Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 402-421 of 546
Perceptual Segmentation of Visual Streams by Tracking of Objects and Parts
(2014-11-27)The ability to parse visual streams into semantically meaningful entities is an essential element of intelligent systems. This process - known as segmentation - is a necessary precursor to high-level behavior which uses ... -
Permuting actions, moment maps and the generalized Seiberg-Witten equations
(2016-04-21)In this thesis, we study properties and the geometry related to the generalization of the Seiberg-Witten equations introduced by Taubes and Pidstrygach. A crucial ingrediant to these equations is a hyperkähler manifold M ... -
Persistence in discrete Morse theory
(2011-07-15)The goal of this thesis is to bring together two different theories about critical points of a scalar function and their relation to topology: Discrete Morse theory and Persistent homology. ... -
Phase Retrieval with Sparsity Constraints
(2016-06-29)The two-dimensional phase retrieval problem arises in many areas of experimental physics, e.g. in x-ray microscopy. The central theme of this thesis is the application of sparsity constraints in the two-dimensional ... -
PHOENIX: A Premise to Reinforce Heterogeneous and Evolving Internet Architectures with Exemplary Applications
(2020-12-02)The Internet was designed primarily for sharing expensive resources through establishing point-to-point connection using dedicated IP addresses. However, it has since evolved both in complexity and its number of users. ... -
Phylogenetic Forest Spaces
(2023-01-10)Given a fixed set of operational taxonomic units (OTUs), when studying their evolutionary relationships among each other, a common way of depicting those is to construct a phylogenetic tree, a graph-theoretic tree with a ... -
Planning a Public Transportation System with a View Towards Passengers' Convenience
(2016-02-24)This thesis contributes to the understanding of problems and their relation within the area of public transportation planning. Among the main planning problems, appearing in this area, are network design, line planning, ... -
Planning and Optimization During the Life-Cycle of Service Level Agreements for Cloud Computing
(2015-06-10)A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an electronic contract between the consumer and the provider of a service. It governs their business relationship by clarifying expectations and obligations of participating entities, ... -
Poincaredualitätsalgebren, Koinvarianten und Wu-Klassen
(2003-08-06)Certain algebras of coinvariants have the extra structure of a Poincare duality algebra. We describe and characterize some of these Poincare duality algebras via Macaulay inverses of the ... -
Point Source Approximation Methods in Inverse Obstacle Reconstruction Problems
(2006-02-09)We consider point source approximation methods for the solution of inverse object reconstruction problems for the Laplace and the Helmholtz equation. We present a two-step algorithm to ... -
Pointwise conjugate groups and modules over the Steenrod algebra
(2001-11-07)The thesis treats pointwise conjugate representations of finite groups and their rings of polynomial invariants, in particular as unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra. Given and n-dimensional linear representation ... -
Preconditioned Newton methods for ill-posed problems
(2007-09-05)We consider preconditioned regularized Newton methods tailored to the efficient solution of nonlinear large-scale exponentially ill-posed problems.In the first part of this thesis we investigate ... -
Prediction of Protein-Protein Interaction Sites with Conditional Random Fields
(2012-11-28)Protein-protein interactions appear in almost every biological process. Proteins are mainly folded into three dimensional structures, which requires that a meaningful prediction should take consideration of the important ... -
Privacy-Decision Assisting Techniques
(2024-11-12)In an era where digital communication and content sharing proliferate, managing and protecting users' privacy becomes increasingly challenging and crucial. This particularly intensifies with the fast-paced adoption of ... -
Probabilistic Methods for Computational Annotation of Genomic Sequences
(2011-02-04)New sequencing techniques have increased enormously the speed that new genomic sequences are produced. As manual inspection is impossible for this amount of data, there is an ongoing ... -
Probabilistic models for protein conformational changes
(2020-06-09)Proteins are macromolecules that perform multiple functions. They are not rigid molecules, but instead proteins can change their conformation to perform critical tasks driven by binding small ligands, by assembling into ... -
Probabilistic Models to Detect Important Sites in Proteins
(2021-02-23)Proteins are molecular machines playing almost every fundamental role in activities of life. Their biological functions are mostly driven through conformational transitions and interaction interfaces with other bio-molecules ... -
Processing and Extending Flow-Based Network Traffic Measurements
(2009-07-07)With the increasing usage of the Internet and IP networks for critical applications, network monitoring becomes more important. Flow-profiling is currently the most common measurement ... -
Projection Methods in Sparse and Low Rank Feasibility
(2015-07-07)In this thesis, we give an analysis of fixed point algorithms involving projections onto closed, not necessarily convex, subsets of finite dimensional vector spaces. These methods are used in applications such as imaging ... -
Propagation of polarization sets for systems of generalized transverse type and for systems of MHD type
(2023-06-16)Polarization sets were introduced by Dencker (1982) as a refinement of wavefront sets to the vector-valued case. He also clarified the propagation of polarization sets when the characteristic variety of the pseudodifferential ...