Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 206-225 of 545
Facility Location in the Phylogenetic Tree Space
(2019-03-25)Phylogenetics is a field of biology trying to describe the evolutionary history of a given set of populations or species. Evolutionary relationships are obtained through statistical models for phylogenetic inference. In ... -
Fast methods for metagenomic sequence search and annotation
(2022-06-16)The past two decades have seen the development of metagenomics, the study of genes and genomes of multiple organisms simultaneously. In contrast to traditional genomic techniques, which require isolating and growing ... -
Field and Shape Reconstruction in Fluid Dynamics
(2011-07-20)Inverse problems are concerned with the reconstruction of quantities from remote measurements. Inverse fluid flow problems are important for many applications, for example for determining ... -
Field reconstructions and range tests for acoustics and electromagnetics in homogeneous and layered media
(2008-06-02)In acoustic and electromagnetic scattering various methods for the reconstruction of the shape of an unknown object are examined. In particular, the multiwave range test is developed based ... -
Financial Models of Interaction Based on Marked Point Processes and Gaussian Fields
(2013-01-16)This thesis deals with interaction phenomena in marked point processes, with particular attention being paid to the extreme value theory framework and with application to high-frequency financial data. While ... -
Fingerprint Growth Prediction, Image Preprocessing and Multi-level Judgment Aggregation
(2011-01-06)Finger growth is studied in the first part of the thesis and a method for growth prediction is presented. The effectiveness of the method is validated in several tests. Fingerprint image ... -
Finite Alphabet Blind Separation
(2018-01-04)This thesis considers a particular blind source separation problem, where the sources are assumed to only take values in a known finite set, denoted as the alphabet. More precisely, one observes M linear mixtures of m ... -
Finite Element Methods with Local Projection Stabilization for Thermally Coupled Incompressible Flow
(2015-09-15)This thesis considers conforming finite element discretizations for the time-dependent Oberbeck-Boussinesq model with a pressure-correction projection scheme of second order in time. Discrete inf-sup stability of the ansatz ... -
Finite-element simulation of buoyancy-driven turbulent flows
(2003-08-25)Turbulent flows driven or significantly affected by buoyancy occur in a variety of problems including building ventilation, cooling of electrical equipment, and environmental science. The ... -
Eine Finite-Elemente-Methode für nicht-isotherme inkompressible Strömungsprobleme
(2011-10-31)In this thesis, various aspects of the implementation of a solver for turbulent non-isothermal incompressible flow problems are considered. This includes in particular a spatial discretization ... -
Firewall Traversal in Mobile IPv6 Networks
(2008-11-26)Middleboxes such as firewalls are an important aspect for a majority of IP networks today. Current IP networks are predominantly based on IPv4 technology, and hence various firewalls as ... -
Fixed Point Algorithms for Nonconvex Feasibility with Applications
(2014-07-31)Projection algorithms for solving (nonconvex) feasibility problems provide powerful and computationally efficient schemes for a wide variety of applications. Algorithms as Alternating Projections (AP) and Douglas-Rachford ... -
Foliated Positive Scalar Curvature
(2021-11-11)In this thesis we study different questions on scalar curvatures. The first part is devoted to obstructions against existence of a (Riemannian) metric with positive scalar curvature on a closed manifold. The second ... -
Fourier and Variational Based Approaches for Fingerprint Segmentation
(2015-05-22)Fingerprint recognition plays an important role in many commercial applications and is used by millions of people every day, e.g. for unlocking mobile phones. Fingerprint image segmentation is typically the first processing ... -
Fourier expansions of GL(3) Eisenstein series for congruence subgroups
(2016-04-14)In this thesis the Fourier expansions of all types of GL(3) Eisenstein series for the congruence subgroup Gamma_{0}(N) of SL(3)(Z) with N squarefree, are explicitly calculated. Further certain invariance properties of ... -
From low level perception towards high level action planning
(2018-11-23)Nowadays, robots become more and more integrated into everyday life. Smartphones, desktop computers, and even cars can be thought of as robots, even though probably not autonomous robots. Many discussions about the term ... -
Ein Gebietszerlegungsverfahren für parabolische Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Finite-Volumen-Diskretisierung
(2007-12-03)The first part of the thesis at hand deals with a finite volume method for time-dependent advection-diffusion-reaction equations. By using dual control volumes based on a common ... -
Gene Prediction with a Hidden Markov Model
(2004-02-11)Annotation of the large and rapidly increasing amount of genomic sequence data requires computational tools for finding genes in DNA sequences. This thesis presents a computational method ... -
Generalizations of Quandles to Multi-Linkoids
(2024-04-10)In this thesis, we define the fundamental quandle of knotoids and linkoids and prove that it is invariant under the under forbidden-move and hence encodes only the information of the underclosure of the knotoid. We ... -
Generalized Multinomial CRR Option Pricing Model and its Black-Scholes type limit
(2006-01-20)We construct the generalized discrete-time model of the underlying stock price process which serves as a better approximation to the stock price process than classical random walk. The ...