Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Beuermann, Klaus Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Zeeman tomography of magnetic white dwarfs
(2006-10-12)The aim of this work has been to develop a method that allows to derive the distribution of the surface magnetic fields of magnetic white dwarfs from a set of rotation-phase resolved flux ... -
Lepton production in ice by scattering of astrophysical neutrinos at high energies
(2005-11-18)Ultra-high energy cosmic-ray protons have been observed, and hence the existence of corresponding neutrinos of astrophysical origin is believed to be guaranteed. Due to flavor oscillations ... -
Heizung der Atmosphären Weißer Zwerge durch Zyklotronstrahlung am Beispiel des Polars AM Herculis
(2005-07-13)This thesis investigates the modelling of hydrogen-rich atmospheres of white dwarfs which are irradiated by an external source.Polars are semi-detached close binary systems which consist ... -
Struktur und Dynamik kleinskaliger Magnetfelder der Sonnenatmosphäre
(2003-07-25)Two-dimensional spectrograms were obtained at the Vacuum Tower Telescope, Tenerife, in order to study the structure of small scale magnetic fields on the Sun. The speckle reconstruction ... -
Dynamik magnetischer Flussröhren in Riesensternen und engen Doppelsternen
(2002-11-27)Similar to the case of the sun, other stars as well show clear signatures of magnetic activity, which is ascribed to an internal magnetohydrodynamic dynamo. Giant stars and binary stars ... -
Indirect Imaging of Cataclysmic Variable Stars
(2002-07-02)Cataclysmic variable stars (CVs) are compact binaries consisting of a white dwarf, a late main-sequence star and an accretion structure. Due to their distance, their apparent sizes are too ... -
Rotating jet phenomena in Active Galactic Nuclei
(2001-09-28)Highly collimated and often bipolar outflows have been observed in many Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). The present thesis considers in detail the implications of an intrinsic and an extrinsic ... -
Phasenaufgelöste Spektrophotometrie des magnetischen kataklysmischen Veränderlichen EX Hya
(2001-01-03)This thesis describes time-resolved observations of the eclipsing intermediate polar (IP) EX Hya at X-ray, UV, optical and near infrared wavelengths. IPs form a subclass of the cataclysmic ...