Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Schick, Thomas Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 21-29 of 29
Rough Isometries of Order Lattices and Groups
(2009-12-07)We first introduce some basic concepts in metric geometry and order lattice theory. We then combine these concepts to study order lattices with metrics, in particular with view on the ... -
Secondary large-scale index theory and positive scalar curvature
(2016-09-06)We develop a theory of secondary invariants associated to complete Riemannian metrics of uniformly positive scalar curvature outside a prescribed subset on a spin manifold. We work in the context of large-scale (or "coarse") ... -
Shape space in terms of Wasserstein geometry and application to quantum physics
(2018-11-26)This thesis offers a mathematical framework to treat quantum dynamics without reference to a background structure, but rather by means of the change of the shape of the state. For this, Wasserstein geometry is used. The ... -
Some Aspects on Coarse Homotopy Theory
(2010-01-08)The most important examples of coarse spaces arise from proper metrics on spaces or from metrisable compactifications. In both cases, the bounded subsets are precisely the relatively compact ones. On the other hand, one ... -
Symmetric Squaring in Homology and Bordism
(2011-11-10)Looking at the cartesian product X × X of a topological space X with itself, a natural map to be considered on that object is the involution that interchanges the coordinates, i.e. that ... -
The Index Bundle for Gap-Continuous Families, Morse-Type Index Theorems and Bifurcation
(2011-11-21)We generalise the well known index bundle construction of Atiyah and Jänich to families of (generally unbounded) Fredholm operators which are assumed to be continuous with respect to the ... -
The Spectra on Lie Groups and Its Application to twisted L2-Invariants
(2024-02-29)We computed spectra of various $G$-invariant differential operators on the universal cover of 2x2 unimodular groups. This was achieved by applying tools from harmonic analysis/representation theory to corresponding groups. ... -
Twisted equivariant K-theory and equivariant T-duality
(2023-09-18)This thesis is about two things: twisted equivariant K-theory and equivariant topological T-duality. First, we prove a fixed point decomposition theorem for twisted equivariant K-theory, generalising a result of Atiyah and ... -
Twisted K-theory with coefficients in a C*-algebra and obstructions against positive scalar curvature metrics
(2010-03-17)We introduce the notion of twisted Hilbert A-module bundles to construct a geometric realization of twisted K-theory with coefficients in a C*-algebra A. Like ordinary bundles of Hilbert ...