Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 99-118 of 546
C*-algebras of relatively proper groupoid correspondences
(2024-12-09)The objective of the work is to study C*-algebras associated to relatively proper groupoid correspondences, in particular exploring two constructions and proving that they are isomorphic. We also explore some properties ... -
C*-quantum groups with projection
(2014-06-25)We propose a general theory to study semidirect products of C -quantum groups in the framework of multiplicative unitaries. Starting from a quantum group with a projection we decompose its multiplicative unitary as a product ... -
Cartoon-Residual Image Decompositions with Application in Fingerprint Recognition
(2019-12-11)Image decompositions into a piecewise smooth part - called a cartoon - and a residual part containing oscillating patterns and/or noise, proved to be very useful in automated image processing, for example in applications ... -
Case-Control Association Tests Correcting for Population Stratification
(2006-03-31)A widely discussed problem in genetic case-control association studies is the impact of population stratification when testing for an association between a genetic marker and the disease. Genotyping of additional genetic ... -
Categorification and applications in topology and representation theory
(2013-08-28)This thesis splits into two major parts. The connection between the two parts is the notion of "categorification" which we shortly explain/recall in the introduction. In the first part of this thesis we extend Bar-Natan's ... -
Challenges and New Solutions for Live Migration of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing Environments
(2018-05-31)Live Virtual Machine (VM) migration aims to move a VM between hosts without interruption to the services running in the VM. It is a cornerstone technology for cloud management and is critical for decreasing the operating ... -
Change point estimation in noisy Hammerstein integral equations
(2011-01-17)We consider the inverse regression model Y = Hf (X) + ε for several classes of non- linear Hammerstein integral operators H. In particular identifiability depending on the integral kernel ... -
Chaos and Chaos Control in Network Dynamical Systems
(2013-01-16)Even fully deterministic dynamics may be chaotic, i.e., essentially unpredictable as time evolves. The first part of this thesis concerns the emergence of chaos in dynamical systems with symmetry, in particular certain ... -
Characteristic and necessary minutiae in fingerprints
(2021-10-22)Fingerprints feature a ridge line pattern inducing an undirected orientation field (OF) which usually features some singularities. Ridges vary in width, inducing a moderately varying ridge frequency (RF). In fingerprint ... -
Characteristic classes of vector bundles with extra structure
(2007-02-05)This work is about properties of characteristic cohomology classes which occur when a special structure on vector bundles is given. I have focused on two different types of these structures, treated in two independent parts. ... -
Characterization and construction of max-stable processes
(2013-08-30)Max-stable processes provide a natural framework to model spatial extremal scenarios. Appropriate summary statistics include the extremal coefficients and the (upper) tail dependence coefficients. In this thesis, the full ... -
Characters on infinite groups and rigidity
(2018-05-02)We show that for a strong extension of discrete measured groupoids $1\to\mathcal{S}\to\mathcal{G}\to\mathcal{Q}\to 1$ with $L\mathcal{G}$ a finite factor, $\mathcal{Q}$ has poperty (T) if and only if the inclusion of ... -
Charakterisierung eines Gebiets durch Spektraldaten eines Dirichletproblems zur Stokesgleichnung
(2004-02-17)We consider an inverse boundary value problem associated with the Stokes equation (in two and in three dimensions) and Dirichlet boundary condition.This problem requires the reconstruction of the ... -
Classical Conjectures in Iwasawa Theory for the split prime Z_p-extension and the cyclotomic Z_p-extension
(2021-04-15)This thesis constist of three parts. The first one considers the so called split prime Z_p extension over an imaginary quadratic field in which the rational prime p splits. In this setup we discuss the mu=0 conjecture as ... -
Classifiers for Discrimination of Significant Protein Residues and Protein-Protein Interaction Using Concepts of Information Theory and Machine Learning
(2012-01-18)The field of protein-analysis is a major research area for bioinformatics. Especially the field of predicting important sites in proteins is in the focus of research to reduce the cost and ... -
Coarse Cohomology with twisted Coefficients
(2019-04-18)This thesis studies sheaf cohomology on coarse spaces. -
Coarse Geometry for Noncommutative Spaces
(2016-11-23)We develop an analogoue of coarse geometry for noncommutative spaces in terms of unitizations of the given C* -algebra. Examples for our theory come from Rieffel deformation of compactifications under strongly continuous ... -
Composition theorems for paired Lagrangian distributions
(2012-04-12)The aim of this research is to determine whether the composition of paired Lagrangian distributions belongs to well-known classes such as marked Lagrangian, isotropic Lagrangian, paired Lagrangian or generalized ... -
Compressed Sensing and ΣΔ-Quantization
(2019-02-11)The main issue of my thesis is to bound the error while recovering signals from their compressed and quantized form. Especially my central contribution is that, together with my co-authors, we provide the first analysis ... -
Compression of visual data into symbol-like descriptors in terms of a cognitive real-time vision system
(2012-10-16)Humans have main senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Most of them combine several aspects. For example vision addresses at least three perceptual modalities: motion, color, and luminance. Extraction of these ...