Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 186-205 of 546
Enhancing Personalization and Learner Engagement in Context-aware Learning Environment - A Pedagogical and Technological Perspective
(2015-10-08)Context-aware technologies promise great potential in technology enhanced learning (TEL). However, as transformation arises in educational set up as a result of the use of context-aware technologies, so is the challenge ... -
Entity-Centric Text Mining for Historical Documents
(2017-11-14)Recent years have seen an important increase of digitization projects in the cultural heritage domain. As a result, growing efforts have been directed towards the study of natural language processing technologies that ... -
Entwicklung einer Bewertungsmetrik für klinische Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme (CDSS) in der Kardiologie
(2024-05-17)The topic of clinical decision support systems (CDSS) is currently in a phase of transition in which the multi-layered and comprehensive development approaches from the thematic his-tory are increasingly being used in both ... -
Entwurf und Beschreibung wesentlicher Komponenten einer Sicherheitsarchitektur für medizinische Forschungsnetze
(2012-08-08)The ability to successfully execute medical research requires the storage and interpretation of a large amount of research relevant patient information. This requires a strict adherence to stringent standards of data ... -
Equations in Self-Similar Groups
(2018-02-16)We introduce a method on how to decide solvebility of quadratic equations in self-similar groups and use this method to show that certain equations always have a solution. In particular the group of tree automorphisms and ... -
Equivariant Functional Shape Analysis in SO(3) with Applications to Gait Analysis
(2016-11-04)In gait analysis of the knee joint the data is given by curves in the group of $3\times3$ rotation matrices. We introduce $\mathcal{S}$-equivariant functional models (viz., Gaussian perturbations of a center curve) and ... -
Erweiterung des Konzeptes einer Patientenakte nach § 291a SGB V um eine Schnittstelle für die medizinische Forschung
(2013-03-05)A central topic of medical informatics is the exchange of patient data between the different actors in the health care system. The German Government has recognized the need for a unified, national telematics infrastructure ... -
Essays on Inference in Linear Mixed Models
(2020-05-11)This work addresses two aspects of inference in linear mixed models. It is based on two manuscripts, which are provided as addenda. The first manuscript deals with the distinction between marginal and conditional multiple ... -
Estimating rigid motion in sparse sequential dynamic imaging: with application to nanoscale fluorescence microscopy
(2017-04-05)In this work, we deal with sequences of pixel images (frames) which are noisy shifted, rotated, and scaled versions of some unknown image f. Moreover, those frames are sparse in the sense that they do not show the whole ... -
Estimation Problems Related to Random Matrix Ensembles
(2006-08-03)Statistical estimation theory for certain classes of random matrix ensembles is developed. We give a brief historical overview of random matrix theory, state some existing theoretical results ... -
Evaluation of Queries on Linked Distributed XML Data
(2007-01-29)XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is the de-facto standard for exchanging information and for representing data in the World Wide Web. In contrast to the document-centric perspective given ... -
Evaluierung des phylogenetischen Footprintings und dessen Anwendung zur verbesserten Vorhersage von Transkriptionsfaktor-Bindestellen
(2006-10-27)The human genome contains between 20000 and 25000 genes, which code for proteins, and RNA genes of different function, but approximately 95% of the human genome are presumably not transcribed. ... -
Exakte Moduln über dem von Manuel Köhler beschriebenen Ring
(2018-11-13)When proving an equivariant universal coefficient theorem for C*-Algebras acted on by a finite cyclic group Z/pZ, Manuel Köhler introduces the endomorphism ring R of the tuple (C,C(G),D). The aim of this thesis is to show ... -
Existence of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations on manifolds with conic points
(2014-05-15)Existence and regularity of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations in nonsmooth domains have been interesting topics in the development of partial differential equations. The existence of finite-energy solutions of ... -
Explicit GL(2) trac formulas and uniform, mixed Weyl laws
(2012-10-24)This thesis provides an explicit, general trace formula for the Hecke and Casimir eigenvalues of GL(2)-automorphic representations over a global field. In special cases, we obtain Selberg's original trace formula. Computations ... -
Exploiting Network Coding in Lossy Wireless Networks
(2009-06-08)Users increasingly depend on Wireless LANs (WLANs) for business and entertainment. It is well-known that wireless links are error-prone and require retransmissions to recover from errors ... -
Exploring Stickiness in CAT(κ) Spaces
(2024-10-10)The Fréchet mean is a natural generalization of the expectation to probability distributions on arbitrary metric spaces. In recent years, several seemingly related phenomena were observed for certain distributions on ... -
Extending the Programming Language XL to Combine Graph Structures with Ordinary Differential Equations
(2012-04-13)Natural sciences try to discover laws that allow to explain and predict observations. Often, models are created with the purpose to verify or falsify proposed theories, which are based on these laws and certain other ... -
Extension of the Rule-Based Programming Language XL by Concepts for Multi-Scaled Modelling and Level-of-Detail Visualization
(2015-04-28)Dissertation on the extension of the programming language XL by concepts of multi-scaled modelling. This dissertation includes work on definitions of graph models and grammar for multiscale modelling, particularly in the ... -
Extreme-Value Analysis of Self-Normalized Increments
(2007-06-20)We prove a distributional convergence version of Levy's theorem on the continuity modulus of the Brownian motion. The result is extended to totally skewed alpha-stable processes.