sedimentary history of the Bermuda inshore waters during postglacial time. From this, clues to the deglacial history of regional sea-level ...