Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Abel, Bernd Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Extreme-ultraviolet light generation in plasmonic nanostructures
(2014-01-30)The present (cumulative) thesis examines fundamentals of nanostructure-enhanced extreme-ultraviolet light generation in noble gases using two different nanostructure geometries for local field-enhancement. Specifically, ... -
Estimating Orientational Water Entropy at Protein Interfaces
(2012-02-09)The entropy of solvents significantly contributes to the stability of the native state of proteins. However, obtaining solvent entropies from molecular dynamics simulations remains a ... -
Investigation of Laser-Induced-Liquid-Beam-Ion-Desorption (LILBID) with Molecular Dynamics Simulations
(2010-12-22)Erst kürzlich wurde Laser-Induced-Liquid-Beam-Ion-Desorption (LILBID) eine neue Technik zur Ionisation in der Massen Spektrometrie entwickelt. Diese Technik ist vergleichbar weich und ... -
Kinetik und Dynamik bei tiefen Temperaturen in Lavaldüsenexpansionen
(2007-06-27)This thesis presents investigations concernig reactions of the hydroxyl radical (OH) with the reagents acetylene, ethene, benzene, ethylester of alanine and N,N-dimethylformamide in the temperature range between 60K - 300K. ...