Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 283-302 of 546
Julia Set as a Martin Boundary
(2010-11-18)The Julia set of the class of hyperbolic rational maps having a totally disconnected Julia set is here identified as the Martin boundary of a Markov chain by using symbolic dynamics. When ... -
Jump estimation for noisy blurred step functions
(2006-09-18)We consider the estimation of a step function $f$ from noisy observations of $Kf$, where $K$ is some integral operator with bounded integral Kernel. We use a penalized least squares estimator ... -
Kenngrößen für die Abhängigkeitsstruktur in Extremwertzeitreihen
(2010-11-26)The extreme value dependence structure in uni- as well as multivariate time series may be described in a simplified way using suitable characteristics. These include concepts such as the ... -
Knowledge Integration and Representation for Biomedical Analysis
(2021-02-25)Information-based health systems aimed at improving clinical decision-making are appealing as they are able to cope with the rising amount of information that clinicians are experiencing and provide a framework for ... -
Komplexität und Stabilität von kernbasierten Rekonstruktionsmethoden
(2009-03-19)We are looking at functions $f : \mathbb{R}^d → \mathbb{R}$ and reconstruct them by $f (x) =\sum_{j=1}^N \alpha_j K(x,x_j)$, where $K$ is a positive definite, symmetric kernel, $x_j \in \mathbb{R}^d , \alpha_j \in \mathbb{R}$.In ... -
Die Konvergenz von Bioinformatik und Medizinischer Informatik
(2009-09-17)In Biomedicine new diagnostic procedures such as high-throughput technologies will lead to the increasing integration of genomic data in clinical decision making. Thus the disciplines of ... -
Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Probandenmanagementsystems am Beispiel der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
(2015-12-08)There is a demand for efficient, uniform, and long-term management of participants in medical research projects. In Germany, this demand originates from the “bench-to-bedside”-approach, the increase in funding of collaborative ... -
L2-invariants of nonuniform lattices in semisimple Lie groups
(2013-05-03)We compute L²-invariants of certain nonuniform lattices in semisimple Lie groups by means of the Borel-Serre compactification of arithmetically defined locally symmetric spaces. The main results give new estimates for ... -
l<sup>p</sup>-Kohomologie, insbesondere Verschwindungssätze für l<sup>p</sup>-Kohomologie
(2007-08-14)In this dissertation we study the lp-cohomology of discrete groups of type FPn. We give a duality statement and prove some vanishing results, in particular for groups with an ... -
L^2-Spektraltheorie für Markov-Operatoren
(2008-02-11)We analyze the spectral properties of Markov operators induced by Markov chains with general state space on certain L2-spaces. Especially we are interested in the question, whether the ... -
Languages, Tools and Patterns for the Specification of Distributed Real-Time Tests
(2004-11-24)For modern distributed systems, it is important that they adhere to real-time requirements, e.g. to deliver a response to a request within a given deadline. For assuring the quality of ... -
Learned infinite elements for helioseismology
(2021-12-16)This thesis presents efficient techniques for integrating the information contained in the Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) map of time-harmonic waves propagating in a stratified medium into finite element discretizations. This ... -
Learning Finite State Machine Specifications from Test Cases
(2010-08-05)Up-to-date software systems are often modular and need to be changeable. While modularity is believed to reduce software production costs, it also leads to increased difficulty in testing, ... -
Learning-based Biomimetic Strategies for Developing Control Schemes for Lower Extremity Rehabilitation Robotic Devices
(2023-06-16)Lower limb disabilities caused by factors such as amputation, neuromuscular impairment, and traumatic injury can significantly impact mobility and quality of life. To restore impaired functionality, individuals may use ... -
Leveraging Email based Social Networks to Prevent Spam: Framework, System Design and Evaluation
(2012-09-26)Spam is still an open problem from the network operator's perspective. The common state-of-the-art strategy is to place filters against spam at the recipient's edge. Although this strategy largely solves the spam problem ... -
Lie Algebras and the Dimension Problem
(2021-11-03)The dimension subgroup problem and the Ore conjecture are two group theoretical problems. In this thesis, translations of these problems to Lie algebras are analyzed and partially solved. -
Limit Laws for Empirical Optimal Transport
(2022-02-17)Optimal Transport (OT) has recently gained increasing attention in various fields ranging from biology to machine learning and mathematics. Especially OT based dissimilarity measures can be designed to respect the underlying ... -
Limit theorems for statistical functionals with applications to dimension estimation
(2004-08-09)This thesis deals with two different types of limit theorems: classical limit theorems and almost sure limit theorems (ASLT).We prove classical limit theorems for a special statistical ... -
Local and Global Analysis of Relaxed Douglas-Rachford for Nonconvex Feasibility Problems
(2019-07-01)This thesis investigates the local and global convergence analysis of the relaxed Douglas-Rachford method. This algorithm, which was first proposed over a decade ago, has become a standard procedure in applications. ... -
Local invariants of four-dimensional Riemannian manifolds and their application to the Ricci flow
(2017-12-15)In this thesis, we study the four-dimensional Ricci flow with the help of local invariants.If $(M^4, g(t))$ is a solution to the Ricci flow and $x \in M$, we can associate to the point $x$ a one-parameter family of curves, ...