Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 343-362 of 546
Nahms Equations and Nilpotent Orbits
(2022-05-31)P. Kronheimer has identified certain space of solutions to Nahms equations with a coadjoint orbit of a nilpotent element in a complex, semi-simple Lie algebra and that way equipped the orbit with an hyperkähler structure ... -
Narrative Echoes across Time and Space
(2024-02-16)Originating in mythological research, the Hylistic theory introduces hylemes as a basic plot unit, containing actions, states, or background information derived from a source. These statements are organized in hyleme ... -
Network Based Integration of Proteomic and Transcriptomic Data: Study of BCR and WNT11 Signaling Pathways in Cancer Cells
(2020-05-12)Bioinformatics applications in cancer research expanded rapidly over several years in the past. Due to the fast development of high throughput technologies, it became feasible to study the presence of hundreds of genes ... -
Network Friendly Congestion Control: Framework, Protocol Design and Evaluation
(2010-11-26)The increase in bandwidth, the number of internet users and the variety of internet applications, all point towards the need for adaptive and flexible internet protocols. Alternatively, ... -
Neue Herleitung und explizite Restabschätzung der Riemann-Siegel-Formel
(2015-06-08)The asymptotic expansion of the function $Z(t)=e^{i\vartheta(t)}\zeta{(1/2+it)}$ for real $t\to+\infty$ where $\vartheta(t)=\Im\log{\Gamma{(1/4+it/2)}}-(t\log{\pi})/2$ – today known as Riemann–Siegel formula – is derived ... -
Neural Network Based Methods for the Conformational Landscape Determination in High Resolution Cryo-Electron Microscopy
(2022-09-22)During the last decades 3D transmission electron cryo-microscopy (cryoEM) has emerged to be the method of choice for the study of motion in larger protein complexes. The aim of Single Particle Analysis (SPA) in cryoEM is ... -
Neural Networks for MRI Reconstruction
(2024-06-10)MRI is arguably the most versatile imaging modality for clinical use available today. In recent years, the development of advanced deep-learning-based reconstruction methods has significantly accelerated data acquisition ... -
New Algorithms for Local and Global Fiber Tractography in Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(2017-11-28)Fiber tractography based on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging is to date the only method for the three-dimensional visualization of nerve fiber bundles in the living human brain noninvasively. However, various ... -
New approaches and software for sequence function prediction and gene design integrating specific knowledge on protein structure and translation
(2022-03-18)In recent years, advances in sequencing techniques resulted in an explosive increase in sequencing data. By now, there are billions of generated protein sequences available in public databases to a large extent without ... -
New topological and index theoretical methods to study the geometry of manifolds
(2018-07-31)For a $\mathit{Spin}$ manifold $M$ the Rosenberg index $\alpha([M])$ is an obstruction against positive scalar curvature metrics. When $M$ is non-$\mathit{Spin}$ but $\mathit{Spin}^c$, Bolotov and Dranishnikov suggested ... -
Nichtparametrische Analyse diagnostischer Gütemaße bei Clusterdaten
(2011-04-01)For some years diagnostic studies have developed into an important mainstay for clinical research. Therefore the development of new statistical methods of evaluating diagnostic studies has become an influential issue ... -
Nichtparametrische Analyse von diagnostischen Tests
(2006-08-18)Diagnostic tests form the base of almost every clinical trial since they are necessary for the identification of the disease. For the evaluation of a new diagnostic trial one needs cases and controls with assured disease state. ... -
Das nichtparametrische Behrens-Fisher-Problem: ein studentisierter Permutationstest und robuste Konfidenzintervalle für den Shift-Effekt
(2006-08-17)For the nonparametric Behrens-Fisher problem a permutation test based on the studentized rank statistic of Brunner and Munzel is proposed. This procedure is applicable to count or ordered categorical data. By applying the ... -
Nichtparametrische Cross-Over-Verfahren
(2002-02-18)In a standard cross-over design there are two groups, which differ with respect to the order, in which two treatments are applied. In the past, statistical methods for this design were based on the linear model. Because ... -
Nichtparametrische relative Effekte
(2001-05-16) -
Nocommutative structures inquantum field theory
(2021-10-19)In this thesis, structures defined via modular operads and properads are generalized to their non-commutative analogs. We define the connected sum for modular operads. This way we are able to construct the graded commutative ... -
Non-classical problems for viscoelastic solids with microstructure
(2015-10-07)In the present thesis the linear theories of viscoelasticity and thermoviscoelasticity for isotropic and homogeneous Kelvin-Voigt materials with voids are considered and some basic results of the classical theories of ... -
Noncommutative manifolds and Seiberg-Witten-equations
(2011-10-17)In this thesis we study differential geometry of noncommutative manifolds. We introduce a general framework of noncommutative manifolds based on Poincaré duality and study the notions of differential forms and Sobolev ... -
Nonlinear Reconstruction Methods for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(2009-10-14)Parallel acquisition techniques have been proposed to reduce the measurement times for magnetic resonance imaging. These techniques rely on the simultaneous acquisition of an undersampled ... -
Nonparametric Methods in Spot Volatility Estimation
(2011-01-06)This work is devoted to study a model, where we observe a stochastic process X under additional measurement noise. The main objective is to estimate a ``fluctuation measure``, called the volatility/intermittency of ...