Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 254-273 of 546
Identifying dependencies among delays
(2008-02-29)The treatment of disturbances in case of capacity restrictions in the Delay management problem has been theoretically and numerically examined. A new formulation of these secondary conditions for the macromodel of the ... -
Imbalance Learning and Its Application on Medical Datasets
(2021-05-28)To gain more valuable information from the increasing large amount of data, data mining has been a hot topic that attracts growing attention in this two decades. One of the challenges in data mining is imbalance learning, ... -
Improvement of the jpHMM approach to recombination detection in viral genomes and its application to HIV and HBV
(2011-08-08)Accurate virus genotyping and the detection of recombinant strains are of crucial importance for understanding viral evolution as well as the design of potential vaccines and treatment ... -
Improving IoT device transparency by means of privacy labels
(2022-05-20)The Internet of Things (IoT) is an umbrella-term that applies to sensors, actuators and other devices that can interact with each other, or with other systems over the Internet. This technology has the potential to improve ... -
Improving the analysis of aeroacoustic measurements through machine learning
(2023-11-20)This thesis focuses on improving the analysis of aeroacoustic imaging methods using automated data processing and machine learning. Imaging methods result in beamforming maps that are challenging to explore manually since ... -
Increasing the robustness of active upper limb prostheses
(2017-02-02)This thesis is based on my work done at the Institute for Neurorehabilitation Systems at the University Medical Center Goettingen. My work has been partially founded by German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) via ... -
Index theory and groupoids for filtered manifolds
(2020-12-21)In this thesis, we propose to use generalized fixed point algebras as an approach to the pseudodifferential calculus on filtered manifolds. A filtered manifold is a manifold \(M\) with a filtration of its tangent ... -
Index Theory and Positive Scalar Curvature
(2020-07-24)The aim of this dissertation is to use relative higher index theory to study questions of existence and classification of positive scalar curvature metrics on manifolds with boundary. First we prove a theorem relating ... -
Index Theory and Positive Scalar Curvature
(2012-06-22)Obstructions to the existence of positive scalar curvature metrics are considered. This thesis has two fairly independent parts. The first part of this thesis proves that the Roe (or coarse) index of the Dirac-Rosenberg ... -
Individuelle Curricula von Lehrkräften in der Algebra
(2016-08-04)The framework of the Research Project Subjective Theories (RPST) is used to reconstruct secondary teachers’ belief systems on their classroom practices concerning algebra. It aims at describing the individual knowledge and ... -
Inference in inhomogeneous hidden Markov models with application to ion channel data
(2017-12-18)Ion channel recordings under a changing environment are hardly analyzed and are the main cause for the new model class we introduce. This thesis mainly concerns hidden Markov models with a homogeneous hidden Markov chain ... -
Informatik für Alle - wie viel Programmierung braucht der Mensch?
(2009-11-23)This paper develops a didactical frame to start programming for all highschool-students. This frame is filled with content from computer science and methological aspects. -
Information theoretical approaches for the identification of potentially cooperating transcription factors
(2019-08-08)Transcription factors (TFs) are a special class of proteins that usually bind regulatory DNA regions such as promoters and enhancers in order to control the expression of their target genes. Today, it is well known that ... -
Integral Equation Methods for Rough Surface Scattering Problems in three Dimensions
(2008-05-15)We consider the scattering of time harmonic acoustic waves by a sound soft rough surface in three dimensions. The analysis we develop holds in the case that the incident wave is due to a point source situated above ... -
Integrated Algorithms for Cost-Optimal Public Transport Planning
(2019-03-29)Since the demand for passenger transport is ever increasing, public transport planning is a topic of ongoing research. While single problem stages like line planning, timetabling or vehicle scheduling are already extensively ... -
Integration of autonomous and pattern recognition controls in hand prostheses
(2022-02-08)Thanks to the progress in the robotic and mechatronic fields, upper limb prostheses became more and more dexterous, getting closer to closing the gap between the natural limb and the medical device replacing it. However, ... -
Integration of Pathway Data as Prior Knowledge into Methods for Network Reconstruction
(2014-10-23)Hundreds of databases offer vast amounts of literature knowledge about biological signaling networks. However, this knowledge is rarely integrated into current bioinformatic analyzes due to challenges in the programmatic ... -
Intelligent Medical Decision Support for Predicting Patients at Risk in Intensive Care Units
(2021-01-14)Early detection of at-risk patients has great importance in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) to improve patient healthcare and save patients’ life outcomes. The severity of illness scores have been used for predicting the ... -
Interoperable Information Exchange, Resource Discovery, and Service Quality Monitoring Across Virtual Organizations in Distributed Research Infrastructures
Recently, distributed research infrastructures were built up to feed the emerging resource demand of research institutes and enable researchers from various disciplines to access cutting edge technologies. More recently, ... -
Interpretable Binary and Multiclass Prediction Models for Insolvencies and Credit Ratings
(2016-06-10)Insolvency prediction and credit rating are challenging tasks used to evaluate the creditworthiness of commercial enterprises based on qualitative and quantitative attributes. One way to approach these tasks is machine ...