Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 490-509 of 546
The contact process in an evolving random environment
(2021-11-26)Recently, there has been an increasing interest in interacting particle systems on evolving random graphs, respectively in time evolving random environments. In this thesis a contact process in a time evolving edge random ... -
The distribution of rational points on some projective varieties
(2020-01-09)This thesis is concerned with establishing Manin's conjecture on the distribution of ratinal points for a certain class of bihomogeneous varieties. It generalizes work of Vaughan on the representation of integers as sum ... -
The Empirical Hierarchical Bayes Approach for Pathway Integration and Gene-Environment Interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies
(2012-10-24)Complex diseases such as cancer result from a complicated interplay of multiple genetic and environmental factors. To unveil their genetic component, the simple analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) as done in ... -
The Generalized Operator Based Prony Method
(2019-05-10)The well known Prony method was introduced to reconstruct finite linear combinations of complex exponentials. A first approach towards generalizing this method to more arbitrary expansions was made by Peter & Plonka in ... -
The Geometry of the Milnor Number
(2012-06-12)In the first part of this thesis we derive a volume-preserving normal form for function germs in n complex variables which are right equivalent to the product of all coordinates. In the second part of the thesis we discuss ... -
The Index Bundle for Gap-Continuous Families, Morse-Type Index Theorems and Bifurcation
(2011-11-21)We generalise the well known index bundle construction of Atiyah and Jänich to families of (generally unbounded) Fredholm operators which are assumed to be continuous with respect to the ... -
The integration of different functional and structural plant models
(2019-07-09)Plant scientists use Functional and Structural Plant (FSP) Models to model the interactions between the biological functions and physical structures within a limited space-time range. To break through the limitation, an ... -
The Integration of the Brain Bank Imaging Workflow into the Infrastructure of the Multiple Sclerosis Research Network
(2019-03-26)Digital pathology (DP) provides powerful tools for the acquisition, management, storage, viewing, and analysis of high-resolution digital microscope images. During the last decade, DP tools were increasingly used for a ... -
The Inter-Domain Key Exchange Protocol
(2006-02-27)This thesis introduces, specifies and evaluates a novel key establishment mechanism to enable seamless authenticated handovers in IP networks called Inter-Domain Key Exchange Protocol (IDKE). ... -
The Likelihood Ratio Test for Order Restricted Hypotheses in Non-Inferiority Trials
(2003-10-16)In clinical investigations with the goal to evaluate new therapies, the efficacy of a new therapy is usually declared by its superiority over a palcebo or standard. In the last decade new approaches became popular focussing ... -
The M2X Economy – Concepts for Business Interactions, Transactions and Collaborations Among Autonomous Smart Devices
(2020-01-07)Nowadays, business transactions almost exclusively focus on human-to-human transactions. The persistent growth and expansion of the Internet of Things, the ubiquitousness of so called smart devices, as well as progressing ... -
The Minkowski-Siegel Formula for quadratic bundles on curves
(2007-09-26)The subject of this thesis is the arithmetic theory of quadratic forms in the language of algebraic geometry. The main goal is to formulate and prove the Minkowski-Siegel formula for definite ... -
The Optimization of the 3-d Structure of Plants, Using Functional-Structural Plant Models
(2015-12-03)One component of the performance of plants is their capability to intercept light. By using a functional-structural modelling approach, an optimization model of the 3-d above-ground structure of plants is constructed, ... -
The Quintic Gauss Sums
(2004-09-14)We investigate the possibility of generalization of the Cassel-McGettrick formula for the quintic Gauss sums. We construct a fundamental region for the fifth cyclotomic field. we describe ... -
The shifted convolution of generalized divisor functions
(2017-04-18)We prove an asymptotic formula for the shifted convolution of the divisor functions \(d_k(n)\) and \(d(n)\) with \(k \geq 3\), which is uniform in the shift parameter and which has a power saving error term. Along the way, ... -
The Spectra on Lie Groups and Its Application to twisted L2-Invariants
(2024-02-29)We computed spectra of various $G$-invariant differential operators on the universal cover of 2x2 unimodular groups. This was achieved by applying tools from harmonic analysis/representation theory to corresponding groups. ... -
The split prime μ-conjecture and further topics in Iwasawa theory
(2019-03-25)The thesis is divided in three independent chapters, each focused on a different problem in Iwasawa theory. In Chapter 1 we prove the split prime μ-conjecture for abelian extensions of imaginary quadratic fields. In Chapter ... -
Theory and Numerics for Shape Optimization in Superconductivity
(2006-09-18)We consider a mathematical model for a thin superconducting film which is magnetically shielded by permanent magnets in order to improve the current carrying capability of the film. In a ... -
Thetafunktionen und konjugationsinvariante Funktionen auf Paaren von Matrizen
(2009-01-16)We express conjugation-invariant functions on the space of equivalence classes of pairs of kxk matrices via theta functions. Our approach is based on the well-known interplay between algebraic ... -
Topological construction of C*-correspondences for groupoid C*-algebras
(2015-09-09)Let G and H be locally compact, Hausdor groupoids with Haar systems. We de fine a topological correspondence from G to H to be a G-H bispace X carrying a G-quasi invariant and H-invariant family of measures. We show that ...