Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Bodenschatz, Eberhard Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Turbulence in convective boundary layers: a statistical investigation
(2024-12-12)A combination of vertical turbulent convection and shear-driven turbulence governs the convective boundary layers (CBLs), and the role of turbulence in CBL dynamics has yet to be fully understood. In this thesis, we aim ... -
Collisional droplet growth in a turbulent environment
(2024-07-18)It is a long-standing problem to find the mechanisms how the onset of rain occurs as rapidly as observed in warm clouds. In the so-called size gap, where neither condensation nor gravitational settling can explain efficient ... -
Cloud Microphysics Investigations with the Cloudkite Laboratory
(2023-04-14)Clouds are crucial to the Earth’s radiation budget and energy balance. Inadequately resolved cloud processes are a major source of uncertainty in weather forecasts and climate prediction. Due to their turbulent nature, ... -
Thermal Convection: Differential heating, travelling thermal waves and turbulent superstructures
(2022-05-30)Turbulent thermal convection is ubiquitous in geophysical, astrophysical, and industrial applications. In the present work, various phenomena in the convective paradigm systems of horizontal convection and Rayleigh-Bénard ... -
Experimental Investigation of Micrometric Droplets and Artificial Particles
(2022-04-28)Clouds and atmospheric particles (e.g. ice crystals, smoke, dust or pollen) heavily influence Earth's energy budget and contribute to the largest uncertainties in climate prediction models. Their treatment involves a huge ... -
Measurements of Turbulence at High Reynolds Numbers
(2021-03-18)The effective description and fundamental understanding of turbulent flows remains elusive to modern physics despite centuries of research and its great importance in numerous fields. The theoretical difficulties of the ... -
Transport of lipid vesicles via the cilia logistic network in the brain of mice
(2019-09-13)The ventricular system of the mammalian brain consists of four interconnected cavities, which are lined by ciliated ependymal cells. Constant and coordinated movement of the cilia results in a directed flow of cerebrospinal ... -
Multiscale X-Ray Analysis of Biological Cells and Tissues by Scanning Diffraction and Coherent Imaging
(2018-12-13)The past 70 years of muscle research have profoundly shaped our current understanding of the structure and function of muscle. X-ray diffraction became a key method in its structural analysis and yielded valuable insights ... -
Moist Rayleigh Benard Convection
(2018-10-19)Clouds play an important yet poorly understood role in weather forecasting and climate change. The objective in the present work is to establish a laboratory-scale experiment for simulating clouds in the Earth's atmosphere. ... -
Dynamics of Suspended Dust Grains: Experimental Investigations and Implications for Protoplanetary Discs
(2018-05-29)The collective interaction of solid particulate matter with flowing gas is one of the fundamental processes occurring in planet-forming discs. Small dust grains and pebbles are comparable to or smaller than the mean ... -
Large eddy simulations of compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
(2017-02-13)Supersonic, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is thought to play an important role in many processes — especially in astrophysics, where detailed three-dimensional observations are scarce. Simulations can partially fill ... -
Hydrodynamics of granular gases: clustering, universality and importance of subsonic convective waves
(2017-01-16)In this thesis we study a hydrodynamic Ansatz for granular gases. The structure of this thesis is the following. We start with a brief introduction into the kinetic theory of granular gases in Chapter 2 and we introduce ... -
Random Focusing of Tsunami Waves
(2015-11-09)Branched flow is a universal phenomenon of random focusing that occurs in wave or particle flows that propagate in weakly scattering, correlated random media. The consecutive effect of small random forces leads to regions ... -
Scanning X-Ray Nanodiffraction on Dictyostelium discoideum
(2015-11-06)In the recent years, novel focussing optics for synchrotron radiation sources became available, which now allow focussing the x-radiation down to 100\,nm (FWHM). Thus, the typically poor spatial resolution of Small Angle ... -
Time-Symmetry Breaking in Turbulent Multi-Particle Dispersion
(2014-10-02)In fluid dynamics, the term turbulence usually describes a special state of a continuous medium in which many interacting degrees of freedom are excited. Turbulent flows therefore exhibit strong temporal and spatial ... -
Subcritical Transition to Turbulence in Shear Flows
(2014-05-23)The theme of this thesis is transition to turbulence in linearly stable shear flows. Laminar-turbulent intermittency and hysteresis are typical feature of these flows at transitional Reynolds numbers, characterizing a ... -
Oscillatory Dynamics of the Actin Cytoskeleton
(2013-10-01)The actin cytoskeleton is ubiquitously distributed among eukaryotic organisms and determines the shape and the movement of eukaryotic cells. In single migratory cells, rapid and localized actin polymerization often follows ... -
Cation induced self-assembly of intermediate filaments
(2013-05-15)Cellular shape and the internal structure of living cells are defined by a dense network of three independent filament systems (actins, microtubules and intermediate filaments) termed "the cytoskeleton". Of these three ... -
Directional sensing and chemotaxis in eukaryotic cells - a quantitative study
(2011-09-22)We investigate the mechanisms behind eukaryotic chemotaxis using the model organism Dictyostelium discoideum. We propose a theoretical model of directional sensing based on a local ... -
Towards autonomous soft matter systems: Experiments on membranes and active emulsions
(2011-09-02)This thesis presents experiments on lipid bilayer membranes and non-equilibrium phenomena in active emulsion droplets. In the first part, we outline a concept of self assembled soft matter ...