Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 505-524 of 532
Twisted equivariant K-theory and equivariant T-duality
(2023-09-18)This thesis is about two things: twisted equivariant K-theory and equivariant topological T-duality. First, we prove a fixed point decomposition theorem for twisted equivariant K-theory, generalising a result of Atiyah and ... -
Twisted K-theory with coefficients in a C*-algebra and obstructions against positive scalar curvature metrics
(2010-03-17)We introduce the notion of twisted Hilbert A-module bundles to construct a geometric realization of twisted K-theory with coefficients in a C*-algebra A. Like ordinary bundles of Hilbert ... -
Twisted Kloosterman sums and cubic exponential sums
(2009-12-15)In this thesis work, we study the problem of the distribution of cubic exponential sums. Using the theory of of automorphic forms, we are able to determine the asymptotic behavior of these ... -
Two Cases of Artin's Conjecture
(2021-02-25)Let $f_1, \dots, f_R$ be forms of degree $k_1, \dots, k_R$ in $s$ variables. A generalised version of a conjecture by Artin states that the equations $f_1= \dots=f_R=0$ have a non-trivial $p$-adic solution for all primes ... -
UML Profile for Communicating Systems
(2007-04-24)This thesis presents a new Unified Modeling Language 2 (UML) profile for communicating systems. It is developed for the unambiguous, executable specification and description of communication ... -
UML-based Test Specification for Communication Systems
(2004-10-28)Nowadays, the complexity of modern telecommunication systems has increased significantly and the requirement for thorough and systematic testing is undisputed. The TTCN-3 is an universal ... -
Universal Coefficient Theorems in Equivariant KK-theory
(2011-02-21)We prove a universal coefficient theorem for C*-algebras acted upon by a group of prime power order. In this context, we define an extension of equivariant K-theory and prove the existence ... -
Universal Workload-based Graph Partitioning and Storage Adaption for Distributed RDF Stores
(2021-01-06)The publication of machine-readable information has been significantly increasing both in the magnitude and complexity of the embedded relations. The Resource Description Framework(RDF) plays a big role in modeling and ... -
Unravelling Drug Resistance Mechanisms in Breast Cancer
(2015-06-22)The intention of this dissertation is to gain deeper insight into mechanisms of drug action on the genomic and proteomic level in HER2-positive breast cancer cell lines with different resistance phenotypes. In the era of ... -
Untersuchungen zu kubischen metaplektischen Formen
(2004-11-30)The bijective correspondence between certain automorphic forms of a Bianchigroup on the threedimensional upper half space with trivial character and such of a metaplectic subgroup with a ... -
Usage-based Testing of Event-driven Software
(2012-09-14)Most modern-day end-user software is Event-driven Software (EDS), i.e., accessible through Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), smartphone apps, or in form of Web applications. Examples for events are mouse clicks in ... -
User Attribute Inference via Mining User-Generated Data
(2020-12-03)User attributes refer to a person's various demographic characteristics, like income, education, job, age, gender, socioeconomic status (SES), etc. User attributes play an important role in many research areas like sociology ... -
User identification and community exploration via mining big personal data in online platforms
(2021-10-19)User-generated big data mining is vital important for large online platforms in terms of security, profits improvement, products recommendation and system management. Personal attributes recognition, user behavior prediction, ... -
Using n-layer graph models for representing and transforming knowledge on biological pathways
(2021-03-16)Currently, the use of prior knowledge on biological pathways in research projects is often a manual process, not well documented and hard to reproduce. The aim of this thesis is the definition and implementation of a ... -
Über J. Bernsteins zweite Adjungiertheit für reduktive p-adische Gruppen
(2022-10-25)We give a new and essentially elementary proof of an important result due to Joseph Bernstein in the theory of smooth representations of a reductive p-adic group G. Main tools for studying these representations are parabolic ... -
Über Zusammenhänge von leichten Tails, regulärer Variation und Extremwerttheorie
(2010-11-30)This work deals with some aspects of the extremal behavior of both light tailed and heavy tailed distributions. The thesis is divided into three parts and starts with the analysis of ... -
Variational Convergence and Discrete Minimal Surfaces
(2015-11-05)This work is concerned with the convergence behavior of the solutions to parametric variational problems. An emphasis is put on sequences of variational problems that arise as discretizations of either infinite-dimensional ... -
Variational Estimators in Statistical Multiscale Analysis
(2016-05-24)In recent years, a novel type of multiscale variational statistical approaches, based on so-called multiscale statistics, have received increasing popularity in various applications, such as signal recovery, imaging and ... -
Variational Geometric Invariant Theory and Moduli of Quiver Sheaves
(2018-06-26)We are concerned with two applications of GIT. First, we prove that a geometric GIT quotient of an a ne variety X = Spec(A) by a reductive group G, where A is an almost factorial domain, is a Mori dream space, regardless ... -
Variational Regularization Strategy for Atmospheric Tomography
(2016-07-22)The main focus of this dissertation is to establish the necessary theory with numerical illustrations for solving an atmospheric tomography problem. The inverse problem is the reconstruction of some volume data ...