Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Kreisel, Werner Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Research on Rural Residents Perceptions and Attitudes toward Tourism under Special Consideration of Socio-Economic Sustainability Issues
(2016-01-21)For the success of sustainable tourism, it is important to know residents’ perceptions and attitudes toward tourism under its influences. Relevant research enjoys an enduring popularity in sustainable tourism research. It ... -
Landnutzung und Kulturlandschaft
(2014-03-17)On the basis of the natural landscape’s structure of a district located at the edge of the Südheide - situated in the eastern part of the rural district of Celle in Lower Saxony, Germany – the connection between land use ... -
Trade-offs between seascape and offshore wind farming values: An analysis of local opinions based on a cognitive belief framework
(2013-06-04)Offshore wind farming is gaining increasing momentum in Germany. Given the wide range of other sea uses in the North Sea, the potential for contention is high. This study traces attitudes to offshore wind farming among ... -
Partizipation in Umweltorganisationen
(2013-03-05)The thesis is about participation in environmental organisations. The Deutscher Jugendbund für Naturbeobachtung (DJN) and Greenpeace in Göttingen have been examined regarding to similarities and differences in the way ... -
Adaptation to natural hazards in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia - strategies of rural households
(2011-06-14)On the global scale an increase in frequency and magnitude of potentially hazardous natural events has to be expected. Regardless of how such changes are attributed, as human systems become ... -
Building a Decision Support System for Agricultural Land Use Planning and Sustainable Management at the District Level in Vietnam
(2010-02-05)This research aims at developing a decision support system (DSS) to improve the decision-making capacity of administrators as well as other interested parties. The system will help develop ... -
Die Absorptionskapazität extern generierten Wissens und Technologie von Unternehmen
(2009-09-14)Information can be exchanged by means of video conferences, email, telephone as well as various possibilities of the Internet within extremely short time over long distances. It could ... -
Die Bedeutung des ÖPNV für die nachhaltige Sicherung der Mobilität in der Region Frankfurt Rhein-Main
(2007-07-10)The city of Frankfurt/Main is at a point of major European crossroads with excellent transport infrastructure. Therefore not only the city but the whole metropolitan region of Frankfurt ... -
Naturraum und Wirtschaftspotenzial in Westchina − Chancen für ausländische Unternehmen?
(2007-06-13)The Chinese economy is nowadays one of the fastest growing in the world, with an average increase of more than 8 % per year. Therefore China is worldwide one of the most attractive location ... -
Controlling in Non-Profit-Organisationen am Beispiel von Stadtmarketing-Organisationen
(2006-10-12)Ever since the 1980s market-oriented, and as a consequence customer-oriented, considerations have played a more and more important role in the administration and management of cities and ... -
Inwertsetzung regionaler traditioneller Produkte am Beispiel des neuen EU-Mitgliedsstaats Malta
(2005-12-06)The PhD thesis, taking Maltese products from the foodstuff and handicraft sector as example, shows how regional traditional products can be set in value for touristic marketing but also for ... -
Kulturlandschaftswandel während des 20. Jh. in Zentralsulawesi - eine historisch-geographische Analyse der Lore-Lindu-Bergregenwaldregion
(2005-05-27)The focus of this dissertation is on an empirical qualitative analysis of the historical changes in the (wo)man-environment interaction in an ecologically sensitive rainforest margin area ... -
Der Wunsch nach Urlaubsreisen in Abhängigkeit von Lebenszufriedenheit und Sensation Seeking
(2005-05-27)In order to better understand the motivational forces that lead people to go on holiday trips, this research into patterns of holiday making challenges established thought. Instead of ... -
Erhaltung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit unter Anwendung angepasster Anbausysteme in Bergregionen Vietnams
(2004-03-12)In sloping lands in Vietnam, the influence of topography, geology, morphology, climate, etc., and of human activities has resulted in serious environmental degradation, particularly of soil ... -
Kultureller Wandel in Französisch-Polynesien vor dem Hintergrund ausländischer Einflussnahme und endogener Entwicklung - Ausgangssituation für nachhaltige Tourismusprojekte der indigenen Bevölkerung der Maohi
(2002-01-11)The submitted dissertation elucidates and evaluates tourism concepts of the indigenous people of French Polynesia, the Maohi, under the perspective of sustainability with respect to the ... -
Stadtentwicklung von Hanoi
(2001-10-24)This thesis outlines and describes the urban development of Hanoi from the beginnings to the present day as a series of historical and ongoing processes of transition. The recent economic ...