Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 272-291 of 546
Interoperable Information Exchange, Resource Discovery, and Service Quality Monitoring Across Virtual Organizations in Distributed Research Infrastructures
Recently, distributed research infrastructures were built up to feed the emerging resource demand of research institutes and enable researchers from various disciplines to access cutting edge technologies. More recently, ... -
Interpretable Binary and Multiclass Prediction Models for Insolvencies and Credit Ratings
(2016-06-10)Insolvency prediction and credit rating are challenging tasks used to evaluate the creditworthiness of commercial enterprises based on qualitative and quantitative attributes. One way to approach these tasks is machine ... -
Interpreting and visualizing the decisions of Deep Neural Networks
(2023-04-20)Machine learning and its associated algorithms involving deep neural networks have gained widespread admiration in the computer vision domain. In this regard, significant progress has been made in automating certain ... -
Intuitive Myoelectric Control of Upper Limb Prostheses
(2014-05-06)The myoelectric control of hand prosthesis commercially available is simple and limits the user to very basic operations. Although in the academic research for prosthesis control a large variety of advanced control methods ... -
Invariants of Kähler manifolds and Generalized Seiberg-Witten Equations
(2024-03-06)The thesis explores the generalized Seiberg-Witten equations, a gauge theoretic differential equation arising in physics by coupling a non-linear spinor to a connection. The study involves an analysis of the solution space ... -
Inverse Problems in Asteroseismology
(2019-03-06)Asteroseismology allows us to probe the internal structure of stars through their global modes of oscillation. Thanks to missions such as the NASA Kepler space observatory, we now have high-quality asteroseismic data for ... -
Inverse Problems in Propagation-based X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging and Tomography: Stability Analysis and Reconstruction Methods
(2019-06-12)Propagation-based X-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI) and -tomography (XPCT) extend the capabilities of classical X-ray radiography and computed tomography (CT) to imaging of microscopic specimens with nanometer-sized ... -
Investigating Robustness, Public Transport Optimization, and their Interface
(2019-07-11)By investigating robustness, public transport optimization, and their interface, this dissertation contributes research to the field of mathematical optimization via the cumulation of five individual but thematically ... -
Investigation of Information Privacy in Employment: Fundamental Knowledge and Practical Solutions for the Human-Centered Design of Measures to Preserve the Right to Informational Self-Determination in Employment
(2022-10-10)The processing of employee personal data is dramatically increasing. To protect employees' fundamental right to privacy, the law provides for the implementation of privacy controls, including transparency and intervention. ... -
Investigations in Hadamard spaces
(2021-08-27)This thesis investigates the interplay between geometry and convex analysis in Hadamard spaces. Motivated by numerous applications of CAT(0) geometry, our work builds upon the results in convex analysis and Alexandrov ... -
IP Converged Heterogeneous Mobility in 4G networks - Network-side Handover Management Strategies
(2007-07-24)Envisioning a future where mobile terminals equipped with one or more network devices are able to roam across wireless or wired networks, in a diverse macro and micro wireless cells environment, requires the ... -
Julia Set as a Martin Boundary
(2010-11-18)The Julia set of the class of hyperbolic rational maps having a totally disconnected Julia set is here identified as the Martin boundary of a Markov chain by using symbolic dynamics. When ... -
Jump estimation for noisy blurred step functions
(2006-09-18)We consider the estimation of a step function $f$ from noisy observations of $Kf$, where $K$ is some integral operator with bounded integral Kernel. We use a penalized least squares estimator ... -
Kenngrößen für die Abhängigkeitsstruktur in Extremwertzeitreihen
(2010-11-26)The extreme value dependence structure in uni- as well as multivariate time series may be described in a simplified way using suitable characteristics. These include concepts such as the ... -
Knowledge Integration and Representation for Biomedical Analysis
(2021-02-25)Information-based health systems aimed at improving clinical decision-making are appealing as they are able to cope with the rising amount of information that clinicians are experiencing and provide a framework for ... -
Komplexität und Stabilität von kernbasierten Rekonstruktionsmethoden
(2009-03-19)We are looking at functions $f : \mathbb{R}^d → \mathbb{R}$ and reconstruct them by $f (x) =\sum_{j=1}^N \alpha_j K(x,x_j)$, where $K$ is a positive definite, symmetric kernel, $x_j \in \mathbb{R}^d , \alpha_j \in \mathbb{R}$.In ... -
Die Konvergenz von Bioinformatik und Medizinischer Informatik
(2009-09-17)In Biomedicine new diagnostic procedures such as high-throughput technologies will lead to the increasing integration of genomic data in clinical decision making. Thus the disciplines of ... -
Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Probandenmanagementsystems am Beispiel der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
(2015-12-08)There is a demand for efficient, uniform, and long-term management of participants in medical research projects. In Germany, this demand originates from the “bench-to-bedside”-approach, the increase in funding of collaborative ... -
L2-invariants of nonuniform lattices in semisimple Lie groups
(2013-05-03)We compute L²-invariants of certain nonuniform lattices in semisimple Lie groups by means of the Borel-Serre compactification of arithmetically defined locally symmetric spaces. The main results give new estimates for ... -
l<sup>p</sup>-Kohomologie, insbesondere Verschwindungssätze für l<sup>p</sup>-Kohomologie
(2007-08-14)In this dissertation we study the lp-cohomology of discrete groups of type FPn. We give a duality statement and prove some vanishing results, in particular for groups with an ...