Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 177-196 of 546
Efficiency and Robustness Issues in Complex Statistical Designs for Two-Color Microarray Experiments
(2005-12-27)Identifying differentially expressed genes is one of the common goals of microarray experiments. The use of an efficient design in microarray experiments can improve the power of the ... -
Efficient Data Management and Policy Composition for Software-defined Networking
(2019-08-29)Network softwarization changes the way how should networks be managed. Introducing Software-defined Networking in the last decade helps network administrators focus on network management and write optimized applications ... -
Efficient Range-Free Monte-Carlo-Localization for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
(2015-12-03)A major problem of localization algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is the dependence on anchor information. In mobile networks, single node or even whole parts of the network might be temporarily isolated from ... -
Elliptic curves, modular forms, and the associated exponential sums
(2024-02-27)This thesis focuses on the various arithmetic aspects of elliptic curves and modular forms. Employing the exponential sum estimates obtained from sum-product estimates for finite fields, we estimate exponential sums linked ... -
Elliptical Extended Object Tracking
(2021-05-20)Extended object tracking is an emerging research topic that is motivated by the rapid development of modern sensors. The traditional object tracking assumes a tracked object is far away from the sensor. Therefore, an object ... -
Empirical Bayesian Smoothing Splines for Signals with Correlated Errors: Methods and Applications
(2016-08-12)Smoothing splines is a well stablished method in non-parametric statistics, although the selection of the smoothness degree of the regression function is rarely addressed and, instead, a two times differentiable function, ... -
Empirical Optimal Transport on Discrete Spaces: Limit Theorems, Distributional Bounds and Applications
(2019-01-09)Optimal Transport and especially distances based on optimal transport are a widely applied tool in different mathematical disciplines. Among others it is used in probability theory to study for example limit laws or derive ... -
Energy-based geometric regularization in three-dimensional inverse obstacle scattering
(2024-12-13)The classic "inverse obstacle scattering problem" in three-dimensions names the challenge of reconstructing 3D-objects from (noisy) far-fied measurements of scattered waves. Like any interesting inverse problem, this ... -
Enhancing Geospatial Data for Passenger Transport Systems
(2022-01-07)This thesis presents and evaluates new solutions and developed software frameworks to challenges from a geoinformatics perspective that have resulted from participation in demand responsive transport (DRT) projects. Thereby, ... -
Enhancing Personalization and Learner Engagement in Context-aware Learning Environment - A Pedagogical and Technological Perspective
(2015-10-08)Context-aware technologies promise great potential in technology enhanced learning (TEL). However, as transformation arises in educational set up as a result of the use of context-aware technologies, so is the challenge ... -
Entity-Centric Text Mining for Historical Documents
(2017-11-14)Recent years have seen an important increase of digitization projects in the cultural heritage domain. As a result, growing efforts have been directed towards the study of natural language processing technologies that ... -
Entwicklung einer Bewertungsmetrik für klinische Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme (CDSS) in der Kardiologie
(2024-05-17)The topic of clinical decision support systems (CDSS) is currently in a phase of transition in which the multi-layered and comprehensive development approaches from the thematic his-tory are increasingly being used in both ... -
Entwurf und Beschreibung wesentlicher Komponenten einer Sicherheitsarchitektur für medizinische Forschungsnetze
(2012-08-08)The ability to successfully execute medical research requires the storage and interpretation of a large amount of research relevant patient information. This requires a strict adherence to stringent standards of data ... -
Equations in Self-Similar Groups
(2018-02-16)We introduce a method on how to decide solvebility of quadratic equations in self-similar groups and use this method to show that certain equations always have a solution. In particular the group of tree automorphisms and ... -
Equivariant Functional Shape Analysis in SO(3) with Applications to Gait Analysis
(2016-11-04)In gait analysis of the knee joint the data is given by curves in the group of $3\times3$ rotation matrices. We introduce $\mathcal{S}$-equivariant functional models (viz., Gaussian perturbations of a center curve) and ... -
Erweiterung des Konzeptes einer Patientenakte nach § 291a SGB V um eine Schnittstelle für die medizinische Forschung
(2013-03-05)A central topic of medical informatics is the exchange of patient data between the different actors in the health care system. The German Government has recognized the need for a unified, national telematics infrastructure ... -
Essays on Inference in Linear Mixed Models
(2020-05-11)This work addresses two aspects of inference in linear mixed models. It is based on two manuscripts, which are provided as addenda. The first manuscript deals with the distinction between marginal and conditional multiple ... -
Estimating rigid motion in sparse sequential dynamic imaging: with application to nanoscale fluorescence microscopy
(2017-04-05)In this work, we deal with sequences of pixel images (frames) which are noisy shifted, rotated, and scaled versions of some unknown image f. Moreover, those frames are sparse in the sense that they do not show the whole ... -
Estimation Problems Related to Random Matrix Ensembles
(2006-08-03)Statistical estimation theory for certain classes of random matrix ensembles is developed. We give a brief historical overview of random matrix theory, state some existing theoretical results ... -
Evaluation of Queries on Linked Distributed XML Data
(2007-01-29)XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is the de-facto standard for exchanging information and for representing data in the World Wide Web. In contrast to the document-centric perspective given ...