Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 535-546 of 546
Variational Convergence and Discrete Minimal Surfaces
(2015-11-05)This work is concerned with the convergence behavior of the solutions to parametric variational problems. An emphasis is put on sequences of variational problems that arise as discretizations of either infinite-dimensional ... -
Variational Estimators in Statistical Multiscale Analysis
(2016-05-24)In recent years, a novel type of multiscale variational statistical approaches, based on so-called multiscale statistics, have received increasing popularity in various applications, such as signal recovery, imaging and ... -
Variational Geometric Invariant Theory and Moduli of Quiver Sheaves
(2018-06-26)We are concerned with two applications of GIT. First, we prove that a geometric GIT quotient of an a ne variety X = Spec(A) by a reductive group G, where A is an almost factorial domain, is a Mori dream space, regardless ... -
Variational Regularization Strategy for Atmospheric Tomography
(2016-07-22)The main focus of this dissertation is to establish the necessary theory with numerical illustrations for solving an atmospheric tomography problem. The inverse problem is the reconstruction of some volume data ... -
Variational regularization theory for sparsity promoting wavelet regularization
(2022-01-31)In many scientific and industrial applications, the quantity of interest is not what is directly observed, but is instead a parameter which has a causal effect on experimental measurements. To obtain the desired unknown ... -
Verification of Security Properties Using Formal Techniques
(2014-02-12)Nowadays, the necessity of developing collaborative and distributed computing systems makes networks, and specially Internet, the key element of the system design process. Several new applications have been appeared in ... -
Visual Perception of Objects and their Parts in Artificial Systems
(2015-11-02)Humans are able to perceive their surrounding apparently with ease. Without much thinking we can process the complex visual stream into meaningful entities which we call objects. How we do this remains an open question ... -
Vorhersage, Analyse und Bedeutung charakteristischer Transkriptionsfaktor-Bindestellen und deren potentielle Masterkontrollfunktion in der transkriptionellen Genregulation
(2021-10-19)In eukaryotes, transcriptional gene regulation is controlled by a set of transcription factors (TFs) and co-factors. Most TFs bind to specific DNA sequences. These binding sites are called transcription factor binding ... -
Wasserstein Distance on Finite Spaces: Statistical Inference and Algorithms
(2017-12-07)Wasserstein distances or, more generally, distances that quantify the optimal transport between probability measures on metric spaces have long been established as an important tool in probability theory. More recently, ... -
Weakly Regular Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problems of Real Type
(2023-09-11)In this thesis, we derive energy estimates for weakly regular hyperbolic boundary value problems of real type, for which the Lopatinskii condition degenerates in a specific way in the so-called hyperbolic region. Such ... -
Web-based Stereoscopic Collaboration for Medical Visualization
(2013-09-26)Medical volume visualization is a valuable tool in medical practice and education to virtually explore volume data of the human body. Real-time interaction, stereoscopic presentation, and collaboration are required for its ... -
Z-graded supergeometry: Differential graded modules, higher algebroid representations, and linear structures
(2021-06-21)The purpose of this thesis is to present a self-standing review of $\mathbb{Z}$- (respectively $\mathbb{N}$-)graded supergeometry with emphasis in the development and study of two particular structures therein. Namely, ...