Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Parlitz, Ulrich Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 21-39 of 39
Dynamik und Bifurkationsverhalten eines getriebenen Oszillators mit frei aufliegender Dämpfermasse
(2011-06-22)A driven spring-mass system supplemented by a loosely mounted, freely sliding damper mass is investigated. This oscillator is a simple model of a damping principle applied to turbine blades ... -
Einen Roboter das Fahren Lehren - ein auf Fähigkeitslernen basierter Ansatz
(2010-12-08)Robots can alleviate our lives by accomplishing tasks that are unpleasant or even dangerous for us. To employ them efficiently they should be autonomous, adaptive, and easy to instruct ... -
Modellierung dynamischer Prozesse mit radialen Basisfunktionen
(2010-12-03)The thesis deals with modeling of nonlinear dynamical systems from measured time series corresponding to a few different values of the system parameters and the dependence of the dynamics ... -
Numerische Untersuchungen zum optischen Durchbruch von Femtosekunden-Laserpulsen in Wasser
(2010-11-05)When laser light of high intensity is focused into water, a plasma is formed in the area of the focus. This process is called optical breakdown and is numerically investigated for femtosecond ... -
Symmetry Breaking and Pattern Selection in Models of Visual Development
(2010-10-13)Response properties of neurons in the visual cortex form spatial representations called maps of several stimulus features such as orientation preference (OP) or ocular dominance (OD). This ... -
Experimental investigation of shock wave - bubble interaction
(2010-06-02)The dynamics of laser-generated single cavitation bubbles exposed to lithotripter shock waves is investigated experimentally. The effects of shock impact on the fast bubble dynamics are ... -
The Time Course of Negative Priming
(2010-03-23)Selective attention enables goal-directed behavior despite the permanent, immense input to the sensory system. Contradicting early speculations of an active attending and passive ignoring, ... -
Real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(2010-01-26)In this PhD thesis a generic solution for real-time MRI was developed based on a comprehensive analysis of the physical requirements. The method combines the fast low angle shot (FLASH) acquisition principle with a radial ... -
Particle - Tracking - Velocimetry - Messungen an kollabierenden Kavitationsblasen
(2008-12-01)The flowfields around cavitation bubbles collapsing near obstacles are investigated in this work. For this purpose, photographs of the laser-induced bubbles are taken and the method of ... -
Magnetic Activity at the Poles of the Sun
(2008-11-11)This work sheds light on the role of polar faculae with respect to the global magnetic field of the Sun, on the basis of high spatial resolution spectropolarimetric observations, while ... -
Stabilisierung und Kontrolle komplexer Dynamik durch mehrfach zeitverzögerte Rückkopplung
(2007-06-20)Multiple Delay Feedback Control (MDFC) based on multiple independent and individually weighted delay times is introduced and shown to be an efficient method for stabilizing fixed points ... -
Transient integral boundary layer method to simulate entrance flow conditions in one-dimensional arterial blood flow
(2006-10-20)Motivation: The pressure drop -- flow relations in myocardial bridges and the assessment of vascular heart disease via fractional flow reserve (FFR) have motivated much research during the ... -
Akustische Beeinflussung einer Instabilität in Kanälen mit überströmten Resonatoren
(2006-09-01)The sound-flow interaction in an acoustically lined section of an otherwise rigid duct is investigated. Turbulent fluctuations or imposed oscillations of the flow at the inlet of the lined ... -
Dynamical modeling with application to friction phenomena
(2005-11-22)The thesis deals with dynamical modeling as an alternative approach to the conventional way of modeling with static models. From the perspective of generalized synchronization the main ... -
Modenstruktur und adaptive Regelung der Strahl-Kanten-Strömung
(2005-02-14)The stabilization of the plane laminar jet-edge-flow is studied with the general objective to gain some gerneral experience with flow control. The convective instability of the jet combined ... -
Hybrid Systems Modeling Manufacturing and Front Dynamics
(2004-06-04)This thesis investigates the dynamics of a certain class of hybrid dynamical systems, so called switched tank systems. By applying switched tank systems as models for manufacturing systems ... -
Data driven analysis of brain activity and functional connectivity in fMRI
(2003-12-18)In this thesis the perspectives of statistical and graph-theoretical methods for the analysis of fMRI data are investigated. This involves preprocessing, extraction of components, functional ... -
Approximations and Applications of Nonlinear Filters
(2003-06-04)In this thesis a certain estimation problem for nonlinear stochastic dynamical systems in discrete time, known as filtering in the literature, is considered. The objective is to reconstruct ... -
Nächste-Nachbar basierte Methoden in der nichtlinearen Zeitreihenanalyse
(2001-09-11)The subject of this thesis is the application of nearest-neighbor based methods within the field of nonlinear time-series analysis. A main area of application there is the modeling and ...