Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Krebs, Hans-Ulrich Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 21-32 of 32
Mechanische Spektroskopie an metallischen Gläsern in reduzierter Dimensionalität
(2009-12-14)In glasses a broad spectra of different relaxation times is observed, but the underlying physical mechanisms are still a matter of investigation. The reason for the complex dynamics is mainly linked to heterogeneities ... -
Aufbau einer Pulslaserdepositions-(PLD)-anlage und Untersuchungen zur PLD in den MAX-Phasen-Systemen Ti-Si-C, Cr-Al-C und Ti-Al-N
(2009-06-22)Ternary carbides and nitrides of certain chemical compositions -so called MAX phases- are a new and interesting class of functional ceramics. These compounds are refractory and heat resistant ... -
Glättungsmechanismen beim Ionenbeschuss rauer amorpher Oberflächen
(2008-03-18)Investigation of surface structures constitutes a broad field of contemporary research. Particularly due to proceeding miniaturization of electronic devices controlling the formation and evolution of surfaces and ... -
X-ray waveguides and waveguide-based lensless imaging
(2006-06-06)The scope of the present thesis is X-ray waveguides and applications in waveguide-based lensless X-ray microscopy. The propagation of X-rays in waveguides is analysed analytically for some ... -
Selbstorganisation magnetischer Nanopartikel auf facettierten Saphir-Substraten
(2005-06-14)Self-organisation has been used in this work in many various ways. On the one hand a self-assembling process lead to a transformation of the plane surface of the m-plane Al2O3-substrate ... -
Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy of Co-impurified Noble Metal Surfaces: Kondo-Effect, Electronic Surface States and Diffusive Atom Transport
(2004-11-12)The scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) was used to investigate the properties of nanoscale structures on (111)-oriented Ag and Cu films. The special focus is on their electronic states ... -
Ionenstrahlunterstütztes Wachstum von Zinn-dotierten Indiumoxid-Filmen
(2004-05-24)In this work the optical, electrical and microstructural properties of tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) thin films deposited by ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) were investigated. One aim ... -
Mechanische Spannungen und Mikrostruktur dünner TiNi- und Ti50Ni50-xCux-Formgedächtnisschichten
(2004-05-05)This thesis describes the fabrication process of TiNi and Ti50Ni50-xCux shape memory thin films by means of cocondensation via electron beam evaporation in UHV and their characterisation. During film growth and martensitic ... -
Amorphe weichmagnetische CoFeNiSiB-Detektionsschichten in Spinventilen
(2003-04-17)Co-based amorphous magnetic films as detection layer in magnetoresistive systems are an attractive alternative instead of crystalline Ni81Fe19, as they are very soft magnetic, ... -
Neuaufbau eines Pelletron-Beschleunigers und Untersuchungen zum Laserhydrieren von Silizium
(2003-03-17)Within the context of this thesis, a pelletron accelerator laboratory NEC 9SDH-2 was moved from the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik Heidelberg to the II. Physikalisches Institut der ... -
Rauhigkeit und Durchmischung der Grenzflächen in laserdeponierten Cu-Ag- und Fe-Ag-Schichtsystemen
(2002-11-21)Due to the high kinetic energy of the ions that are produced during pulsed laser deposition, thin films prepared by this method show a number of marked differences when compared to films ... -
Laser nitriding of metals:Influences of the ambient pressure and the pulse duration
(2002-03-01)Laser nitriding of metals such as iron, stainless steel, aluminum or titanium is an interesting phenomenon both in physics and industry. On a time scale of hundreds nanoseconds, high intensity ...