Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Al-Kassab, Talaat Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Untersuchung atomarer Strukturen an geordnetem und nanokristallinem ternären Fe3Al
(2011-08-25)This work presents a study of the atomic ordering of Fe3Al with the additions chromium, manganese, titanium and vanadium. This knowledge is the basis of a complete comprehension of the ... -
Bestimmung von Platzbesetzung und Bindungsenergien mittels Atomsondentomographie
(2010-07-22)The site occupation of ternary elements in an intermetallic phase is an important area in materials science. Up to now X-Ray based methods and a TEM based method called Atom Location by ... -
Investigation of the segregation behaviour in nanocrystalline materials
(2010-03-04)The ability to chemically identify single atoms in combination with 3D reconstruction of these atoms is the unique characteristic of atom probe tomography (APT). Hence, it has been applied ...