Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Christensen, Ulrich Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Numerical Modelling of Zonal Winds on Gas Giants
(2023-12-22)The outer regions of both Jupiter and Saturn host strong, alternately eastward and westward zonal winds. These are essentially steady in time and cover all latitudes, albeit diminished in amplitude at the mid-to-high ... -
Crustal thickness from seismic noise correlations in preparation for the InSight mission to Mars
(2018-08-31)The formation of terrestrial planets is still poorly understood. Studying the interior of Mars by analysing seismic waves can help to answer questions about that process. In the absence of plate tectonics, Mars has retained ... -
Inertial modes, turbulence and magnetic effects in a differentially rotating spherical shell
(2017-11-09)The study of a fluid trapped inside a spherical shell is of fundamental interest in fluid mechanics, having given rise to numerous theoretical and experimental studies. This is also a geometric feature shared by geo- ... -
Statistical Study of Magnetic Field Reversals in Geodynamo Models and Paleomagnetic Data
(2015-10-28)The most striking features in the temporal evolution of the Earth's dipolar magnetic field are polarity reversals and excursions. Several hundred polarity switches have been documented for the last two hundred million years ... -
Surface reflectance analysis of small bodies on different scales
(2015-08-11)The aim of this thesis is to model the surface reflectance of small bodies using spacecraft data i.e. asteroids Steins and Lutetia. The overall and local variation of brightness from the surface covers with different ... -
Effect of density stratification on dynamos in gas planets and low-mass stars
(2015-05-29)Numerical simulations of the Geodynamo have reproduced many of the features of the Earth's magnetic field. An ensemble of these simulations has been used to formulate a predictive scaling law which agrees with the Earth's ... -
Numerische Untersuchung rotierender Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion ohne Ekman-Schichten
(2010-02-05)This work deals with numerical studies of rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a planar fluid layer. A spectral method is employed with periodic boundary conditions in the horizontal ... -
Dreidimensionale thermische Evolutionsmodelle für das Innere von Mars und Merkur
(2006-07-25)The interior structure and evolution of the terrestrial planets are closely related to convective activity in their interior. These endogenic processes are responsible for many geological ... -
Mean-field view on geodynamo models
(2005-11-01)Mean-field theory provides a useful description of magnetohydrodynamic processes leading to large-scale magnetic fields in various cosmic objects. In mean-field theory, the coefficients ... -
Simulations of the Karlsruhe Dynamo Using the Lattice-Boltzmann Method
(2005-10-18)The dynamo mechanism is on the way of understanding. Several numerical simul ations have shown the dynamo mechanism successfully. In recent years dynamo mech anism could be brought down to ... -
JI-3D A new approach to high resolution regional seismic tomography: Theory and applications
(2003-06-05)Seismic tomography is one of the most important means to image the internal structure of the Earth. Restricted array teleseismic tomography determines the 3D-distribution of velocity ... -
Untersuchung von Feldumkehrungen an einem numerischen Modell des Geodynamos
(2003-04-10)One of the most interesting aspects of the Earth's magnetic field is that it changes its polarity on geological time scales. In the last 160 million years, such field reversals occurred ... -
Langperiodische magnetotellurische Messungen auf der oberflächennahen Leitfähigkeitsanomalie in der Münchberger Masse: Hinweise auf eine graphitisierte Überschiebungsfläche durch dreidimensionale Modellrechnungen
(2002-10-08)The electrical conductivity of the earth can be much higher in fractures than in the rock. Therefore the investigation of an area with high conductivity provides much knowledge about ... -
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Ausbreitung von Volumenstörungen in thermischen Plumes.
(2002-03-01)The propagation of wavelike disturbances in thermal plumes conduit is studied in laboratory experiments and numerical simulations. In experiments thermal plumes are created by injecting hot ... -
Plate tectonics in computational simulations of terrestrial mantle convection with grain-size-dependent rheology
(2002-01-22)This thesis investigates a new model to improve plate-like behavior of the lithosphere in two-dimensional mantle convection simulations. Satisfactory plate-like behavior includes localized ... -
Disc accretion onto white dwarfs
(2001-02-16)In non-magnetic cataclysmic variables (CVs) a white dwarf accretes matter from a main-sequence secondary star via an accretion disc. The dynamical behaviour of the accretion disc determines ... -
Der Einfluss von Rotation auf Konvektion und Kristallisation eines binären eutektischen Systems in Hinblick auf den Erdkern
(2000-09-22)In the cooling Earth the fluid outer core consists of a molten alloy over the solidifying inner core. Here, compositional convection due to the preferential solidification of the heavy phase ...