Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 226-245 of 546
Generalized Seiberg-Witten and the Nahm Transform
(2019-01-11)Using the viewpoint of principal bundles on hyperk¨ ahler reductions, we recover the results of Gocho and Nakajima [GN92] and give insights into the role that the quater- nions play. We define a framework for dimensional ... -
Generalized Seiberg-Witten equations and hyperKähler geometry
(2006-09-18)In this thesis we study a certain generalization of the gauge-theoretical Seiberg-Witten equations over a source 4-manifold X. The generalization involves a hyperKähler manifold M with ... -
Generic Methods for Adaptive Management of Service Level Agreements in Cloud Computing
(2015-11-27)The adoption of cloud computing to build and deliver application services has been nothing less than phenomenal. Service oriented systems are being built using disparate sources composed of web services, replicable datastores, ... -
Generic Programming and Algebraic Multigrid for Stabilized Finite Element Methods
(2007-02-28)Two topics are in the focus of this thesis. On the one hand, the generic construction of efficient data-structures for various purposes in numerical linear algebra, and on the other hand, ... -
Genomic Prediction for Quantitative Traits: Using Kernel Methods and Whole Genome Sequence Based Approaches
(2012-09-28)Predicting genetic values is important in animal and plant breeding, personalized medicine and evolutionary biology. Traditionally, prediction is based on a best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) approach within a linear ... -
Geometric and algebraic approaches to mixed-integer polynomial optimization using sos programming
(2017-12-05)We consider geometric approaches that assist in the solution process of mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP). Amongst others, we compute half-spaces, seminorm balls and ellipsoids that contain the relaxed feasible ... -
Geometric convergence of slice sampling
(2021-10-19)In Bayesian statistics sampling w.r.t. a posterior distribution, which is given through a prior and a likelihood function, is a challenging task. The generation of exact samples is in general quite difficult, since the ... -
Geometric twisted K-homology, T-duality isomorphism and T-duality for circle actions
(2015-11-16)We discuss topological T-duality and the associated geometric or topological objects in this thesis. Concretely, it consists of three parts. In this first part we prove two versions of geometric twisted K-homology are ... -
Geometry of universal torsors
(2006-11-08)We study the geometry and arithmetic of Del Pezzo surfaces. Important examples are cubic surfaces, which were already investigated by Cayley, Schläfli, Steiner, Clebsch, and Cremona in the ... -
Das Gitterpunktproblem in der hyperbolischen Ebene
(2000-12-19) -
GPU fast multipole method with lambda-dynamics features
(2021-11-11)A significant and computationally most demanding part of molecular dynamics simulations is the calculation of long-range electrostatic interactions. Such interactions can be evaluated directly by the naïve pairwise summation ... -
Graph based fusion of high-dimensional gene- and microRNA expression data
(2013-01-25)One of the main goals in cancer studies including high-throughput microRNA (miRNA) and mRNA data is to find and assess prognostic signatures capable of predicting clinical outcome. Both mRNA and miRNA expression changes ... -
Graph Partitioning for the Finite Element Method: Reducing Communication Volume with the Directed Sorted Heavy Edge Matching
(2019-05-07)A technique called the Finite Element Method is primarily utilized to numerically solve Partial Differential Equations, most commonly by the use iterative methods, over a compact domain. The partial differential equations ... -
Graph-based Object Understanding
(2021-06-18)Computer Vision algorithms become increasingly prevalent in our everyday lives. Especially recognition systems are often employed to automatize certain tasks (i.e. quality control). In State-of-the-Art approaches global ... -
Gromov-Wasserstein Distances and their Lower Bounds
(2022-11-25)In various applications in biochemistry, computer vision and machine learning, it is of great interest to compare general objects in a pose invariant manner. Recently, the following approach has received increased attention: ... -
Groupoids in categories with partial covers
(2019-02-07)Meyer and Zhu survey the general theory of groupoids, groupoid actions, groupoid principal bundles, and various kinds of morphisms between groupoids in the framework of categories with pretopology. We modify the categorical ... -
Growth in finite groups and the Graph Isomorphism Problem
(2020-08-19)The present thesis embraces two major areas of mathematics, namely group theory (especially growth in finite groups) and graph theory (especially the graph isomorphism problem). Several results are presented coming from ... -
Harmonic analysis on 2-step stratified Lie groups without the Moore-Wolf condition
(2022-04-07)In this thesis we investigate harmonic analysis on a particular class of sub-Riemannian manifold, namely the 2-step stratified Lie groups $\mathbb{G}$, as well as its applications in partial differential equations. This ... -
Heterogeneous Multiscale Change-Point Inference and its Application to Ion Channel Recordings
(2018-02-09)Ion channel recordings by the patch clamp technique are a major tool to quantify the electrophysiological dynamics of ion channels in the cell membrane, which is for instance important in medicine for the development of ... -
Hierarchically linked extended features for fingerprint processing
(2009-03-23)This thesis discusses a novel approach for fingerprint feature extraction. A new fingerprint structure has been proposed as a basis for the extraction of extended features. These new features ...